
    • Identify ideas for providing opportunities to support social-emotional development.
    • 探索支持婴儿和幼儿的社会情感发展的策略。
    • 支持家庭,因为他们学习的方法promote the social-emotional development of infants and toddlers.




    As an infant and toddler caregiver, you play an important role in each infant’s and toddler’s social-emotional development. As you explored in Lesson Three, the environment impacts the ways infants and toddlers develop and learn new skills. This learning greatly depends on caregivers’ abilities to create responsive and engaging learning opportunities within the environment.

    Reflecting on Social-Emotional Development

    With the understanding that the environment greatly contributes to infant and toddler learning, reflect on the social-emotional development of the infants and toddlers in your care. Consider your observations, communication with families, and the developmental screening and assessment information you collect. Ask questions about each infant’s and toddler’s development and the interests and discoveries they make. For example:

    • 护理人员拥抱幼儿婴儿或幼儿是否会去一个主要的照顾者进行舒适?婴儿或幼儿是否允许成年人照顾者帮助他或她在不安时冷静下来?
    • What emotions does the infant or toddler express? In what ways does he or she express emotions?
    • 做es the infant or toddler explore the environment with confidence knowing that his or her adult caregiver is nearby?
    • 做es the infant or toddler respond to his or her name?
    • 婴儿或幼儿如何安慰?



    每个婴儿和幼儿以他或她自己的速度发展。社会情绪发展依赖于持续的,敏感关系。除了你在课程中审查的社会情感里程碑之外,婴儿期初会看到个性的基本要素,似乎在整个生命中相当一致。影响个人如何响应世界的元素被称为气质特征。研究人员Alexander Thomas和Stella Chess(1977)编制了与气质相关的特征列表:

    • Activity level – amount of movement and body activity
    • 监管或节奏 - 基本功能的规律性,如进食和睡觉
    • 接近和撤回 - 个人如何应对新情况,人物,地方或事物
    • 适应性 - 个人适应变化的快速或缓慢
    • 敏感性 - 从触摸,声音,味道等到外部刺激的个人敏感程度。
    • 强度 - 表达心情时,个人的能量水平
    • Mood – the amount of pleasant and cheerful behavior contrasted to fussy, crying or negative behavior
    • Distractibility – how easily an individual can lose focus on an activity because of outside stimuli (e.g., television on, phone ringing, etc.)
    • Persistence – how long an individual will keep at an activity without giving up



    Strategy: Learning About Emotions and Emotional Expression


    • Understand that emotions expressed by infants and toddlers are true feelings seeking responsive care from responsive adults.
    • 镜像情感表达 - 如果婴儿或幼儿正在哭泣,你可以在说:“你似乎很沮丧。我要帮助你。“
    • 添加单词给面部表情,帮助婴儿和幼儿建立一个情感词汇 - “你微笑;你今天似乎很开心!“
    • Use books, music, puppets, and finger plays highlighting emotions and emotional vocabulary.


    Strategy: Learning Play and Friendship Skills


    • Place infants next to one another on a blanket on the floor – comment on what you notice the infants doing
    • Place a safe mirror low on the wall so that infants can look into the mirror and see themselves and others
    • 模型和使用旧幼儿在一起玩时可以使用的单词
    • Talk about how infants and toddlers feel to encourage perspective-taking
    • Read books about making and playing with friends





    Responsive and engaging environments are characterized by intentional, frequent use of developmentally appropriate interactions and experiences, including opportunities for social-emotional growth. In your daily interactions with infants and toddlers, consider the following:

    • 一个幼儿扯了她的手请记住,婴儿和幼儿正在观看您的表达和学习方法来应对强烈的情感 - 使用“i”陈述,并在互动期间描述您的感受。狗万app怎么下载
    • Encourage exploration in mobile infants by helping them continue to feel safe: “我看见你!你正在爬行,感到自豪!
    • 经常使用婴儿和幼儿的名称。
    • 在自我监管方面思考Tantrums,帮助幼儿重新夺回焦点和关注。
    • While reading books to older infants and toddlers, make facial expression that compliments the character or portion of the story: “是的,那头牛感觉很困。让我们睡觉。
    • 通知并描述了女性行为 - “你提供了另一个蓝色的球。你是这么好的朋友。“
    • Help young children with peer conflicts — “You both want the truck and are pulling on it. What can we do together to solve this problem?”






    下载并打印Strategies for Supporting Infant and Toddler Friendship Skills讲义。选择文章中突出的策略之一,以便在您的照顾中使用婴儿或幼儿。观察您的护理中的婴儿和幼儿如何对战略作出反应,并考虑您可能响应支持他们的沟通发展的方式。然后,与培训师,教练或主管分享并讨论您的观察。






    真的or false? Infants and toddlers are too young to benefit from caregivers talking about interactions or labeling emotions.


    Which of the following is a stragegy caregivers can use to support the development of play and friendship skills for infants and toddlers?

    References & Resources:

    Butterfield,P. M.,Martin,C.,Prairie,A.,&Martin,C. A.(2004)。Emotional connections: How relationships guide early learning。华盛顿特区:零至三。http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED500098

    Gillespie, L. G., & Seibel, N. L. (2006). Self-regulation: A cornerstone of early childhood development.Young Children(61.)4,34-39。

    Goleman,D。(2006)社会情报:人际关系的新科学。New York: Bantam Dell.

    Petersen,S. H.,&Wittmer,D. S.(2008)。Endless opportunities for infant and toddler curriculum: A relationship-based approach.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill-Prentice Hall.

    托马斯,A.&Chess,S.(1977)。气质和发展。纽约:布伦纳 - 米泽。