
    • Reflect on what it means to be a responsive infant and toddler caregiver.
    • Reflect on what it means to be a socially-emotionally competent infant and toddler caregiver.
    • 头脑风暴如何在早期护理和学习环境和计划中培养和培养社会情感能力。狗万app怎么下载


    Think about the ways you nurture and sustain social-emotional health in your personal life. Are there rituals or activities you engage in that make you feel more connected to yourself or to others? Are there individuals who nurture you and who inspire you to be and feel your best?

    Now consider your professional life. How do you foster your social-emotional health at work? What elements of your work environment sustain your social-emotional health? Is it relationships with coworkers or supervisors? Is it freedom to work independently, to plan experiences, and to use materials? Is it guidance and constructive feedback from others? Is it sharing concerns and ideas and brainstorming solutions when situations arise? Is it relationships with children and families?



    一些婴儿和幼儿在早期生命中面临多重压力,如部署,抑郁,家庭成员,自然灾害或贫困的死亡。弹性有助于幼儿和成年人应对变革和逆境。可以通过家庭的优势来提高弹性,婴儿或幼儿花费时间,以及婴儿或幼儿自己或自己的环境。这些优势也被称为protective factors并且与社会情感福祉密切相关。社会情感幸福是能够形成健康的关系,规范强烈的情绪,获得需求,并希望达到环境,并探索环境和学习。保护因素,因此,社会情感发展,在培育成年人仍然对婴儿或幼儿的所有相互作用和经验仍然反应时,加强了社会情绪发展。

    What does it mean to be a responsive adult? Dunst and Kassow (2008) identified ten characteristics of responsiveness—when adults change the way they interact with a young child to match the child’s needs and development. Dunst and Kassow’s ten characteristics of responsiveness are:

    1. 积极的态度: The adult frequently smiles, laughs, and provides positive statements to infants and toddlers. A caregiver may smile at infants and toddlers as they arrive in the morning and say, “I am so happy to see you this morning!”
    2. 刺激:护理人员安排环境,为婴幼儿和幼儿的游戏,学习,参与和鼓励提供多种机会。狗万app怎么下载护理人员包括一系列在护理环境中的作用适当材料,故意使用机会来帮助幼儿学会轮流接触和使用材料。此外,护理人员还承认婴儿和幼儿中的个人差异,偏好和学习风格,并响应他们的需求。狗万app怎么下载
    3. Support:护理人员可用,帮助每个婴儿和幼儿发展。
    4. Response quality:护理人员立即响应并适当地匹配婴儿或幼儿的需求。
    5. Synchrony: The relationship between the caregiver and the child is reciprocal and rewarding for both parties. For example, the caregiver and a toddler laugh together as they read a silly book or they enjoy taking turns singing silly songs while washing hands before lunch.
    6. 响应能力: The caregiver and infant or toddler frequently notice and talk about objects, events and people in the environment. For example, while playing outside, the caregiver and infant both look at a bird flying over their heads.
    7. 合作:护理人员尊重孩子的自由,避免在必要时,避免打断孩子的想法。孩子有机会控制并直接发挥作用。例如,当年轻的小孩堆叠软块时,只能将它们击倒,护理人员在这个“拆迁”的游戏中加入并评论孩子的行为,而不是要求孩子读一本书或建立特定的结构。
    8. 身体接触:护理人员频繁和舒缓与孩子接触。例如,在喂食时摇摆,在读故事时依偎,或者当孩子心烦意乱的时候拍摄故事,或温柔的拍拍。
    9. Mutuality:护理人员和孩子都同时参加同样的事情。当照顾者对孩子的提示敏感时,这是实现的。例如,一个婴儿在附近的树上看着窗外。护理人员让他或她的头关注婴儿的目光,说:“哦,你在那里看到树吗?它的分支在风中吹,不是吗?“
    10. 响应恒定:护理人员迅速,经常响应每个婴儿或幼儿的信号和需求。这包括当孩子心烦意乱时快速响应,而且还经常对儿童的行为评论或在请求之后与他们接触。


    In their article,我安全和安全:促进幼儿的弹性,published in the March 2011 issue of小孩子,作者P.J.Pizzolongo和A. Hunter绘制了令人信服的宣传促进弹性益处儿童的长期健康。童年时期存在日常压力源。虽然理想的情况是消除所有压力,但我们知道情景是不可能的。然而,发展恢复力的儿童获得了更好地面对生命的创伤 - 从某些东西从那样看作他们的父亲射击,每天(和比较平凡)的兄弟竞争对手。Pizzolongo和Hunter表明成年人可以通过促进保护因素来帮助促进儿童的复原力。他们解释说:“当成年人对婴儿,幼儿和学龄前儿童提供敏感的照顾时,孩子们学会相信别人。万博体育全站app当孩子们被父母或其他护理人员持有高期望时,孩子们开始相信自己并意识到他们有能力。当成年人鼓励儿童通过给予他们的责任并提供有关他们的环境选择,幼儿感受到归属感和能力的选择。“(Pizzolongo&Hunter,2011)。要了解保护因素如何鼓励恢复力的循环性质,从美国儿科学会(AAP)中审查这一简短的解释:https://www.aap.org/en-us/advocace-and-policy/aap-health-initives/resilience/pages/promoting-resilience.aspx.

    Socially-Emotionally Competent Infant and Toddler Caregiving

    开发和维护社会性being is an ongoing process. Your social-emotional well-being and resilience must be promoted so you can better support infants and toddlers in acquiring social-emotional skills. Warm, responsive adults who model resilient behaviors in the face of daily stressors can help nurture infants’ and toddlers’ lifelong capacity for resilience and social-emotional health. Research highlights that children 2 years of age are able to imitate the styles and ways of responding to stressors of the caregivers around them.


    • Taking the time to work on establishing and maintaining relationships with infants, toddlers, and colleagues in your care setting and program
    • 试图解决问题并解决解决问题的挑战或问题
    • 展示灵活性
    • 允许自己犯错误
    • 培养和响应
    • Trying new things out
    • 面临困难时要求帮助或支持
    • Lending a helping hand to others in need
    • 愿意接受新的或不同的观点
    • 拥抱多样性
    • open
    • Sharing your own emotions and thoughts






    Social-emotional competence helps you become part of a workplace community that feels welcoming, supportive, friendly, energetic and nurturing. It helps you engage infants, toddlers, families and colleagues in a range of meaningful experiences. Consider the following:

    Engaging with children

    • 在使用婴儿和幼儿时展示同理心和同情。
    • 全天向婴儿和幼儿展示积极的社交技巧。
    • Use infants’ and toddlers’ backgrounds, experiences and interests as inspiration for ideas about experiences and activities in your care setting.
    • 培养尊重和欣赏您的护理环境中个体差异的气氛。
    • Invite families to share their views and experiences with you.


    • 家庭可以成为您的计划窗口进入文化反应的经历。邀请家庭分享对他们有意义的经验。
    • Provide opportunities for families of infants and toddlers in your care and program to meet and get to know each other.
    • Invite families to observe and participate in some of your activities.
    • 用婴儿和幼儿发送关于情绪和社交情绪技能的家庭书籍。
    • Encourage families to nurture social-emotional skills at home by extending some of your experiences in the home environment.

    Engaging with colleagues

    • 与您的工作场所的同事建立联系。在工作人员会议期间与同事分享您的兴趣和经验,午餐休息或在服务日。解释这些利益如何驱动您为婴儿和幼儿创建的一些经验。了解您在个人级别工作的人。
    • Exchange with colleagues ideas about experiences that foster social-emotional growth. Invite a colleague to come to your room, observe some of your activities and give you feedback. Offer to do the same for your colleagues.
    • 询问培训师,教练或主管观察您的护理环境,以便您为您提供有关您对材料和经验的反馈,以促进婴儿和幼儿的社交情绪增长。
    • 承认正在做出伟大事物的同事,他们为您提供指导和建设性的反馈,并激励您争取卓越,成为团队参与者。












    真的or False? Allowing yourself to make mistakes is part of being a socially-emotionally competent infant and toddler caregiver.



    References & Resources:

    Berk, L. E. (2013).儿童发展(第9届)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司

    Buell,M. J.,Pfister,I.,&Gamel-Mccormick,M.(2002)。照顾护理人员:早期开始/家庭儿童保育合作伙伴关系。万博体育下载官方网站婴儿心理健康杂志,23(1-2),213-230。DOI:10.1002 / IMHJ.10013

    Dunst,C.,&Kassow,D。(2008)。照顾者敏感,或有社会响应能力和安全的婴儿依恋。Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention5,40-56。从...获得:http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ805609.pdf

    Joseph,G. E.,&Strut,P. S.(2004)。与幼儿建立正面关系。年轻的特殊孩子7,21-29。

    Mulrooney, K. and Williams, D. (2012). Research and Resilience: Recognizing the need to know more: understanding the experiences of young children in military families in the context of deployment, reintegration, injury, or loss. Washington, D.C: ZERO TO THREE. Retrieved fromhttps://www.zerotothree.org/resources/33-research-and-resilience

    Pizzolongo, P.J. and Hunter, A. (2011). I Am Safe and Secure: Promoting Resilience in Young Children.小孩子. National Association for the Education of Young Children.


    Schneider, S. (2001). In Search of Realistic Optimism.American Psychologist56(3),250-261。

    Seligman, M. E. P., Reivich, K., Jaycox, L., & Gillham, J. (1995).乐观的孩子。纽约,纽约:哈珀多年生。