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    • Describe how the environment keeps infants and toddlers safe.
    • 确定您对婴儿和幼儿保证环境安全的作用。
    • Apply the information from this lesson to keep infants and toddlers safe.




    Take a walk through any home improvement store, and you are likely to see the word “security” over and over again. You can find security lights, fences, doors, locks, windows, cameras, alarms, and even mailboxes. Why is security so important to us? We all have a need to feel safe in our environment. We prefer well-lit parking lots. We like parks with clearly marked trails. We look for places that allow us to recognize and respond to any danger.

    Just like adults, children need environments that help them feel secure. Children depend on adults to meet their basic needs: food, water, shelter, clothing. They also depend on us to protect them from harm. Feeling safe opens the door for children to build relationships, become confident, and meet their potential (Maslow, 1943, 1945). We cannot expect children to learn if they do not feel safe.

    Infants and toddlers are true explorers. They explore with all their senses, including taste. Once they are mobile, they search every nook and cranny. The environment must be ready to be explored, and you must be ready to supervise.

    The term环境指整体上的教室以及包括玩具的物理结构,设备,家具和材料。


    Infants and toddlers do not have the practical experiences adults have had in their interactions with the world around them to know what may cause injury. Child development is a factor in the risk of injury. Development occurs in stages and it will be a while before infants and toddlers develop the thinking and reasoning ability to keep themselves safe. As infants and toddlers develop their understanding of the world around, they become more aware of what is safe and what is not. Adults therefore are 100 percent responsible for creating and maintaining a safe environment.

    Here are few things to keep in mind:

    • 婴儿和幼儿无法预测危险情况。婴儿和幼儿无法看到他们的互动中的原因效果关系。
    • Infants and toddlers have a limited vocabulary and may not understand sentences like “That is dangerous.”
    • 婴儿和幼儿缺乏对他们不能总是阻止行动冲动,即使在不安全的情况下的那一点的冲动控制。
    • 婴儿和幼儿的协调能力有限并保持平衡。


    How do we keep infants and toddlers safe indoors? We can think about this question on two levels. First, we think about our facilities. Second, we think about the spaces and materials we provide in the classroom.



    Watch this video to observe safety features that keep infants and toddlers safe.


    Unforeseen Safety Hazards

    Hazards in the environment pop up throughout the day for many reasons:

    • janitorial员工删除电源插座覆盖物真空,不要更换它们,或者移动设备以进行清洁,而未正确复位。
    • A teacher accidently leaves disinfecting solution on an art table while helping a child in distress.
    • An ink pen falls unnoticed from a clipboard.
    • 一个孩子从玩具车上弹出一个轮子。
    • A child drops a toy in the fall zone of the climber.
    • 高脚椅带扣休息。
    • A child learns to climb for the first time.

    These are just a few of the incidents that can occur. By being aware of safety issues and taking precautions, you can be ready for these unforeseen events.

    Known Safety Hazards

    Safety hazards are present in every child-care environment and are most commonly associated with the physical structure of a room. For example, are chemicals stored out of reach of children? Safety hazards also include:

    • 家具和家具展示位置。
    • 在环境中使用的教师材料。
    • Toys and materials children explore.



    This teacher remains aware of a known hazard and helps the toddlers make a safer choice.

    See the document室内安全危险有关一些室内危险的名单。请记住,没有列表可以捕获每一个危险或潜在的危险。考虑儿童不断变化的行为,他们的发展,新兴技能以及与环境的可能互动,以帮助您意识到危险情况。

    Hazards in Routine Care

    Routine care, such as meals and snacks, diapering, toileting, tummy time and nap present their own hazards. Active supervision during routine care is essential. See the室内安全危险list for routine care hazards.


    Toys and materials should meet safety regulations and be appropriate for the age and development of children using them. Check age guidelines on all materials, including art and sensory materials. Do a daily toy check for missing and broken pieces. It is best not to try to repair; repaired pieces can easily come undone. Scan the environment and materials throughout the day for damaged items. For more information about safe toys and materials refer to:


    Manufacturers by law must notify the public of toys and equipment that are recalled. Your supervisor will inform you if there are recalled items in your room so they can be removed.

    A list of recalls can be found at

    Choking Hazards





    The world for children looks much different than the view adults have when looking down. To see what hazards lie in wait for infants and toddlers, get on their level. Take a tour of your room on your knees to see what they see.


    When it comes to ensuring safe indoor environments, I always do the following:

    • I conduct a safety checklist daily before children arrive.
    • I lock away any items that could be dangerous to curious infants (purses, medication, etc.).
    • 我对安全问题通过监视我的教室out the day and correct them immediately.



    Completing this Course

    For more information on what to expect in this course and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Infant and Toddler Safe Environments课程指南








    • Health and Safety in Family Child Care Home—Participant Guide. Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, 2010


    Term 描述
    Choke tube Also known as a choke-test cylinder, a tube for testing small items with an interior diameter of 1.25 inches and a slanted bottom with a depth ranging from 1 to 2.25 inches. This cylinder is designed to approximate the size of a fully expanded throat of a child under 3 years old. If the toy or any part of the toy—including any parts that separate during “use and abuse” testing—fits inside choke test tube, the product is a choking hazard and is banned for children under the age of 3
    Cognitive 涉及思维技能,记忆,解决问题的儿童发展的发展领域,以及导致和效应和关注和持久性
    Fall zone The area around and under climbing, sliding, or swinging equipment where protective surfaces are required to prevent injury from falls. The fall zone should be cleared of items that children may fall onto or run into
    脉冲控制 Also known as emotional self-regulation, part of a child’s emotional development involving the child managing his or her behavior. Infants show very early signs of controlling some impulses when supported by a caregiver. By 36 months, a toddler has internalized some rules so he or she doesn’t always need as much support when trying to control behavior






    Which of the following are safety hazards in an infant and toddler care setting?


    Finish this statement: A choke tube tests for…


    American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. 2011.Caring for Our Children: National health and safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs. 3rd edition.Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. Also available at

    Cryer, D., Harms, T., & Riley, C. (2004).All About the ITERS-R.New York, NY: Teacher's College Press.

    Cryer, T., Clifford, D., & Harms, R. M. (2006).婴儿/幼儿环境评级规模修订版。New York, NY: Teacher's College Press.

    National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. Caring for Our Children. (2011). Chapter 5: Facilities, Supplies, Equipment, and Environmental Health. Retrieved from

    Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (2010).Health and Safety in Family Child Care Home-Participant Guide

    Ohio's Infant & Toddler Guidelines; OCCRRA, Columbus, 2006

    United States Product Consumer Safety Commission