
    • 为婴儿和幼儿描述并描述自我感。
    • Reflect on your experiences, relationships and perceptions that shaped your own sense of self and understand how this affects the work you do with infants and toddlers.
    • 定义弹性及其对婴儿和幼儿照顾者的工作的重要性。
    • Identify ways culture and early experiences influence a sense of self for infants, toddlers, and their families.





    随着年龄的增长,我们倾向于拥有思想和得出关于我们作为一个人的思想以及我们在特定角色的人(例如,作为父母或工作)。花点时间写下八到十个单词或短语,描述你的那种人。你是怎么形容自己的?有趣的?聪明的?精力充沛?灵活的?情绪化的?您的一些答案可能反映了特定的个性特征,但您的所有描述都提供了窗户进入自我感觉。本课程将帮助您更好地了解自我的概念以及如何与您自己的能力,自信和福祉相关。 It will also help explain how a sense of self develops for infants and toddlers and what it means for you as an infant and toddler caregiver.


    根据沟通障碍的研究员,根据Mark Ylvisaker的说法,我们的自我感包括我们认为最重要的作用,属性,行为和关联。帮助发展我们的人的例子包括我们的职业,爱好,隶属关系,能力,人格特征和精神信仰。我们如何识别以及我们对自己的感受如何主要是我们环境和立即环境的结果。例如,如果您是令人鼓舞或培育环境的一部分,您更有可能对您的能力感到接受和自信。虽然您是一个不支持或负面环境的一部分,但您可能难以发现您是谁是由于缺乏接受和鼓励来探索您的兴趣和积极的属性。想想一个你知道谁对她有信心的人或他执行特定任务或技能的能力。此个人机会已获得积极的反馈和其他人的支持,这有助于进一步发展这些技能并培养身份感。

    As we grow and mature over our lifetimes, our identities can also change depending on time and place. Relationships, parenthood, and other life events can help shape our identities. Think back on who you were 10 years ago. Do you feel like the same person now? Whether you were 19 or 59 a decade ago, it is likely that your concept of who you are has changed in some way. Perhaps you have accomplished major goals like earning a degree or starting a family and these events have changed how you see yourself. Perhaps experiences like caring for an aging parent or ending a long-term relationship have called into question things you thought you knew about yourself.


    According to Ylvisaker (2006), there are seven experiences that contribute to the construction of a positive and productive sense of self:

    1. Acceptance and respect:

      The level of acceptance and respect from relevant adults remains a strong contributor to an individual’s sense of personal identity at all ages. Respect for others is communicated through the expression of genuine thoughts and interests as well as holding reasonably high standards for their behaviors and ability levels.

    2. 成功与有意义的任务:


    3. Association of positive role models

      People who are reminded of someone with strong values or great inner strength prior to beginning a difficult task tend to put more effort into the task and achieve at higher levels than if they had not had the positive association before beginning the task.

    4. 诚实的反馈:


    5. Genuinely challenging and meaningful tasks:


    6. 有意义的同伴互动的机会:


    7. 应对失败:



    父母和婴儿之间扮演的舞蹈在出生时提供了一个幼儿,了解她或他是谁,她或他如何适应她的世界,以及她或他可以期待那些人。这些早期的经历来塑造孩子心理学家John Bowby指的是“内部工作模式”。最令人着迷的Bowlby闻名于依恋理论,认为婴儿通过与主要护理人员的附件开发内部工作模型。内部工作模型提供了一种理解和接近持续关系和对自我和他人的理解的框架。通过安全,培养和响应的关系,婴儿可能会培养一种自信感,“我很重要,”“我为”,“我可以让事情发生。”或者,由于不可预测,较少响应的早期互动,婴儿可能会感到恐惧和焦虑,同时将世界视为不安全。

    凭借对响应成年人的照顾和有限的口头沟通技巧,婴儿难以识别和描述他或她自己的方式。According to behavioral scientist John Santrock: “Late in the second year and early in the third year, toddlers show other emerging forms of self-awareness that reflect a sense of ‘me.’ For example, they refer to themselves by saying “Me big”; they label internal experiences such as emotions; they monitor themselves, as when a toddler says, “Do it myself”; and they say that things are theirs.” (Santrock, 2008)”.

    What is Resilience?




    Culture helps define how individuals see themselves and how they relate to others. Remember that individuals differ in many ways: language diversity, cultural diversity, gender diversity, religious diversity, and economic diversity (Selmi, Gallagher, & Mora-Flores, 2015). All of these aspects of diversity work together to form your sense of self.

    重要的是要承认并理解个人可能不会以同样的方式发展自我意识。一个家庭的文化价值观塑造了孩子的自我概念的发展:文化形状我们如何看到自己和他人。例如,一些文化更喜欢儿童在成年人周围安静而尊重。这并不意味着一个安静的孩子缺乏自信心。重要的是要记住,并非所有家庭都强化了各个主义,竞争和自信的主流文化价值。幼儿学习并吸收向他们讲述的故事经常强调家庭的价值观,影响孩子的自我概念。随着孩子的增长和上学,与同龄人一起度过休闲时间,他们得知别人可能没有与家人相同的价值。例如,有些家庭可以重视学者在运动体育运动中,而另一个家庭可以重视艺术和学习乐器。狗万app怎么下载每个家庭在他们的文化背景中影响孩子的自我概念。Young children may describe themselves based upon their family’s values (for example, a young child from a culture that stresses fitting in with others as a strong value may describe herself as “kind” while another child from a culture that stresses individualism may describe herself as “a good runner”). As an infant and toddler caregiver, you assume the important task of nurturing young children’s sense of self, and you must carefully observe and listen to each child.

    Two of the most studied aspects of culture related to the sense of self are independence and interdependence. Independence views individuals as separate from one another, and ideas such as self-esteem, individual choices, and assertiveness are valued. Interdependence means more value is placed on the group, and ideas like conformity, concern for others, and group decision-making are valued. Children come from families and cultures that value independence and interdependence in different ways at different times.

    据发展心理学家Catherine Raeff,文化可以影响你,工作人员和儿童观看:

    • 关系:文化影响你进入和维护关系的方式。例如,关系可以被视为自愿或作为占空比。这影响了成年人如何鼓励孩子形成关系:他们选择与之扮演的人或鼓励儿童在某些方面发挥促进集团福利吗?
    • 人格特质:文化影响是否以及如何与谦卑,自尊,礼貌和自信相同的价值特征。文化也影响了你如何感知困难以及你对依赖他人的感受。
    • 成就:文化影响您如何定义成功以及是否重视某些类型的个人和团体成就。
    • Expressing emotions: Culture influences how and whether you consider feelings public or private.




    Watch this video and reflect on your own sense of self, and how your life experiences and interactions have helped you formed your self-image. Consider all the aspects that influence children’s developing sense of self and think about how you, as a caregiver, contribute to children’s positive self-image.

    婴儿和幼儿: An Introduction To Self



    • 回应婴儿和幼儿的哭声和其他线索,比如当他需要安慰时捡起他。
    • 承认并表现出婴儿和幼儿发现的兴奋。“看看你找到了什么!你爬到了架子上,找到了你最喜欢的球!“
    • Understand and sensitively respond to infants’ and toddler’s temperaments and preferences.
    • Pay attention to infants’ responses to different sounds, textures, sights, etc.

    Completing this Course

    有关本课程中的预期,自我和文化理解的更多信息Competency Reflection以及在整个课程中提供的随附的学习,探索和应用资源和活动列表,参观婴儿和蹒跚学步的自我和文化理解课程指南

    Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.











    真的or False? Early interactions with caregivers may influence an infant’s sense of self.





    References & Resources:

    Raeff, c(2010)。独立和相互依赖in children’s developmental experiences. Child Development Perspectives, 4(1), 31-36.

    Santrock, J.W. (2008)生命跨度发展。New York: McGraw Hill.

    Selmi,A.M.,Gallagher,R.J.,&Mora-Flores,E. R.(2014)。Early Childhood Curriculum for All Learners: Integrating play and literacy activities。SAGE Publications.

    Tugade, M. M., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2004). Resilient individuals use positive emotions to bounce back from negative emotional experiences.人格与社会心理学杂志,86(2), 320.

    Ylvisaker,M。(2006)。Self-Coaching: A context-sensitive, person-centered approach to social communication after traumatic brain injury.Brain Impairment, 7(3) 246-258.
