
    • Examine the importance of physical activity in your own life.
    • Describe physical development of infants and toddlers.
    • Recognize ways physical development affects other areas of development.




    Take a moment to think about activities you participate in regularly. Household chores? Walking? Running? Gardening? Shoveling snow? Being physically active does not mean we have to run a marathon. Do you consider yourself naturally active? You might be saying, “I’m so busy, it’s ridiculous!”


    Infant and Toddler Physical Growth and Development

    Physical development是指运动技能的进步和改进,或者换句话说,儿童使用和控制身体的能力。物理发展是婴儿和幼儿发展的众多领域之一。它涉及身体的生长和技能,包括大脑,肌肉和感官。例如,婴儿了解世界,因为他们培养了他们的身体感官,触摸,闻,声音和品味。事实上,婴儿在他们出生之前可以听到很好。新生儿喜欢看面部,并将寻求很早的东西。婴儿可以在出生后几天内识别母亲的气味和声音的声音。从出生时,婴儿了解他们周围的世界,随着婴儿开始探索的,迅速发展,发展和学习的能力。

    Gross-motor skillsfine-motor skillsare developed during infancy and toddlerhood. Gross-motor skills involve the mastery of large muscle movements, as well as the building of strength in muscle groups like the arms, legs, and core. Examples of such skills for infants and toddlers include reaching, rolling, crawling, and climbing. Fine-motor skills involve smaller, more precise movements, particularly movements of the hands and fingers, such as grasping. As their bodies grow, infants and toddlers progressively strengthen their muscles and become better able to control their bodies. Each new motor skill that is developed is the result of an earlier skill and a contributor to new skills. Newborn infants do not have the strength to hold up their heads, however as they learn and develop control of muscles, they will be able to support their heads and move them from side to side to explore. Skill mastery and development are also the result of brain growth and development. Consider an infant who is starting to walk while holding on to couches and round-edged tables. This child must have acquired strength in the large muscles and a certain level of control over body movement. At the same time, the child also relies on vision to determine where to walk and what to cling onto. As infants and toddlers grow, their bodies and minds become capable of simple and mildly-complex movement and experiences.


    Below you will find the typical progression of gross- and fine-motor skills in infants and toddlers, respectively.

    手到嘴Reach MidlineMove ObjectsPincer GraspScribble

    Importance of Physical Growth and Development

    Preparing infants and toddlers for school requires more than developing a set of skills; it includes physical development and health. When an infant or toddler is healthy and happy, he or she is more likely to engage in learning. Physical development and health can help prepare infants and toddlers for activities that support language development, social skills, and other areas of learning for school success.

    While there is not one particular area of development that determines later school success, research highlights the importance of supporting a strong foundation by promoting healthy physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. During infancy, foundations are created and built upon as other areas of development progress, such as physical and motor development. For example, young children will develop the abilities to balance, crawl, and walk from their foundational reflex responses. When infants and toddlers are able to move on their own, they are able to explore and contribute to their cognitive development in a way that was not possible when they were unable to walk or crawl.


    Exploration Limited motor development and skills can mean limited exploration of the environment.
    Cognitive Development Limited exploration can mean limited experiences. For example, learning about cause and effect (a contributor to cognitive development) can be limited merely because of restricted “experiments” with the things nearby.
    Social Development 一岁的人只能观察其他孩子在他的视线范围内的戏剧。这会影响特定社交技能的发展。
    情绪发展 The child depends on other people in his environment to provide stimulation. This can affect emotional development, as it may be difficult for the child to make his or her own way in the world and achieve autonomy

    Below, you will see some of the different ways that physical development is connected to other areas of development:

    How does physical development affect other areas of development for infants and toddlers?

    Physical development is connected to cognitive development (thinking skills) in infants.




    Infant motor development is connected to emotional development.

    Mastery motivation is the internal drive to successfully complete tasks, such as mastering motor skills. Infants display more mastery motivation behaviors (e.g., smiling and persistence) when they engage in new, challenging motor tasks rather than when they use familiar and previously learned skills (Mayes & Zigler, 2006).

    Motor development is connected to social development in toddlers.

    Children use specific behaviors involving motor skills to connect with their peers. For example, one- and two-year olds bounce a ball to capture peers’ attention.

    Additional examples include:

    • As infants grasp toys with their fingers and hands, they are building small-muscle (fine-motor) skills, which will help them hold crayons and pencils as they get older (communication).
    • Toddlers begin scribbling, which leads to writing their names and other words as they get older (communication).
    • As mobile infants roll a ball back and forth with their caregiver, they learn how to take turns and play with others (social development).
    • 随着幼儿在户外推动马车的推动和拉扯一位朋友,他们了解与他人的关系并等待转弯(社会发展)。



    Physical Development - Its Connection to Other Areas of Development

    Watch this video to learn how physical development is linked to other areas of development.


    There are many things you can do to help infants and toddlers develop physically in your program:

    • Support infants’ bodies and heads when you hold them.
    • Help the infant see your face when you talk and play with her or him.
    • Hold onto the infant’s or toddler’s feet and rotate them gently as you sing songs like “The Wheels on the Bus.”
    • Provide many opportunities to practice and use new skills, such as sitting up on your lap as you support an infant’s neck and back (between 4 and 6 months).
    • Spend time together on the floor and provide tummy time.
    • Place things nearby and offer opportunities and chances for infants to reach for things.
    • Create safe areas for infants to crawl around and explore.
    • Offer teething rings, sucking toys, rattles, and other things to reach and grab.
    • Share toys with knobs and buttons.
    • Introduce toddlers to stacking and connecting toys.
    • Spend time with toddlers using four-wheeled riding toys.

    Completing this Course

    For more information on what to expect in this course, the Physical DevelopmentCompetency Reflection,伴随着学习的列表, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Infant & Toddler Physical DevelopmentCourse Guide.

    Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.



    下载并打印讲义,Supporting Physical Development,这概述了您在考虑婴儿和幼儿的物理发展时可以问自己的问题。回答问题,然后与主管,培训师或教练分享您的思想和答复。



    Download and print theOvercoming Barriers to Being Activequiz from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which lists reasons people give to describe why they do not get as much physical activity as they think they should. Read through each statement and think about how likely you are to say each of the statements. Next, identify any key barriers you might be experiencing. Are they what you expected? What will you do next?


    Term Description
    Physical development 在孩子们的进步和完善or skills, or in other words, children’s abilities to use and control their bodies




    True or False? Infants explore the world around them through their senses.


    A few families in your infant-toddler program have asked what they can do at home to support their infants’ physical development. You suggest the following:


    你的同事,塔里亚,绕着room talking and singing to the babies in her care. What do you say to her about this?

    References & Resources:


    Lokken, G. (2000). The Playful Quality of the Toddling “Style.”Qualitative Studies in Education, 13:531–542.

    Mayes, L. C., & Zigler, E. (2006). An Observational Study of the Affective Concomitants of Mastery in Infants.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 33659-667。

    Ward, M., Lee, S., & Lipper, E. (2000). Failure to Thrive is Associated with Disorganized Infant-Mother Attachment and Unresolved Maternal Attachment.Infant Mental Health Journal, 21(6): 428-442.

    Waters, E., Weinfield, N., & Hamilton, C. (2000). The Stability of Attachment from Infancy to Adolescence and Early Adulthood: General Discussion.Child Development, 71(3), 703-706.

    Zeanah, C. (Ed.). (2000).Handbook of infant mental health(2nd ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.