- Define social-emotional development and discuss its importance for development and learning.
- 反思自己与社交情绪发展相关的经验。
- 探讨成人社会情绪健康及其对幼儿社会情绪发展的支持作用。

“人际关系和关系对关系的影响,是健康发展的构建块。” -2000年国家研究委员会
情绪影响我们是谁,它们影响我们的行为、行动和与他人的互动。想想你快乐的时光。这些感觉是如何影响你的行为,反过来又影响你的互动?想想你伤心、生气或不安的时候。你怎么知道的那些feelings influence your behaviors and interactions?
Labeling, identifying, and managing emotions are essential skills for our meaningful and successful participation in life experiences, both in our professional and personal lives. Difficulty managing emotions can cause frustration and disappointment, and can strongly influence our relationships with others and our overall quality of life.
What is Social-Emotional Development?
- What are my thoughts and feelings?
- 是什么导致这些想法和感受?
- 如何尊重我的思想和感受?
Examples of questions someone who has good self-management may ask:
- What different responses can I have to an event?
- 我如何才能对一个事件作出建设性的反应?
When an infant reaches for a caregiver when he or she is upset, this is an early sign of self-management. The child seeks an important person to help him or her calm down. We can also see the beginning of self-management in toddlers every time they ask to be next with a toy instead of taking it out of a peer’s hand.
Social awareness:
Social awareness is the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures, to understand social and ethical norms for behavior, and to recognize family, school and community resources and supports.
- How can I better understand other people’s thoughts and feelings?
- How can I better understand why people feel and think the way they do?
技能是能够建立一个关系nd maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups. This includes communicating clearly, listening actively, cooperating, resisting inappropriate social pressure, negotiating conflict constructively, and seeking and offering help when needed.
Examples of questions someone who has good relationships skills may ask:
- How can I adjust my actions so that my interactions with different people turn out well?
- 我如何向其他人传达我的期望?
- 如何与其他人沟通,了解和管理他们对我的期望?
- 我的行为会对我自己和他人产生什么后果?
- 我的选择如何与我的价值观相一致?
- How can I solve problems effectively?
When a toddler wants to climb and moves to the classroom climber instead of pulling him or herself up on the snack table, he or she has displayed some early responsible decision-making.
社会情感发展of Children
The early childhood years are a critical time for the formation of positive feelings toward oneself, others, and the larger world. When children are encouraged, nurtured and accepted by adults and peers, they are more likely to be well adjusted. On the contrary, children who are neglected, rejected or abused are at risk for social and mental health challenges.
Family priorities affect social-emotional competence. For example, some families might place a high value on talking about emotions and expressing them as they occur, whereas other families may value doing the opposite. As an infant or toddler caregiver, you must be sensitive and respectful of individual differences in social-emotional development when engaging with children in your care and their families.
What Does Social-Emotional Development Look Like in Infants and Toddlers?
Rewarding early social experiences helps support the next level of social development. For example, secure relationships with trusted adults, who provide a sense of safety and a base for the toddler’s exploration and discoveries, support toddlers’ exploration of new objects and places. When encountering something unfamiliar, the toddler can look to a trusted adult and depend on the adult’s emotions for guidance about how to respond. The adult’s reaction influences the toddler’s feelings about the situation and provides information about how to move forward.
Within the context of trusting relationships, infants and toddlers also begin to develop self-regulation and initiative skills. When infants’ and toddlers’ needs are consistently met with help from adult caregivers, they learn they are cared about and loved.
- Infants and toddlers show specific relationship behaviors to caregivers when they feel stressed.
- Infants and toddlers need caregivers to respond to them in a responsive and sensitive manner.
- 婴幼儿在与照顾者的关系中学会如何信任他人,调节他们的情绪。
Therefore, infants’ and toddlers’ social-emotional development is dependent upon the social-emotional well-being of his or her family and adult caregivers. Adults who have positive relationships and life experiences are often better prepared to be responsive and emotionally available to an infant or toddler. When adults are emotionally available, they can more easily recognize infants’ or toddlers’ cues and respond appropriately to children’s needs. This level of responsiveness helps support a young child’s healthy development, including social-emotional development.
Infants and toddlers need the support of nurturing and responsive adults to develop socially and emotionally. Below are ways you can promote social-emotional development in the infants and toddlers in your care:
- 深情和培养。
- 经常轻轻地握住,摇滚和拥抱婴儿和幼儿。
- 在日常生活中,如喂食和进食,与婴幼儿分享微笑。
- 使用面部表情、手势和文字,对婴幼儿的交流尝试作出认真的反应。
- Offer opportunities for communication and help guide infants and toddlers through social situations—young children enjoy watching others learn to socialize through experiences that are supported by caring adults.
- Offer infants and toddlers opportunities to watch you as a kind and caring person.
- Help infants and toddlers learn words to describe and express their emotions.
- 帮助婴儿和幼儿感到安全可靠。
欲了解本课程的更多信息,社会与情感发展能力反思, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Infant & Toddler Social & Emotional DevelopmentCourse Guide。
请注意引用和参考资料部分the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.


Working with your trainer, coach, or supervisor, review your program’s policies and procedures for references to (1) the program’s approach to the social-emotional development of infants and toddlers and (2) the ways you should learn about what is important to families in terms of social-emotional development.
In their brief article, Believe, Watch, Act! Promoting Prosocial Behavior in Infants and Toddlers, authors Gillespie & Hunter present a familiar scenario: a young toddler shows interest in a learning material already in use by another classmate. Our typical reaction may be to intervene to promote fairness, but the authors suggest that when teachers reorient their beliefs, their actions can promote lasting, positive, prosocial effects. Consider this example: Toddler teacher Javier brings flexible wristbands into his classroom, making sure each toddler has four to store in a box. Kayla carefully puts her hand through each wristband, pushes them up her forearm, and, after she has all four on her arm, looks around for more. Seeing Saad’s wristbands on the table, Kayla grabs them. Many teachers at this point might comment: “Stop Kayla! You can’t take that from Saad. You have your own wristbands.” However, as a result, Kayla may be reluctant to try out her new ideas, and Saad may determine that Kayla is not fun to play with. So what if Javier embraced the belief that children are naturally curious and want to connect with each other? In a more prosocial environment, Javier might intervene to promote Kayla’s engagement and interpret her excitement to Saad with a comment like, “Saad, let’s watch Kayla and see what she’s doing. It looks to me like she is trying to fill her arm with wristbands.” With this small but targeted shift in intention, the children are more likely to interact favorably to each other and take an interest in this shared, interesting goal. It may not always work, and it may be a challenge to figure out how to make it work, but a key first step is to understand how young children develop, and to positively interpret their behavior.考虑您对社交情绪发展的理解方式对您的婴儿和幼儿的互动影响。
相信,小心,行动!促进婴幼儿亲社会行为(2010). YC:小孩子,65.(1) ,42-43。
Brazelton,T. B.&Greenspan,S。(2001)。儿童的不可减少需求:每个孩子必须要成长,学习和蓬勃发展。纽约:Perseus书籍。
Parkian, R. & Seibel, N. (2002). Building Strong Foundations: Practical guidance for promoting the social-emotional development of infants and toddlers. Washington, D.C.: Zero to Three.
Shirilla,J.&威瑟斯顿,D(2002). 婴儿心理健康案例研究:风险、弹性和关系。华盛顿特区:0到3。
威瑟灵顿,D.C.,Campos,J.J.,&Hertenstein,M.J.(2001)。情绪原理及其在幼儿期的发展。在布雷纳,G.&福格尔,A(编辑):,The Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development(427-464)。马尔登,马:黑尔威尔。
Wittmer, D. S., & Petersen, S. H. (2006).Infant and Toddler Development and Responsive Program Planning: A Relationship-Based Approach。Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
0至3(2010)。Parenting infants and toddlers today: Young children's social-emotional development; Key findings from a 2009 national parent survey。
零到三(2016)。Takeaways for Parents from the National Parent Survey。从...获得https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/1441-takeaways-for-parents-from-the-national-parent-survey