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    • Describe a sense of self for infants and toddlers.
    • 确定照顾者和家庭如何促进和支持婴幼儿自我意识的发展。
    • Learn ways to address the needs of diverse learners and families.




    Sense of Self – Infants and Toddlers

    As highlighted in Lesson One, a sense of self includes the roles, attributes, behaviors, and associations that we consider most important about ourselves (Ylvisaker, 2006). Many factors develop who we are, including our occupations, hobbies, affiliations, abilities, personality traits, and spiritual beliefs. How we identify ourselves is largely the result of our immediate surroundings and significant relationships, especially for young children. As an infant and toddler caregiver, you have a significant influence on how infants and toddlers perceive and feel about themselves each day they are in your care and long after they depart for kindergarten.

    正如你所知道的,婴儿和学步儿童不断地移动他们的身体,并通过他们的身体表达他们自己。事实上,当婴儿与反应灵敏、关心他人的成年人发展关系时,他们会利用自己的身体来拉近距离,与他人建立联系,或者离开。他们所拥有和帮助创造的每一次经历都有意义,并影响着接下来发生的事情。随着时间的推移,对经历的记忆逐渐累积起来,婴儿开始形成自我意识,或形成自己的内在形象。“这就是我,当我感到安全和快乐的时候,我的护理者紧紧地抱着我,我的脸在微笑。”发展自我意识是许多东西的混合,例如幼儿的气质、感官和身体处理能力,以及周围的社会、情感和身体环境。Donna S.Wittmer和Sandy Petersen指出,“自我意识的发展被理解为发生在与他人的互动中,通过情感交流的瞬间体验。婴儿了解自己就像了解他人的感受一样”(2013年,第120页)。成年人如何培养婴儿和学步儿童有助于为幼儿的成长奠定坚实的基础,并影响幼儿的大脑发育。


    Remembering the Brain



    遗传:忽视的科学The Center of the Developing Child
    at Harvard University\u series/inbrief\u/

    Diverse Learners and Families


    • 为婴幼儿提供可预测的日常活动,强调家庭和护理环境之间的连续性
    • 在护理环境中使用幼儿的家庭语言(例如,为经历痛苦的婴幼儿唱一首熟悉的歌)
    • 将家庭照片放在婴幼儿睡眠区附近
    • Learn words in the infant or toddler’s home language

    In the first lesson, you had a chance to learn more about the ways families and caregiving practices are influenced by culture. For example, one family may value a quiet demeanor in a young child whereas in another family, assertiveness and speaking-up is valued. These values and beliefs guide the ways adults respond to infants and toddlers, which in turn affects the early messages an infant or toddler receives and, in essence, helps define who young children are. Coupled with individual beliefs and values are needs of all young children to help them grow, develop, express emotions and display behaviors in culturally appropriate ways, and develop a sense of self and self-worth. Brazelton and Greenspan (2000) emphasize that when seven irreducible needs (fundamental requirements of a healthy early childhood) are met, young children are able to feel safe and relate to others:

    • Ongoing nurturing relationships
    • Physical protection, safety and regulation
    • 根据个人差异定制的体验
    • Developmentally appropriate experiences
    • 限制设置、结构和期望
    • 稳定的社区和文化连续性
    • 成人保护未来



    As you watch the first video, consider how you help support the diverse set of infants’ or toddlers’ in your setting.



    Next, watch as these caregivers demonstrate and describe ways they use mirrors and pictures to support infants’ and toddlers’ self-knowledge.


    Watch as these caregivers talk to and play with children in front of mirrors and use pictures to support infants’ and toddlers’ self-understanding.

    As a caregiver, consider how you could incorporate mirrors and pictures into your environment and daily interactions to support young children’s positive self-images. Mirrors and pictures can provide a wonderful medium to help infants’ and toddlers’ understand their bodies, skills and actions. As you talk with children about these concepts, remember to stay sensitive to the messages you give them; caregivers may sometimes unknowingly reinforce gender, ethnic, racial, or ability stereotypes unless they remain reflective about the language they use in these interactions. For example, the caregivers above let these female infants know they are “pretty girls” when looking in the mirror. Consider what other kinds of self-understanding you would want to help these girls develop. For example, could they also be strong, persistent, and smart girls?


    Below are some things you can do to support a developing sense of self for the infants and toddlers in your care:

    • 为婴幼儿提供始终如一、可预测的体验,以支持他们的归属感。
    • 确定支持婴儿自我意识的家庭优势。
    • 关注婴幼儿的文化背景。
    • 提供低水平的镜子和其他反光玩具,并描述婴儿看到的东西,使他们能够识别自己的反射。
    • 通过指点、触摸和命名帮助婴幼儿识别身体部位。



    在本课的“多样化的学习者和家庭”一节中,您阅读了关于儿童安全感和与他人相处的七种不可减少的需求(Brazelton和Greenspan 2000)。下载并打印反思不可约需要活动. 从孩子不可减少的需求中选择一个,从孩子的角度讨论如果这个需求得到满足或得不到满足,婴儿或学步儿童会发生什么。然后,与同事、主管、培训师或教练分享并讨论您的回答。



    作为一名幼儿保育员,您与不同的儿童和家庭一起工作。下载并打印提升自我意识:情景活动. 在你阅读了每一个场景后,反思孩子和家庭的自我意识,并说明你将如何促进积极的自我意识。将你的回答与第二份申请附件中的回答进行比较,Promoting a sense of Self: Scenarios Activity Suggested Responses. 完成后,与你的主管、培训师或教练分享你的回答。




    Finish this statement: An infant’s and toddler’s sense of self…






    马歇尔·h·h·(1989)。Self-Co的发展ncept.幼儿,44岁(5), 44-51.

    Copple, C., & Bredekamp, S., with Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2011).适合发展的实践基础:幼儿教师入门。Washington, DC: NAEYC.


    Gopnik, A. (2012). Nurturing Brain Development from Birth to 3.Zero to Three, 32(3), 12–17.

    Koralek,D.,&Gillespie,L.G.(2011年)。Spotlight on Infants and Toddlers. 华盛顿特区:NAEYC。

    Brazelton T.B.,&Greenspan,S.I.(2000年)。孩子们不可减少的需要:每个孩子成长、学习和茁壮成长必须具备的条件. 马萨诸塞州剑桥:珀尔修斯酒吧。