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    • 阐明适当卫生的重要性保持每个人的健康。
    • Identify management practices that promote proper hygiene.
    • Provide ongoing training to staff members on handwashing and universal health precautions.
    • Observe and provide feedback on general hygiene practices.




    Child and youth programs are natural environments for the transmission of infectious diseases; you could go so far as to say they are germ incubators. With all the runny noses, toileting, touching, picking, and mouthing that occurs within child care and learning programs, it's surprising that anyone is healthy. Your best defense against the spread of infectious diseases is a strong offense. Your actions support wellness when you maintain a clean environment (see Lesson One) and assure staff and children in your program practice good hygiene.

    When it comes to reducing the spread of disease, nothing is as effective as washing our hands. Classrooms stay healthier when everyone engages in this germ-fighting activity. Staff must constantly model and discuss handwashing with the children in your program. When handwashing occurs as it should, children and youth will be healthier and staff will miss fewer days of work.

    洗手是一种实践,每个人都在你program can do to prevent the spread of illness. However, many staff members will not have been trained in proper handwashing procedures. You will need to make sure that staff members know the best ways and times to wash their hands. This information is detailed below.

    For handwashing to be effective, proper procedures must be followed. Every step of the handwashing procedure is important to the whole process, and a missed step can cause re-contamination and the spread of germs. Wash your hands with liquid soap for at least 20 seconds, and always turn off the faucet with a paper towel. Discuss with your staff when and under what conditions staff members or children may use alcohol-based hand sanitizers (i.e., on field trips when water is not available). A poster showing proper handwashing procedures should be posted by every adult and child sink for reference (see Apply attachments). In addition, handwashing supplies should always be well stocked and accessible.


    In addition to washing hands when they are visibly soiled, there are specific times when handwashing is especially important. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following:


    • 抵达时
    • 从一个儿童保育组移动到另一个
    • Before and after eating, handling food, bottle feeding
    • After using the toilet, diapering
    • 处理体液后(尿液,血液,粪便,呕吐物,粘液,唾液)
    • After coughing or contact with runny noses
    • 触摸污染的物体后,如垃圾桶
    • 在使用多人使用的水中使用之前和之后
    • 沙子播放后,凌乱的戏剧
    • 在户外玩之后
    • After handling animals or animal waste


    • 抵达时to work
    • 休息后
    • 从一个儿童保育组移动到另一个
    • Before and after preparing food or beverages, including bottles
    • Before and after eating, handling food or feeding children, including bottle feeding
    • After using toilet
    • 在帮助儿童厕所后
    • Before and after diapering
    • 处理身体液体(尿液,血液,粪便,呕吐物,粘液,唾液)
    • 咳嗽后,打喷嚏,与流鼻涕接触
    • 服用药物之前和之后
    • 在施用医疗药膏或乳膏之前和之后,可能会遇到皮肤中的休息。
    • 除了任何原因的手套后
    • After cleaning or handling garbage
    • After handling animals or animal waste
    • 在使用多人使用的水中使用之前和之后
    • 在户外玩之后
    • 沙子播放后,凌乱的戏剧

    Young children will need much guidance in learning how to wash their hands appropriately and infants and young toddlers will need physical assistance to complete the task. Check out the Apply section for handwashing materials you can share with staff. Work with your trainers and coaches to ensure all staff members know how to properly support handwashing with the children in their care. For toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children, encourage staff members to construct their own handwashing posters with the children's help, so that all members of the classroom or program community know what to do. Children are sometimes more inclined to appropriately follow an important routine like handwashing if they see themselves or their friends in the pictures, or if they help create the words.

    hand washing steps diagram


    减少可引起感染的微生物(细菌)传播风险的另一种方法是练习标准或普遍的预防措施。标准预防措施涵盖了您可以接触到体液的所有情况,但通用预防措施专门应用于与血液接触,并且不适用于与粪便,鼻腔分泌物,痰,汗液,泪液,尿液,唾液或呕吐物接触,否则这些体液还含有血液。在儿童保育设置中,标准预防措施涉及使用屏障,以防止与另一个人的身体流体接触,以及清洁和消毒受污染的表面。您可以阅读更多关于标准预防措施的更多信息标准和通用预防措施as they Apply to Child Care Settingsfact sheet attached.

    Barriers you or staff members might use to help prevent bodily fluid contact might include:

    • 耐湿的一次性尿布表纸
    • Disposable towels
    • 手套
    • 塑料袋,牢固密封

    员工应该始终使用一次性无孔gloves when blood or body fluids containing blood may be involved. Gloves are optional for diapering and contact with other bodily fluids described above, but adhere to your Service or program guidelines regarding the use of gloves. Gloves are not necessary for feeding human breast milk.


    Coughing and Sneezing


    • Cough into your elbow instead of your hand. Older toddlers can be shown this technique, but know they might not remember to do it all the time. Model this practice to help them start healthy practices.
    • Cover sneezes with a disposable tissue if one is available. Dispose of tissues in a hands-free trash can.

    保持组织从所有项目领域。Encourage staff to take tissues outside to reinforce that healthy habits happen regardless of location. Used tissues should be disposed of immediately, and children should wash their hands after coughing and sneezing. Staff should model these behaviors to help children learn. Proper handwashing after sneezing, coughing into your hand, blowing your nose, or after helping a child who has sneezed is important to maintain a healthy environment and to avoid the spread of disease.

    Cuts, Scrapes, and Sores

    As wounds heal, they might drip, ooze, or drain. These fluids can spread infection and the wound itself also is susceptible to infection. The American Academy of Pediatrics (2011) recommends covering and containing any wound that is leaking. If the wound is so severe or big that it cannot be contained, the child or adult should stay home until a scab has developed. Hand hygiene is critical before and after a staff member's contact with his/her, another staff-member's, or a child's sores, cuts, or scrapes.

    Blood and Other Body Fluids

    Blood can carry a variety of pathogens. Bloodborne pathogens include human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Transmission of these diseases in child care is rare. They are most frequently transmitted through needle sticks or when blood or other body fluid enters the body through eyes, nose, mouth, or broken skin. These diseases are not spread through saliva, sweat, or vomit. Casual contact like hugging, sharing a cup, using a public restroom, or coughing and sneezing do not spread bloodborne diseases.

    However, to promote hygiene practices and decrease the chance of contracting various infectious diseases, all staff members should wash their hands before and after helping a child or another staff member who has been injured, and after handling bodily fluids of any kind (i.e., mucus, blood, vomit, saliva, urine). Staff members should wash their hands immediately after contact with blood, body fluids, excretions, or wound dressings and bandages.

    Supervise & Support

    Management Practices That Promote Proper Hygiene

    The chart below summarizes your key responsibilities in terms of promoting hygiene.

    Management Practices

    Staff Practices

    I should always…

    To ensure

    Staff never…

    Ensure that staff are trained on proper handwashing technique and timing, for both themselves and the children.

    • Contribute to the transmission of infectious disease because they aren't appropriately washing their hands
    • 未能教孩子何时以及如何适当地洗手。

    Ensure enough handwashing supplies or other hygienic supplies (e.g., tissues, gloves) are available in all relevant program areas.

    • 由于缺乏材料而无法遵循适当的洗手技术或预防措施。

    Monitor handwashing procedures at regular intervals and address concerns immediately

    • Fail to follow policies for healthy hygiene and maintaining a healthy environment

    Offer visual reminders (e.g., with posters by program sinks) for proper handwashing technique and timing, and safe hygiene practices (e.g., covering your cough) at relevant places in your program.

    • Put children and youth at risk of becoming ill because they were not following hygienic practices
    • Feel uncomfortable advising children and families on proper handwashing or hygiene practices

    In Summary

    When you model healthy habits and set expectations that staff will model healthy habits too, you not only create a healthier today but a healthier tomorrow for everyone in your program.

    Healthy Habits




    Handwashing has been identified as the single most important thing people can do to reduce the transmission of infectious disease, yet this practice is still not done enough.

    Use the洗手活动图表为儿童和成年人需要洗手时填写图表。然后将建议的答案与您的答案进行比较。



    Attached are a host of resources to share with staff about handwashing, including steps and reminders about when to wash, as well as reminders about decreasing the spread of infectious diseases by covering coughs and sneezes. The posters below from the Minnesota Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the North Carolina Child Care Health & Safety Resource Center can be excellent models for your own program. Consider the best location for these kinds of posters throughout your center. Talk with staff, trainers and coaches about the placement of these visual reminders. You can even encourage staff to create their own versions of these posters with the children and youth in their care.


    Term Description
    ALCOHOL-BASED HAND SANITIZER An alternative to soap and water when sinks are not available. The sanitizer can be a liquid, gel, or foam, but it should contain at least 60% alcohol. Check your program policies about the use of hand sanitizers
    血腥 被血液携带或传播
    污染 To infect or soil with germs in or on the body, on environmental surfaces, on articles of clothing, or in food or water
    FECAL Relating to feces, stool; bodily solid waste
    RE-CONTAMINATION To again infect or soil with presence of infectious microorganisms (germs)
    标准预防措施 CDC的推荐步骤您应该随时接触血液或体液,以防止疾病传播




    What practice can help reduce the spread of illness in your program?


    True or False? Children’s hands should be washed after their diapers have been changed.



    References & Resources

    American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2015).Caring for Our Children: National health and safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs.(3rd ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. Retrieved from

    Dell’Aringa, S. (1997). Handwashing. American Academy of Pediatrics. Retrieved from

    American Public Health Association. (2006). Hand hygiene in pre-K -12 school and child care settings. Retrieved from

    Aronson, S. S. & Spahr, P. M. (2002).Healthy young children: A manual for programs。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    Aronson, S. S., Bradley, S., Louchheim, S., & Mancuso, D. (2002).Model Child Care Health Policies。(4th ed.). Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.


    伤害,T.,D. Cryer和R.m.克利福德。(2006)。Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale,revised editionNew York Teachers College Press.

    伤害,T.,D. Cryer和R.m.克利福德。(2005)。Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale,revised editionNew York Teachers College Press.

    Harms, T., D. Jacobs and Romano. (1995).School Age Environment Rating ScaleNew York Teachers College Press.


    Judah, G., Aunger, R., Schmidt, WP., Michie, S., Granger, S., Curtis, V. (2009).实验预用手洗干预在自然环境中。Am J Public Health99(2):S405-11.

    国家幼儿教育协会。(2007)。Keeping Healthy: Families, Teachers, and Children。[Brochure]. Washington, DC: NAEYC.

    North Carolina Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center (May 2009). For more information, contact 800-367-2229

    Ritchie, S. & Willer B. (2008).Health: A guide to the NAEYC early childhood program standard and related accreditation criteria。Washington, DC: NAEYC.

    Talan, T.N. and P. Jorde Bloom. (2011).Program Administration Scale: Measuring early childhood leadership and management,2nd ed. New York: Teachers College Press. Retrieved from