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    • Identify infant and toddler physical and motor developmental milestones and ways to support development for all infants and toddlers.
    • 描述大脑在婴儿和幼儿身体发展中的作用。
    • 认识到物理增长和发展的影响。


    体育发展From the Start


    从出生,婴儿想探索他们的世界。While each child has his or her own schedule for development and mastering new skills, infants are often eager early on to move their mouths, eyes and bodies toward people and objects that comfort or interest them. They continue to practice skills that let them move closer to desired objects. Ongoing observation and frequent conversations with their families can help you learn what infants and toddlers are able to do, what they are learning to do, and in what areas they could use your support.


    Influences on Early Physical Growth and Development


    Examples of Physical Development Milestones – Infants and Toddlers


    • Holds head up with support
    • 在躺在肚子上开始推高
    • Makes smoother movements with arms and legs


    • Holds head steady without support
    • 当脚在硬表面上时,向下推
    • 从肚子上滚动回来
    • 持有和摇动玩具,在悬空玩具上摇摆
    • Brings hands to mouth
    • Pushes up to elbows when lying on tummy

    6 Months

    • 从胃部滚动到胃部,从回到胃
    • Begins to sit with support
    • Supports weight on legs when standing and might bounce
    • 岩石来回摇滚,有时在向前移动之前爬行


    • 爬行
    • Sits without support
    • 用支撑进入坐姿
    • Stands, holding on to adult or furniture for support
    • 拉起


    • 在没有支持的情况下进入坐姿
    • 拉起站立并独自走在家具时
    • Takes few steps without support of adult or furniture
    • Stands alone

    18 Months

    • 独自走路
    • Pulls toys while walking
    • Helps undress self
    • Drinks from a cup
    • 用勺子吃


    • 开始运行
    • 从没有支持的家具上爬上和下来
    • Walks up and down starts while holding on for support
    • Throws ball overhand
    • 绘制或复制直线和圆圈
    • Stands on tiptoes
    • 踢球

    Keep in mind that the milestones above are simply the average ages at which specific development is observed.

    Certain conditions must exist for an infant or toddler to grow and develop. A young child’s basic needs, or physical needs, include:

    • 食物(营养和年龄适用)
    • Shelter (protection from harm)
    • Warmth
    • 清洁空气和环境
    • 健康和牙科护理
    • Activity and rest

    We also know that the way we ourselves were raised is important to our understanding of how and in what contexts children develop. The values and beliefs held by our family and culture contribute to our knowledge of growth and development.


    Because culture shapes so many parts of an infant’s and toddler’s development, you must understand the practices, beliefs and values of the families you support. Without this understanding, it is difficult to interpret the infant’s or toddler’s behaviors and development. For example, you may believe it is important to help toddlers learn to become independent and begin to feed themselves using fine motor skills. A family, however, may not view independence as important because they believe it is more valuable to depend upon one another.


    • 产前护理和发展那including genetic inheritance, family patterns, exposure to drugs and alcohol; birth experience
    • 早产儿(发育38周前的出生)和低出生体重可能会带来呼吸困难,视觉问题,喂养和消化问题
    • 气质,或婴儿或幼儿的方式接近他或她的世界
    • 家庭的构成,生活方式,教育和住房水平
    • 成熟,或反映生长和发育模式的生物元素序列
    • 发展延误或残疾,包括健康问题

    You can also review the handoutInfant and Toddler Physical Developmentto learn even more about important milestones in physical development, as well as variations in timing and rate of physical development of infants and toddlers.

    The Brain’s Role in Physical Development

    你可以很容易地观察到婴儿运动with their bodies and refining their physical skills. Thanks to advances in research and technology, we can now also see how the brain changes and grows as young children develop. At birth, the brain is 25 percent of its adult size and by age 5, it reaches 90 percent of adult size. Early-life interactions and experiences of infants and toddlers help them make sense of the world and form connections between the different parts of the brain.

    These supportive experiences and connections help foster more coordination and stronger muscles. Research tells us that as infants repeat and practice different movements, such as turning their heads or reaching for an object, they are building and maintaining connections between brain cells. In essence, the brain is busy making sense of the experience.


    Supporting Physical Development for All Learners


    Signs of Impaired Physical Development - Infants & Toddlers

    By 3 months

    • Does not notice hands
    • 不能很好地支持
    • Not using hands to grasp or hold objects


    • Difficulty sucking
    • Not gaining weight or growing in height
    • 没有回应声音和声音
    • 不会把物体带到嘴里
    • 不会从前面滚动或返回到前面
    • Stiff limbs (arms, legs)
    • Weak limbs (arms, legs)
    • Not using hands to grasp or hold objects


    • 不指向沟通需求或想法
    • Not crawling or sitting on own
    • Not picking up small objects

    By 18 months

    • 没有模仿
    • 不玩玩具
    • Not scribbling or picking up objects to, for example, put in a container
    • 不喂


    • Not physically active
    • Not scribbling or stacking blocks
    • 没有兴趣玩玩具
    • 额外敏感或避免各种纹理

    By 36 months

    • Clumsy or inactive
    • 不喂自己
    • 没有帮助着装或脱衣服的自我
    • 对使用各种玩具不感兴趣

    Delays in physical development may affect more than gross- and fine-motor skills. For example, if an infant is unable to smile at her or his parents or lift her or his arms to be picked up, this could impact social and emotional development (e.g., relationship building).


    体育发展as it Unfolds: Milestones



    您如何确保您提供适当的经验,以支持婴儿和蹒跚学步的身体发展?花点时间阅读并审查以下网页的指导方针(健康和体育和体育和体育和体育和体育教育协会,或NASPE):。Next, try one or more of the following activities with the infants or toddlers in your care:

    • 当一个婴儿醒着和活跃时,提供“肚子时间” - 将婴儿放在他或她的肚子上的地板上
    • Hold an infant or dance with a toddler to music — toddlers can swing colorful scarves in the air or jump on bubble wrap while the music is playing
    • 提供手指和其他运动体验,其中移动婴儿和幼儿可以使用他们的身体
    • 在婴儿的婴儿床上使用彩色手机,以便他们可以尝试伸手和掌握或踢脚
    • Have toddlers experience kicking, catching, rolling, and bouncing balls
    • Encourage toddlers to scribble with crayons

    Once finished, share your experience and what you learned with a supervisor, trainer or coach.



    Download and print the handout,情景 - 毛细管开发。阅读方案后,考虑在整个课程中学到的内容。哪些特征或行为将被认为是精细电机技能,其将被认为是毛毛技能?写下这些,然后考虑可能的方式,你可以支持这些幼儿中的每一个。您还可以查看学习部分的讲义以获取其他想法。

    Once finished, share your thoughts and responses with a supervisor, trainer or coach.



    下载并打印以下资源并考虑在课堂上使用它们。你可以使用里程碑时刻document to monitor children’s physical development in your classroom. The second document,What Grown-Ups Understand About Child Development,是一部分赞助的全国基准调查,分为零三。阅读关于这项研究的一些调查结果,并更多地考虑您与家庭的工作以及您正在收集信息的方式以及与他们分享信息,就您关心的婴儿和幼儿的物理开发。


    Term 描述
    发展里程碑 大多数孩子在某个年龄范围内可以做的一套技能或行为
    Fine-motor development 涉及允许儿童在手臂,手和手指中使用较小的肌肉的技能的发展,这些技巧允许孩子执行绘图,用剪刀切割,串珠,捆扎,拉链或塑料粘土
    大型电机开发 涉及在腿部或臂中使用大肌肉以及一般力量和耐力的技能的发展;此类技能的例子包括跳跃,投掷,攀爬,跑步,跳跃或踢
    Rooting reflex 婴儿对触摸她或他的脸颊的东西的转向
    Sucking reflex 一个婴儿吮吸触摸她或他的嘴唇的东西




    真的or False? Infants develop from the top and then move down (starting at the head and neck, then the shoulders, knees, and toes).


    Which of the following is not a factor that may influence the physical development of infants and toddlers?


    Finish this statement. It is important to understand how culture influences an infant’s or toddler’s development because. . .


    艾伦,K.E.,&Marotz,L.(2001)。By the ages: Behavior and development of children pre-birth through eight.克利夫顿公园,纽约:Thomson Delmar学习。狗万app怎么下载

    Berger, S.E., & Adolph, K.E. (2003). Infants Use Handrails as Tools in a Locomotor Task.发展心理学39.:5.94-605.

    Blakemore,C.(2003)。运动对学习至关重要。狗万app怎么下载74刊/休闲娱乐,74(9): 22-25, 41.

    Bosco, F. M., Friedman, O., & Leslie, A. M. (2006). Recognition of pretend and real actions in play by 1- and 2-year-olds: Early success and why they fail.Cognitive Development, 21:1-10。

    Bourgeois,K. S.,Akhawar,A. W.,Neal,S. A.,&Lockman,J. J.(2005)。婴儿手动探索物体,表面及其相互关系。Infancy, 8:233-252。

    Claxton, L. J., Keen, R., & McCarty, M. E. (2003). Evidence of motor planning in infant reaching behavior.心理科学,14:3.5.4.-356.

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    Comfort,R. L.(2005)。狗万app怎么下载学习玩:在寄养的幼儿中剥夺剥夺。Zero to Three, 25:50-53。

    病房,M.,Lee,S.,&Lipper,E。(2000)。未能茁壮成长与混乱的婴儿母亲附件和未解决的母体附件有关。婴儿心理健康杂志,21(6): 428-442.

    Waters,E.,Weinfield,N.,&Hamilton,C。(2000)。从临床到青春期结束期末临床的稳定性:一般性讨论。Child Development, 71(3):703-706。

    Zeanah, C. (Ed.). (2000).婴儿心理健康的手册(2nd ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.