As you think about curriculum for the infants and toddlers in your care, try to use their interests as the focus of your planning. After you read the following pages, describe how you might use a child’s interests to plan developmentally appropriate experiences.
All of the following excerpts are based on the NAEYC article “Following a Child’s Lead: Emergent Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers” compiled by Susan Friedman and Michelle Soltero originally available on Young Children on the Web July 2006:
ob回应婴儿幼儿教师让小心servations about each child in their care to understand what ignites a child’s interest, what motivates them, and what their needs and feelings are. Responsive teachers allow each child’s interests and motivations to flourish as they use those interests to guide the curriculum. Observing a child’s interests and being responsive to those interests is crucial particularly for children under age two. When a child’s interests are honored at this life stage, it enables a positive developing sense of self; they learn about the world, guided by their interests, and at the pace at which they develop those interests. They learn that they are active participants in the world and their ideas matter.
What does such an emergent curriculum look like in infant and toddler classrooms? In the illustrative examples excerpted from the article mentioned above, infant/toddler teachers describe how they planned or adjusted the curriculum to follow a child’s particular interest or need. Responsive teachers use observation, knowledge, and creativity to find ways to fill the emotional and learning needs of every child in their care. Read these vignettes:
A group of children show a natural interest in learning more about snails, bugs, worms, and other small creatures they find outdoors.
A group of two-year-olds began to show interest in a snail. Some children had no interest in touching the snail, but two-year-old Tessa remarked that said she had a lot of snails outside at home. Tessa showed the other children how to touch a snail. Master Teacher Gomez took note of the children’s growing interest which ultimately supported a semester-long study about a variety of small creatures that live outdoors. A parent became engaged and shared a salamander. The children created habitats for the creatures, offered what food they suspected the creatures might eat, and learned how to gently touch the creatures. Their interest fueled sophisticated learning such as how to make and test their predictions, and how to be gentle with others.
An 18-month-old child pinches other children so fiercely that children are afraid to be near.
Suggest ways of touching other children that don’t hurt. Offer safe pinching materials like the creative solution, “the pinching sock,” or playdough for the child to explore. For example:
大师老师aldridge观察到那个18个月的克里斯如此努力地捏着其他孩子,所以害怕靠近她。aldridge与其他教师咨询,试图了解克里斯和她的捏。他们确定克里斯表达了两件事。首先,克里斯想了解更多关于她同学的更多信息。其次,克里斯正在探索她的精细运动技能。当克里斯接近另一个孩子时,教师帮助克里斯学会与同学一起与同学进行社交互动。然后,他们将通过制定诸如“你现在站在萨拉旁边的评论来模仿互动。让我们打招呼萨拉。“克里斯然后说,“嗨,嗨。”为了帮助学习软触摸,Aldridge会建议触摸那种不伤害的方法,如“我们应该问Sara,如果我们可以触摸她的手臂吗?” They also talked about how to predict how another child might feel if pinched instead of touched gently. For example, she said, “I remember yesterday you pinched Sara and she cried. Remember how she cried? I also remember how today you patted her arm gently, and she laughed. Let’s try touching her gently again.” The next set of questions, about fine-motor skills, was solved creatively. First, at circle time, a story was told using dolls about how it feels to be pinched. Second, the teachers introduced “pinching socks.” These socks were hung on a piece of twine along the wall, within reach. Each sock contained different material and different textures, soft things like cotton balls, crunchy textures like crinkly paper, etc. The children enjoyed feeling the different textures and listening to the different sound each material made when pinched. This creative solution honored Chris’ interests and needs, and let her know her interest in pinching could continue, only not on people.
Allow children to make safe and choices and explore physical science concepts with teacher support. For example:
Cooper, a toddler, noticed a gopher hole in a garden patch. The responsive teacher Aldridge talked about who lived in the hole, and when Cooper tried to put his hand in the hole, Aldridge explained that she wasn’t comfortable with that because the gopher might respond with a bite. Cooper solved the problem on his own by experimenting with a long spoon. Aldridge wanted to ward off any possible gopher interaction, so suggested they walk around the yard and find as many holes as Cooper could find. Cooper enjoyed this activity very much as he made discoveries about spatial reasoning, such as ‘what fits into what?. Cooper also learned that teachers are there to help ensure your safety.
A child with attachment and separation anxiety.
Encourage their natural interests. A child’s natural interest can develop in a way to help them focus less on a need for physical contact with the teachers and more on other developing interests. For example:
Now read the following scenarios and describe how you might use this child’s interests to plan developmentally appropriate experiences.
Two-year-old Marrieah repeatedly splashes other children at the sink area when washing her hands for snack or after using the bathroom. She also enjoys running over to the water table and dropping baby dolls and other toys repeatedly into the water. The children at the sink and water table become frustrated with Marrieah and usually end up crying or yelling at her. How might you use Marrieah’s interest in water to plan developmentally appropriate experiences for her?
自从Marrieah水是如此感兴趣,你开启t try planning experiences where it is okay to get objects wet. Provide Marrieah with a small basin and gather an assortment of items that can be washed: play silverware from the housekeeping center, baby dolls who need a “bath,” cars and trucks that need to go to the “carwash”, etc. At the sink area you can also teach Marrieah some songs about water that you can sing together as she washes her hands.
Eighteen-month-old Cody enjoys repeatedly dropping his sippy cup from his high chair. You have tried keeping the sippy cup on the nearby counter until Cody asks for his cup, but he drops it to the floor as soon as you hand it to him. How might you use Cody’s interest in dropping objects to plan developmentally appropriate experiences for him?
Since Cody enjoys dropping items, watching them fall, and having his caregiver hand the item back to him, you might try gathering a bin of items that Cody can drop, watch as they fall, and then have his caregiver hand back to him. Possible items include various sizes of balls, soft blocks, plastic dishes, soft dolls, etc.