

    • Describe reflective supervision as a tool to prevent child abuse and neglect.
    • 促进员工健康和专业。



    “当它进展顺利时,监督是一个持有的环境,一个感觉安全的地方,足以暴露不安全感,错误,问题和差异。” - Rebecca Shahmoon Shanock(1992)




    Healthy, nurturing relationships are just as important for adults as they are for children. Reflective supervision provides an opportunity for you to build relationships with staff members. In the context of those relationships, staff members reflect on their work, challenge themselves, grapple with new ideas, and express their beliefs. It is a supportive process that facilitates high quality care for children and youth in your programs. In the words of Fenichel (1992), reflective supervision is a “relationship for learning.”

    What are the Characteristics of Reflective Supervision?


    • Noticing and labeling a staff members’ feelings about an event or situation
    • 承认职业能力
    • Staying rooted in the experiences of children or youth
    • Providing a structure for reflection within and between sessions



    • 建立常规和受保护的监督时间。Set appointments and keep them! Make sure staff members know your time with them is valued and important.
    • 分享权力。共同努力决定会议如何构建,设定了哪些目标,如何监控进度等。
    • 突出阳性。确保工作人员认识您欣赏他们所做的工作......他们擅长它。鼓励工作人员,并花时间真的注意到您的计划中进展顺利。
    • Try to listen without judging.注意工作人员的情绪,因为他们与您交谈,但不要为他们的感受分配自己的价值观。如果他们在工作中不满意,不要生气。听就是了。
    • Model healthy ways to manage conflict.Reflective supervision gives you the space to talk about problems. Work together to solve them efficiently.
    • Make time for reflection inside and outside of supervision.想想与工作人员的会议如何进行。如果它再次提出,练习你可能会如何说出来。
    • Remember that you are not alone.You have many resources at your fingertips: Family Advocacy Programs, mental health services, etc. Help staff find the resources they need.
    • Establish healthy boundaries.Take care of yourself. If you don’t know the answer to a question, say so.


    Sometimes within a reflective supervision relationship, you might notice a staff member is experiencing stress. Realize that stress can make it difficult for staff members to do their jobs well. They might be at greater risk of using inappropriate practices. As a manager, make sure you are aware of the stress your staff members are facing. Be emotionally connected to them. Observe staff members for signs of stress. When you see signs of stress, be prepared to help the staff member process their emotions. You might see the following:

    • Changes in mood or behavior. The staff member seems upset, angry, or more quick-tempered than usual.
    • Changes in work attendance or attitude. A stressed staff member may stop coming to work, come to work late, or do as little as possible at work.
    • Problems with drugs or alcohol.
    • Problems sleeping or talking of restlessness.
    • 绝望或无能为力的感觉。工作人员可能会说出来,“我们只是旋转我们的轮子。这个孩子没有什么会改变。“
    • Depression. Staff may lose interest in things they used to enjoy, have changes in appetite, or other symptoms.

    When you see these signs, it is important to take action. Talk to the staff member. Help them process the emotions they are feeling. This can be challenging for you professionally and personally. After all, you are not a trained counselor and no one should expect you to be. You can open lines of communication, though. You can be a kind person to talk to, and you can help staff members feel more confident about their work.

    Taking Care of Staff

    Learn the importance of finding resources to support staff

    There is a lot you can do to help staff take care of themselves and bounce back from challenges:

    • 确保工作人员休息并占据他们赚取的休息时间。以每个人都有足够的休息和知道何时休息的方式设计计划。
    • 介入和帮助。有时工作变得如此紧张,工作人员需要一个不定期的休息。当您看到员工在压力或使用课堂上使用不当行为的风险时,迈进并鼓励他们休息一下。
    • 确保始终可以要求帮助。你知道你的角色是支持员工。确保他们也知道。适合他们。自己出现漏洞自己:当您不知道对某事的答案时,承认。与工作人员一起学习。
    • Anticipate stressful events。在儿童虐待和忽视的背景下,一旦报告制作,压力很少结束。报告后,工作人员可能会担心生气的父母,损坏的关系或儿童的安全。您需要提前知道这些感受将会发生。在报告和每天之后,帮助为“第1天”做好准备。与工作人员谈谈可能发生的事情,与他们反映出他们可能的感受或经验,角色在一起如何回应困难的情况。
    • 员工倡导者。你知道你的员工每天工作的努力。为他们和他们的需求成为一个倡导者。找到可以帮助他们的资源从困难的情况下增长和恢复。






    在这里你可以找到一个简短的纸上反光的配角rvision produced by the Office of Head Start. Although it was designed for Head Start staff, the principles and concepts are relevant to everyone who works with children and youth. Download and print the反思监督Paper下面并用它作为自己的资源或与同事分享。




    Reflective supervision is…


    Which of the following statements might help spark reflection?




    Cox,M.,Harrison,M.,&Neilsen-Gatti,S。(2011)。理解广泛使用的实践的基础:定义反射监督的元素。在2011年的各州联盟撤退。Accessible from:http://www.cehd.umn.edu/ceed/projects/reflectivesupervision/coxharrisonneilsengatti2011.pdf.


    Watts,C.L.,Ayoub,C.C.,Avery,M.W.,Beardslee,W. R.,&Knowlton-Young,K。(2008)。支持监督:通过积极关系促进员工和家庭增长。可从:http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/tta-system/health/docs/supportivesupervision.pdf

    Wightman,B.,Weigand,B.,Whitaker,K.,Traylor,D.,Yeider,S. Hyden,V.(2007)虐待儿童的反思实践和监督。

    Zero to Three (2013). Three Building Blocks of Reflective Supervision. Excerpted from Parlakian, R. (2001). Look, listen, and learn: Reflective supervision and relationship-based work. Washington, D.C: ZERO TO THREE. Accessible fromhttp://www.zerotothree.org/about-us/areas-of-expertise/reflective-practice-program-development/three-building-blocks-of-reflective-supervision.html.