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    • 提供确保健康环境的管理实践。
    • 描述、应用和交流您的课程的排除和重新入学政策。
    • Identify and share resources related to health maintenance and common childhood illnesses.




    All staff members who work with children are required to complete training in to learn how to help prevent the spread of infectious disease. Often, a nurse or health care professional provides this training. You can help support staff members' learning. Make sure you are familiar with the resources related to infectious disease provided in this Healthy Environments course.


    You will also need to make sure staff know how to perform and document daily health checks. This includes recognizing when a child experiences illness or a health concern. Make sure new staff members know your program's exclusion policy. You may be called to help a staff member make a decision about whether a child is ill and needs to be sent home (see the什么时候该送孩子回家以下学习活动部分的资源)。您还必须熟悉常见传染病的症状和体征(参见迹象和症状图表,also in the Learn Activities section below) and your program's policies. You may also be responsible for communicating with families when certain infectious diseases occur in your program. Be prepared to make sure staff members follow exclusion and readmission policies themselves: sick staff members can spread illnesses, too.


    Model practices that prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's guidelines for covering your cough and handwashing (Lesson Two). You can also model talking to children about healthy habits. For example, if a child sneezes while you are in a classroom, remind them child to go wash their hands. You can also help staff members remember to wash their own hands and the child's hands after wiping a child's nose. It's OK to kindly remind staff members, trainers, and coaches to take steps to prevent the spread of disease, too. This helps promote a culture of healthy habits in your program.

    You might be called when a staff member suspects a child is ill. Be prepared to conduct a health check and look for signs of illness (see the Explore Activity resources below for more information on performing daily health checks). Follow your program's procedures for exclusion and readmission. In the event of an emergency or illness, model proper sanitation procedures in the presence of body fluids like blood, vomit, urine, or feces. Remain calm in these situations and help staff use their training. You might also need to supervise children while staff members respond to the emergency.

    Infectious Disease Prevention

    The transmission of disease can be greatly reduced by using the following precautions:

    • 覆盖打喷嚏并咳嗽得当
    • Proper handwashing
    • 正确的尿布程序
    • Thorough sanitation techniques
    • Precautions against contact with bodily fluids
    • Immunizations



    • Changes in behavior, such as drowsiness or sluggishness
    • Changes in appearance from the previous day
    • 皮疹,皮肤瘙痒皮肤和头皮
    • Rise in body temperature
    • 抱怨疼痛,感觉不舒服
    • Drainage from eyes
    • 呕吐,腹泻
    • Severe coughing
    • 呼吸困难或急促
    • 喉咙痛,吞咽困难
    • Yellowish skin or eyes
    • 不寻常的黑尿或灰白色大便
    • 颈部僵硬伴高温



    Unless your program includes a provision for the care of sick children and youth, children who show signs of illness need to be isolated from the other children until they are picked up.



    Your programs should notify the staff and families of children who have come into contact with a child who is ill with one of the following conditions:

    • Meningitis
    • 百日咳
    • 侵袭性感染,如链球菌
    • Chickenpox
    • 皮肤感染或侵扰(头虱,疥疮和癣)
    • 胃肠道感染(常伴有腹泻)和甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)
    • 流感嗜血杆菌b型(hib)
    • 第五病(Parvovirus B19)
    • 麻疹
    • 肺结核

    Families and staff should also be notified if two or more unrelated persons affiliated with the facility are infected with a vaccine-preventable or infectious disease.

    If one of these diseases or conditions is suspected in your classroom, your program will need to notify all families and staff who have come in contact with the child or children. This notification should include (Caring for our Children, 2015):

    • The names, both the common and the medical name, of the diagnosed disease to which the child was exposed, whether there is one case or an outbreak, and the nature of the exposure (such as a child or staff member in a shared room or facility)
    • Signs and symptoms of the disease for which the parent/guardian should observe
    • 疾病的传播方式
    • 可传播的时期以及观察疾病症状和体征的时间
    • Disease-prevention measures recommended by the health department (if appropriate)
    • 设施实施的控制措施
    • Pictures of skin lesions or skin condition may be helpful to parents or guardians (e.g., chicken pox, spots on tonsils, etc.)





    Families must be reminded of your policies when they pick up an ill child or if they call the program to report an absence. Your program's exclusion and readmission policies should be covered in your family orientation process as well as included in your family and staff handbooks.




    Some families have religious or cultural objections to having their children or youth immunized. In the event of an outbreak of an infectious disease that is preventable by vaccine, your program may require that all children who are not vaccinated against the disease be denied care. As the manager, it is your responsibility to know how to identify those children who are not immunized and to enforce the denial of care. It is essential that you and your staff do all you can to control the spread of disease and to protect children who have not yet developed an immunity to a certain disease. Check for any allowances for these families based on your policies.

    It is important to keep copies of the most current immunization records and check them against the schedule on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at addition to children and youth, you need to ensure that staff are up-to-date on required immunizations. Just as you do for families, remind staff at least 60 days before they may need immunization updates.


    Supervise & Support


    Review your policies on immunizations for children and staff, and stay up-to-date on state requirements as well. As the program manager, you must ensure a proper immunization tracking system is maintained. Additionally, it is important as you monitor your program and address concerns that you keep a reliable tracking system to ensure changes and improvements are conducted and that follow through is complete. Regardless of the system you chose to use, be sure it is one that works for your program.

    The Program Administration Scale is an assessment tool created by McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership and is one way of assessing the administration of child care programs. It sets the establishment of "systems" as an indicator of a high-quality program. As you have learned in previous lessons, systems help you in the tracking and implementation of policies and procedures; which ultimately keeps everyone safe and healthy.


    管理实践that Support the Prevention of Infectious Disease




    I should always…

    To ensure

    Staff never…

    Make certain that staff are trained on our policies for managing infectious disease

    • 有助于传播传染病,因为它们不保持健康的环境或坚持健康的实践
    • Neglect to conduct daily health checks
    • 不适当地照顾生病的儿童和青少年
    • Fail to report an outbreak of an infectious disease

    Monitor the sanitary conditions throughout the program daily and address concerns immediately

    • 不遵守政策维护健康环境

    Implement our exclusion and readmission policy consistently

    • 让生病的孩子和青年留在他们的classrooms where they can infect other children


    • 使儿童和青年处于生病的危险之中,因为他们没有遵守书面程序
    • Feel uncomfortable advising families on our program's policies


    Prevent and manage infectious diseases in your program.



    It is essential to have a system in place to record daily health check information. Take some time to review the information and guides attached below and consider how your program currently conducts and documents daily health checks. lf your program does not currently use a standard system, consider using the注册/出勤/症状记录,来自美国儿科学院,作为样本。您如何更新此表格以在您的程序中工作?日常健康检查或日常健康检查的文件如何包含在计划中的其他系统中,以确保他们适当地完成并帮助支持员工效率?

    You will also a find每日健康检查poster from the North Carolina Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center and a日常健康检查指南. 为员工提供这些资源。



    What system do you use to ensure that children’s immunization records are up-to-date? How effective is it? Use theImmunization Record Audit Activityto randomly review 20 percent of your program's child and youth files. Are the immunization records current for each of the files reviewed? If they are not, decide and list what actions need to be taken to bring them up-to-date.


    学期 Description
    系统 完成某事的有组织的方法。根据项目管理规模,跟踪信息的系统包括有形的、具体的证据、多个人的参与和明确的责任
    挠痒痒系统 记住关键信息的系统,通常at a certain time. The system may be use index cards, file folders, electronic calendars, or other tools. Color coding, numbering, or lettering can serve as the tickler triggers




    A parent in your program has just let you know that her daughter has chicken pox. You need to notify all families and staff who have come in contact with this child. What must your notification include?


    True or False? Your program’s exclusion and readmission policies do not need to be included in family and staff handbooks.


    An important strategy for the prevention of infectious disease is…

    References & Resources:

    美国儿科学会,美国公众alth Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2015).Caring for Our Children: National health and safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs.(3rd ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. Retrieved from



    Harms, T., D. Jacobs and Romano. (1995).学龄时代环境评定量表,纽约师范学院出版社。

    家庭托儿所的健康和安全(2010). 俄亥万博体育下载官方网站俄州就业和家庭服务部。

    Talan,T.N.和P. jorde Bloom。(2011)。Program Administration Scale: Measuring early childhood leadership and management,纽约:师范大学出版社。检索自: