
    • Examine ways adult caregivers can care for their own bodies.
    • 描述婴儿,幼儿及其家人的健康习惯的发展。
    • Identify approaches and strategies to encourage and support healthy physical activity and development of infants, toddlers and their families.




    Infants and toddlers grow and develop best in loving, stable, nurturing environments. You, as the adult caregiver, can help infants, toddlers and their families further develop their foundations for future healthy physical growth and development. In your high-quality early care and learning setting, you can create opportunities for infants and toddlers to experience physically healthy approaches to learning and development by first caring for yourself.


    As an infant and toddler caregiver, you do a lot! You help provide a nurturing, stable, and responsive learning environment for infants, toddlers and their families. You respond to their needs quickly and appropriately. Think about the physical energy it takes to care for infants who can’t hold up their own heads or 2-year-olds who can run and jump. Caring in this way for infants and toddlers means it’s essential that you take care of yourself too.


    您关心自己身体和物理发展的方式非常重要,因为护理关系是对儿童早年发生的学习和增长的重大影响。狗万app怎么下载您对婴儿和幼儿的关系质量直接连接到您的身体和心理健康。花点时间阅读附件,Taking Care of Ourselves,了解照顾身体和身体健康的方法,包括处理压力的方法。

    Healthy Active Living for Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families

    Children who are physically active during their early years and remain active throughout childhood are likely to experience many positive benefits to their physical health and development, such as building strength, flexibility and endurance, and developing and maintaining healthy bones (Ganley & Sherman, 2000). Being physically active supports other areas of growth and development, too, including emotional health, including reducing feelings of anxiety and depression (Ganley & Sherman, 2000).


    Learn more about the ways in which adults play an important role in helping infants and toddlers develop physical skills and experience joy from physical activity by downloading and reading the handout,Physical Fitness in Infants and Toddlers. Intentionally creating time for the development of physical skills will help this become a regular part of a healthy lifestyle. You can also access the Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures website here:https://healthykidshealthyfuture.org/5-healthy-goals/get-kids-moving/to get ideas about how to promote healthy eating and exercise habits for the children in your care.

    Encouraging and Supporting Healthy Physical Development and Activity for Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families

    鼓励和支持健康的身体发展pment and activity for infants, toddlers, and their families happens through the relationships you have developed. For example, by building trusting relationships with infants and toddlers, you help them feel safe to explore and experiment throughout the environment. As they explore and experiment with the things they encounter, they have opportunities to develop and strengthen skills. As infants move their arms, legs, and heads toward familiar people, they are developing their large-motor muscles, which helps them as they begin to learn how to crawl, sit, pull themselves up, and then walk.

    Through your relationship with infants and toddlers, you also have the opportunity to respond, notice, and encourage their efforts. Asking questions of families and sharing information from your observations also provides an opportunity to continue responding to each individual infant or toddler in your care. You can learn even more about building trusting relationships with families in Lesson Three of the Infant & Toddler Families course.

    Encouraging and supporting infant and toddler healthy physical development includes:

    • Learning from families – Take time to understand the family’s perspective and thoughts on the importance of physical development and on the experiences and opportunities that support physical growth and development.
    • Understanding the milestones – Infants and toddlers reach developmental milestones at different ages, developing and mastering skills in their own way. Keep in mind that the developmental milestones you are familiar with may not apply or be relevant for each family.
    • Observing and adapting – Listen to and observe how infants and toddlers use their senses and motor skills to learn. Adapt your caregiving strategies to fit their needs.“You ran so quickly to the slide. Would you like to try hopping to the slide this time?” “Those are a lot of steps to climb. I can help you by holding your hand as you walk up?”
    • Reflecting on what you see and hear – Take time to reflect on your observations. Consider the experiences you offer for physical growth and development, your own comfort with movement, and your attitudes toward safety and risk taking
    • 与婴儿和幼儿分享,你注意到他们做什么 -“My goodness, Sarah, you are working so hard! Keep reaching…you are almost there…you did it! You reached and grabbed the rattle!” “You have a big smile on your face! You pulled yourself up…all by yourself and now you’re standing!”






    Strategies for Staying Physically Healthy

    休息 Take time to rest and get the sleep your body needs each night.
    Reflect Reflect on all of the things you do in your role as a caregiver. Write down your responsibilities and the benefits and positive aspects in your role.
    Eat Food is fuel to the body – make sure you are eating regularly and maintaining a healthy diet.
    Exercise Exercise daily.
    Develop community 想想你生命中的人们帮助你的成长和发展 - 发送谢谢你注意让他们知道你有多欣赏他们的支持。
    关系 Think about ways to spend time and build relationships with coworkers. Find time to talk and take a short walk together after a stressful day.
    Support groups Create a physical wellness group for caregivers and people you work with — talk about what is stressful in your work, share and practice relaxation and calming techniques.

    For additional ideas on self-care, take theSocial Emotional Learning for Teachers (SELF-T) course on the Focused Topics track of the Virtual Lab School.



    下载并打印讲义,Considering Our Responses. Read through the scenarios and think about how you might respond in the situation and how your response affects the physical growth and development of the infant or toddler. Answer the questions and then share your thoughts and responses with a supervisor, trainer, or coach.



    下载并打印讲义,Taking Care of Ourselves,这是一本由乔治城大学幼儿心理健康咨询创建的小册子。本手册可以帮助您了解如何识别您的压力来源,并学习减少压力的策略。回答问题,然后与主管,培训师或教练分享您的思想和答复。




    Finish this statement: If I place importance on my own physical health, I will. . .




    You notice Simone, a 24-month-old toddler, can easily run to the slide and climb up the ladder. An example of what you might say to encourage Simone in her physical development is…

    References & Resources:


    健康孩子的行动。(2019)。Tip sheets: Before and after school activities.https://www.actionforhealthykids.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/TS_Before-and-After-School-Activities_v2.pdf

    美国儿科学院。(2008)。婴幼儿,儿童和青少年健康监理的光明期货准则(3rd ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL.

    American College of Sports Medicine.ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription(8th ed.). 2009.

    Bower J. K, Hales D. P., Tate D. F., Rubin D. A., Benjamin S. E., Ward D. W. (2008). The childcare environment and children's physical activity.34岁的美国预防医学杂志》(1):23-29。

    Child Care Aware (2020). Health Resources and Links. Retrieved fromhttps://www.childcareaware.org/library/

    Ganley T.&Sherman C.(2000)。运动和儿童的健康。医生和体育医学杂志,February.

    Liddle T. L.,Yorke L.(2004)。为什么运动技能问题:改善您孩子的体育发展,以提高学习和自尊。狗万app怎么下载New York: McGraw-Hill.

    Nemours Children's Health System. (2020). Healthy kids, healthy future.
    Retrieved fromhttps://healthykidshealthyfuture.org/

    President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sport. Health benefits of physical activity during childhood and adolescents. Retrieved fromhttp://www.fitness.gov。2013年10月访问。

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1996).Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General.