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    • Describe the various effects of deployment on children and families.
    • Describe strategies you can use to support staff before, during, and after families experience deployment.
    • Provide support and resources to families related to mental health and well-being.





    First, you can introduce staff members to the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework. This framework is designed to prevent child abuse and neglect, but it is also an excellent way to approach your work with all families. Your program supports children's mental health by strengthening their families. This framework focuses on strengths and promotes overall well-being. While it is beyond the scope of this lesson to completely explain the Protective Factors framework, but you can learn more by visiting。For now, you can teach staff about the five protective factors that your program should work to support in all families:

    Strengthening Families Protective Factors
    By the Center for the Study of Social Policy(Figure 1)

    1. Parental Resilience


    2. 对儿童发展和养育的知识

      Adults know what to expect as children grow and are able to meet their child’s needs at each stage of development.

    3. Social Connections

      Families know there are people who care about them and who they can call on for help.

    4. 具体支撑在需要时期


    5. Social and Emotional Competence of Children


    You can learn more about the Protective Factors Framework by visiting

    出于本课程的目的,我们将专注于弹性。弹性是管理压力和反弹的能力。这对成年人和儿童非常重要。Kenneth Ginsberg博士在广泛地写了关于如何发展和模型弹性以支持军事青年的编写。观看这个视频关于他对“7 C'”的讨论,帮助孩子积极应对军事生活的挑战:。您还可以了解更多关于“7 C”,以便在国际青年基金会的学习资源中建立弹性,The 7 Cs: The Essential Building Blocks of Resilience


    Seven-Stage Cycle

    1. Stage 1 — Anticipation of Departure
    2. Stage 2 — Detachment and Withdrawal
    3. Stage 3 — Emotional Disorganization
    4. Stage 4 — Recovery and Stabilization
    5. Stage 5 — Anticipation of Return
    6. Stage 6 — Return Adjustment and Renegotiation
    7. Stage 7 — Reintegration and Stabilization



    Supervise & Support

    As a manager, you should stay connected to the mental health needs of the children and families in your program. Make sure you know which families are experiencing deployments, divorce, relocation, grief, job loss, or any other major stressors. Create opportunities for these families to connect with one another informally or through support networks on your installation or near your program. Also keep in mind that many of your staff members may experience similar life events. Listen to their concerns and help them find proactive ways to handle their stress.


    Connecting During Deployment

    This video gives an example of how one program connects children and families

    Caring for children and families experiencing extreme stress can be challenging for even the most seasoned staff member. Watch for signs that a staff member is overwhelmed or experiencing stress themselves. Be prepared to step in and offer support. Read these scenarios on the left and think about how you would respond.

    场景 你可能会说......

    LaShorage's husband is on his first deployment. She cries every time she thinks about it. She is just not ready to talk to the kids in her class about her emotions and their deployment experiences. Her feelings are too raw.


    A new parent in your program, Cedric was raised to believe that “boys don’t cry.” He was also taught that it was a sign of weakness to talk about how he was feeling. He tries to understand the lesson his child is learning in your program about emotions, but he really thinks it’s best not to talk about things that are difficult or emotional. He shares with you that he thinks everyone would feel better if they just kept busy.

    “Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, Cedric. I can see that you have done a lot of thinking about this. Because everybody processes things differently, we try to help children understand that all their feelings are OK. Being able to name our emotions is a first step in being able to cope with them. And sometimes it helps to talk things through. When a beloved pet dies, it helps to name emotions like sadness to begin to heal raw feelings. What do you think? I really value your input on this subject.”

    Stacey has been a military wife and mother for 20 years. She has been through it all. She can comfort kids, co-workers, moms, and dads. In fact, she has a reputation for being a great person to talk to. People seek her out even after their child leaves your program. She always has a hug for everyone and makes each person feel like they are the only person in the room.


    You should also look for signs that staff members are experiencing stress. Watch this video to learn about the signs of stress in caregivers:

    Taking Care of Yourself

    Learn the signs of stress so you can support all staff members

    If you see any of these signs of stress, recognize that a staff member might need extra support from you. Find time to talk. Plan opportunities to relieve stress. Make sure the staff member takes breaks as needed and has the supports they need outside of work.



    重要的是,您熟悉与儿童心理健康有关的资源 - 尤其是与部署相关的资源。使用Mental Health Resource Sheetactivity as you explore the websites below, take notes on the resources you find, and think about ways you can share these resources with your staff.




    The death of a parent is perhaps the most emotionally challenging event that can happen to a child. Use these resources below to help you support the mental health of children and youth as they process their grief. Take note of the resources you may wish to share with staff members and families as needed. In addition, use the two-page支持正在经历压力的儿童from Child Care Aware to better support staff who work with children experiencing anxiety.

    最后,看到了Resources for Military Children Affected by Deployment由美国陆军家庭和士气,福利和娱乐指挥,儿童和青年服务编制的资源。这提供了一份书籍和网站资源列表,可以帮助孩子准备并处理其父或关闭家庭成员的部署。您可以将其中一些书籍添加到您的程序库中,您可以在程序通讯中包含一些这些资源,以确保家庭知道并提醒这些资源。来自儿童福利信息网关的另一个有用资源包括您可能希望与父母分享的一些资源:


    Term Description
    Deployment 部队的搬迁或材料所需的operational areas. Military family members may be relocated to war zones or other areas as needed






    Tim is a staff member in your school-age program. His wife is about to go on her first deployment overseas. He does not appear to be handling the stress well. What can you do?


    Your community is celebrating the return of a large group of service members from a lengthy deployment. Which of the following is NOT something your program can do to support the children and families?

    References & Resources

    Center for the Study of Social Policy (2013).Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework.从...获得

    金堡,K。,&千斤顶,M. M.(2014)。Building resilience in children and teens: Giving kids roots and wings (3rd.edition)。美国科学院儿科。More information available at

    Harper Browne, C. (2014). The Strengthening Families Approach and Protective Factors Framework: Branching out and reaching deeper. Washington, D.C.: Center for the Study of Social Policy. Retrieved from

    Huebner C.R.(2019)。美国军人家庭儿童的健康状况。AAP部分关于制服服务,AAP委员会儿童和家庭健康的心理社会方面。儿科。143(1)。从...获得

    Morse, M. D. (n.d.).A Closer Look for Current Conditions: A Fresh Glance at the Emotional Cycles of Deployment.从...获得

    Pincus,S. H.,House,R.,Christenson,J.,J.,&Adler,L. E.(2004)。部署的情感周期:军事家庭观点。

    Sesame Workshop. (n.d.). Retrieved from

    零至三:婴儿,幼儿和家庭国家中心。(N.D.)。Coming Together Around Military Families.从...获得