资料来源:The following summary is wholly based on articles by Lally, J. R. (2009, November). The science and psychology of infant-toddler care. ZERO TO THREE; and Lally, J. R. (2012, Jan-Mar).想在学校取得成功吗?从婴儿开始!Kappa Delta Pi记录;Lally,J.R.,Mangione,P.(2017年5月)。关怀关系:早期大脑发育的核心。Young Children.
It takes time for the science of infant development to filter down to child care programs. We now understand that babies come into care with their own agenda for learning, their own hard-wired thirst for knowledge, and using all of their senses. Their discoveries are not siloed into separate domains like language, emotional, and intellectual, but instead infants’ experiences inform multiple parts of their development. Babies’ brains are designed to learn from their caregivers, and so their apparent ‘helplessness’ functions as a way to strengthen bonds with their caregivers. It’s important to balance what we know about how babies learn with infant and toddler caregiving practices in child care programs. Lally notes:
Alison Gopnik, a leading researcher on infant cognition, showed that babies learn differently than school age children, and must be treated differently than older children. Other research indicates that babies do not thrive in environments designed specifically for older children, and actually “become less interested in learning, expect less of themselves, and are more stressed and less cooperative.” (Lally citing Gopnik 2009a). Though older children can learn through adult-directed learning targets, babies learn best through opportunities to explore “anything new, unexpected, or informative.” This explains why replications of school-age environments and experiences do not work for babies. In light of this understanding, infant teachers now pay attention and adjust their interactions with babies to accommodate babies’ interests into their learning experiences. For example, a teacher might notice a baby’s fascination with looking at her own hands and fingers and engage with the baby using elements of story, her fingers, or a prop such as a bright red ball and talk back and forth in an exchange using warm tones and clear, simple words, thereby attending to the child’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. This type of interaction takes into account babies’ active role in learning and treats them as active participants in learning rather than passive audiences.
Program Best Practices to Support Infant Learning and Development
- 安全附件– A single caregiver is primarily responsible for an infant’s care. All staff know who assumes primary care for a particular child, and all staff can help support that care. Secondary caregivers are well-informed about a child’s needs, and teaming with teachers helps support the goal of primary care, while still allowing for flexibility.
- 小组——许多研究已经强调低所带来的好处ratios for infants’ positive trajectory including the development of secure attachments and the ability to more easily move about freely to explore objects and themes of interest.
- 护理的连续性– Teachers can develop strong relationships with infants and toddlers when the same teachers are afforded the opportunity to continue their care to infants throughout a child’s first 36 months.
- 个体化护理– The program meets the child’s needs and is flexible to needs that may arise. This attention to a child’s personalized needs helps the child develop a positive sense of self as they understand that their needs matter too.
- 文化联系– Children whose home cultures vary widely from the majority culture of the center are cared for by teachers who integrate the child’s family customs, materials, and practices into the care setting through a variety of ways: outreach to families, professional development, and an openness to learning.
- Children with Disabilities are Included in Care– All children, including those with special needs, are accommodated into care using the same practices described above.
- 教师在喂养、睡眠以及与婴儿建立、发展和加强关系方面遵循儿童的主导。
- 教师与婴儿建立关系,也与婴儿的家庭建立关系。
Sense of Self
- Infant teachers receive professional development around their own role in helping children develop a sense of self.
- 教师不仅要注意什么他们照着照顾婴儿的样子做,但是how他们在照顾一个婴儿。说话时,他们的语气是否恼怒?他们用健康的方式表达沮丧吗?他们是否向婴儿表明,他们自己对蜘蛛的恐惧也适用于被照顾的婴儿?与孩子的互动是否反映出真正的兴趣?
Including Families
- Teachers interact with families to learn more about a family’s practices, and integrate a family’s care practices into child care practices.
- Teachers reinforce practices in care that help infants maintain strong connections to their family. For example, they ask families about how they feed their child, how they comfort their child, and sleep routines. This attention to what families do supports a child’s sense of belonging.
During the first 36 months, children are interested in security, exploration, and self. These topics are more prominent at different times throughout a child’s first three years. See Greenspan’s Stages of Emotional Development below.
- 世界监管与利益(出生+)–在婴儿出生后的头4个月,他们通过感官进行吸收,也学会了自我平静。婴儿是独一无二的,对护理的反应也不同。有些人比其他人更敏感。照顾者必须特别注意每个婴儿,以确定每个婴儿在接受信息、处理信息、组织信息和自我平静策略方面的特殊之处。
- 坠入爱河(4个月以上)–到4个月时,婴儿发育的第二阶段对某些婴儿可能会有所不同。一些婴儿伸出手来拥抱与护理者的互动。一些婴儿需要护理者通过面部表情、声音、姿势或不同的触摸来“求爱”或鼓励他们参与。在这一阶段,婴儿对满足基本需求以外的事物产生兴趣,并学会与人交往。狗万app怎么下载
- 有目的的沟通(8个月以上)–在这一点上,婴儿需要信息来确认他们的沟通信号被理解。他们是通过伸出援手,表现出自信,好奇,有时甚至是咄咄逼人来做到这一点的。婴儿和照顾者之间的这种服务和回报模式,他们彼此“阅读”并相互回应,有时会导致过度刺激。经验丰富的照料者也能读懂这个信号,知道什么时候应该放弃刺激性的互动。
- The beginning of a complex sense of self (10 months+)– By 10 to 18 months, babies need acknowledgement for all they have recently mastered. They are intentional and understand how sequences of actions lead to what they want (I put my coat on, then we can go outside). They are creative and active. Caregivers who praise babies’ action help develop that child’s positive self identity. Imitation and simple pretend play are hallmarks of this stage. Caregivers who help expand infant’s play help infants learn new ways to grow.
- Emotional idea (18 months+)–到18到24个月,孩子们开始假装玩耍。当照顾者鼓励孩子用语言表达他们的感受而不是仅仅表现情感时,他们可以提供极大的帮助。这段时间的假象为孩子们探索性、攻击性、拒绝和分离提供了极大的灵活性。当孩子们表达他们的情感想法时,这对他们来说是非常自由的。然而,护理人员应该意识到,当任何这样的表达方式对他们来说变得不舒服时,他们需要帮助确定他们需要解决的“热点”和“盲点”。在解决这些不适的方面,照顾者可以给孩子更好的支持,以进一步探索感兴趣的情感领域。
- 情感思考(30个月以上)-从大约30个月大开始,孩子们的情绪发展在假装和真实世界之间发生变化。以前在假装游戏中表现出来的情感现在通过理性来表达。在这个关头,设定限制很重要,但也必须与同情孩子的感受相平衡。看护者有机会反思自己的优势,考虑自己是否更擅长设定限制的技能或参与假装游戏的技能,并根据需要进行纠正。
资料来源:Lally, R.J. (2009) cites:From S. I. Greenspan, “Emotional Development in Infants and Toddlers” inInfant/Toddler Caregiving: A Guide to Social-Emotional Growth and Socialization(第15-18页),J.R.Lally(编辑),1990年,萨克拉门托:加利福尼亚教育部。原载于第一感觉:情感发展的里程碑pment of Your Baby and Child,S.I.格林斯潘著,1985年,纽约:维京人。版权归S.I.格林斯潘所有。经允许浓缩。更详细地讨论了婴幼儿期:情绪和发展挑战的临床评估和干预实践s、 s.I.格林斯潘著,1992年,康涅狄格州麦迪逊:国际大学出版社。
- 当他们观察婴儿在成长阶段的转变时,教师会相应地规划儿童的发展轨迹,并将灵活性纳入他们的规划中。例如,根据孩子的年龄,像咬人这样具有挑战性的行为会根据孩子的发展而有所不同。
- Teachers are flexible and accommodating during a child’s transitional developmental stages.
- 尊重婴儿的利益并对这些利益作出回应,而不是强加自己的议程。
- 敏锐地观察护理中的婴儿,找到与孩子的探索和玩耍相联系的方法,并熟练地阅读婴儿的提示。
- 放慢脚步,让婴儿的节奏引导学习,以免错过让发现以孩子自己的速度展开的机会;老师不会“过度狗万app怎么下载帮助”,而是根据需要提供一点帮助
- Use mirroring and encourage the use of hypotheses to model learning
- 在采取行动之前,考虑并灵活对待整个孩子的许多方面,包括:孩子现在在哪里(当前情绪),他们是谁(气质),他们曾经在哪里(他们的历史)。
Emergent Curriculum
- Instead of focusing on lessons and plans, focus on planning experiences that encourage learning. Teachers find ways to encourage and support children’s natural curiosity.
- 教师仔细观察被看护的孩子并记录观察结果,记录孩子的兴趣爱好并指导规划。教师承认这个过程是持续的和适应性的。
- 计划包括其他的策略和方法,这样老师可以根据孩子的兴趣和注意力进行调整。
- Planning is understood to serve three goals: to help teachers get to know each child better, to learn more about the child’s interests, and to strengthen their connection with the child.
Observe->文档->评估->Reflect & Plan ->实施->重复
教师使用这个框架来收集数据,测试假设,并灵活地执行任何需要的调整或更新。这个过程足够灵活,可以用于在任何计划时间框架内执行任何调整或更正:无论是在当前、每天还是每周。它没有有to follow this cyclical pattern illustrated above, but can be interactive among all steps.
Action Still Needed
What we know to be best practices for optimal infant development are not yet implemented at the majority of child care centers in the United States. The reasons for this are complex and include the high cost of providing quality care and high staff turnover rates. Bolstered by information about brain development, including the extraordinary brain development of children age two and younger (Lally, 2012), we can champion what we know to be best practices for this important group of people as more people begin to appreciate the long-term benefits of quality early child care. These practices will help infants and toddlers build strong relationships. Neuroscience informs us that early experiences affect brain architecture (Spence, Shapiro, and Zaidel, 1996), and the benefits of such practices in infant care settings will extend into children’s life trajectory and may counteract adverse experiences.
关于J.Ronald Lally的作者信息:
RONALD LALLY,EdD是WestEd儿童与家庭研究中心(Center for Child and Family Studies)和婴幼儿护理计划(PITC)的联合主任,也是ZERO-TO-THREE的创始人之一。他的研究涉及婴儿期的社会情绪发展以及早期干预对成人功能的影响。他是20多个婴幼儿护理计划(PITC)婴幼儿培训DVD的执行制作人。这些DVD和随附的印刷材料是国内发行最广泛的婴幼儿护理培训材料。他和他的员工一直负责制定加利福尼亚州和俄亥俄州的婴幼儿和学龄前儿童指南和标准。万博体育全站app
J.Ronald Lally在原始文章中引用的相关资源:
婴幼儿护理计划www.pitc.org/The Web site of The Program for Infant Toddler Care offers information, resources, and training opportunities for infant/toddler caregivers and links to PITC publications distributed by the California Department of Education. Key publications containing information about quality infant–toddler care are:护理概念:20篇关于婴幼儿发展和学习的论文狗万app怎么下载Edited by J. Ronald Lally, Peter L. Mangione & Deborah Greenwald (Editors). San Francisco: WestEd.California Infant Toddler Learning & Development Foundations & DVDs(2009).Sacramento, CA: CDE Press.加州幼儿学习与发展计划指南和DVD狗万app怎么下载(2009).Sacramento, CA: CDE Press.
J.Ronald Lally在原始文章中引用的来源:
Belsky,J.、Spritz,B.和Crnic,K.(1994年)。3岁幼儿依恋安全与情感认知信息加工。心理科学,7(2), 111–114.
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Bornstein,M.,&Bornstein,H.(1995年)。婴幼儿照顾者的反应性和认知发展:理论与研究。在L.Mangione(编辑)中,Infant/Toddler Caregiving: A Guide to Cognitive Development and Learning(第12-21页)。萨克拉门托:加州教育部出版局。
巴菲特幼儿基金&盎司预防基金。(2009).教育保健. Retrieved September 16, 2009, from www.buffettearlychildhoodfund.org/educare.html
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Edwards,C.P.和Raikes,H.(2002年)。扩展舞蹈:基于关系的婴幼儿护理和教育方法。幼儿,57岁(4), 10–17.
Gopnik,A.(2009年b月16日)。你的孩子比你想象的聪明. 《纽约时报》,第10页。
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Honig, A. S. (1998, August).依恋和关系:超越父母。Paper presented at the Head Start Quality Network Research Satellite Conference, East Lansing, Michigan.
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Raikes,H.(1993年)。幼儿护理中的关系持续时间:与高能力教师的时间和幼儿教师依恋。幼儿研究季刊,8(3), 309–325.
Raikes,H.(1996年)。婴儿的安全基础:将依恋概念应用于婴儿护理环境。幼儿,51岁(5), 59–67.
Raikes,H.,&Pope Edwards,C.(2009)。Extending the dance in infant and toddler caregiving.altimore: Brookes.
Sroufe, L. A. (1996).情感发展。Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
以上总结完全基于以下来源:Lally,J.R.(2009年11月)。幼儿护理的科学和心理学。0到3;Lally,J.R.(2012年1月至3月)。想在学校取得成功吗?从婴儿开始!Kappa Delta Pi记录;Lally,J.R.,Mangione,P.(2017年5月)。关怀关系:早期大脑发育的核心。Young Children.