Secondary tabs

    • 深化您对个体医疗保健需求的理解以及正确施用药物的重要性。
    • 建议管理实践,以确保工作人员在您的计划中满足儿童和青年的个人健康需求。
    • 目前申请本课程内容的机会,以确保正确施用药物的监督和问责制,从而满足儿童和青年的个人健康需求。


    作为经理,您必须努力满足参加您计划的儿童和家庭的需求。儿童和青少年可能需要额外的对健康需求的支持,例如食物过敏或哮喘。应在注册时确定健康需求,因此您可以与您的员工合作,为第一天之前的所有儿童提供课堂和计划安全。However, if health needs present after a child is enrolled (e.g., the family of a toddler in your program discovers that their daughter has a severe allergy to peanuts), you must work with families and staff to update the appropriate documentation and ensure training and the environment are updated to meet the child's new special health care needs.

    Health needs should be addressed using your health care plan to ensure that there is a system in place that addresses all facets of a child's health care needs. If a health care need arises after a child is enrolled, the care plan needs to be written as soon as you and your staff are informed. Medical and physical care plans should be completed for children and youth with special needs or health conditions in accordance with your requirements. As the manager, you should be aware of your program's policies on serving children with special needs and also how to support staff to ensure all needs are met.


    根据照顾我们的孩子(第3 Ed。),a care plan typically includes information like:

    • 孩子的诊断或诊断
    • 初级保健提供商的联系方式(医生)
    • Medications along with the schedule in which the medicine should be given
    • 可根据需要提供的药物以及有关令人担保药物的迹象和症状的明确指示
    • 施用药物的程序
    • Allergies
    • 儿童所需的修改(饮食,活动,环境,行为,避免什么 - 例如,花生等)
    • 症状寻找
    • 应急响应计划
    • 特殊培训您和您的团队可能需要与孩子合作








    Food allergies are on the rise (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 8 percent of children under the age of 18 have a food allergy or multiple food allergies. That is roughly 6 million children in the U.S. (AAP, 2011). Various proteins, harmless to people without allergies, can trigger serious reactions in people with food allergies. The reactions can range from mild to severe, including death. Allergic reactions usually happen shortly after the food is eaten.

    最近的科学和医学进步已经提供了技术诊断食物过敏,更容易且精确地诊断食物过敏。我们现在知道许多孩子患有食物过敏,其中一些可能是严重的,甚至危及生命。例如,我们已经看到了花生过敏的儿童增加,因此整个教室和护理环境已经成为花生免版税zones in an effort to prevent any serious allergic reactions.



    • Hives, skin rashes, and swelling
    • 打喷嚏,喘息和喉咙紧绷
    • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
    • 灯头,并失去意识



    • 牛奶
    • 甲壳类贝类(例如蟹,龙虾,虾)
    • 树坚果(例如,杏仁,核桃,山核桃)
    • 花生
    • 小麦
    • 大豆

    This topic is explored in greater detail in儿童保育食品服务的七节课程课程。


    • 病史
    • 总体健康
    • 过敏或饮食考虑

    Your staff need to communicate openly with families about food items that children might be allergic to. They need to read ingredient lists and know the different versions and types of allergens. For example, nut products and byproducts are included in a variety of foods you might not expect; potato chips fried it peanut oil for example. If there is any doubt concerning a food or product, families need to be consulted. Quality assurances need to be established as formal standardized practices for the program to ensure that every child is screened accordingly and does not slip through the monitoring aspect of keeping children safe. If you do not already have one in place, establish a system to monitor allergies to eliminate risk.

    您可以通过参观食物过敏研究和教育(票价)网站来阅读儿童和青少年的儿童和青少年的关注儿童和青年的更多信息:。You can also refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's在学校和早期护理和教育方案中管理食物过敏的自愿准则位于学习活动部分中。

    Non-Food Allergies


    • 尘螨
    • 动物或动物皮屑
    • 模子
    • 花粉(树木,草,杂草,花)


    根据the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 26 million Americans suffer from asthma--more than 6 million of whom are under the age of 18 (CDC, 2018). As the number of people with asthma continues to rise, more accurate methods are available to diagnose and treat the disease. Asthma can begin at any age; however most children with asthma develop symptoms by age 5 (Cleveland Clinic, 2013). The American Association of Pediatricians defines asthma as a chronic respiratory disease of the tubes that carry air to the lungs. These air passages become narrow and their linings become swollen, irritated, and inflamed, making breathing difficult (AAP, 2015).


    • 喘息
    • 常规咳嗽
    • Tight feeling in chest
    • 气促







    It is your responsibility to inform staff of a child's special health needs and to ensure staff are prepared to meet any of the child's individualized needs before their first day in your program. This may include training on such topics as how to administer a breathing treatment for a child with asthma. Staff should also be trained in reading and following individual health plans. Health plans should be updated according to your program's requirements and as needed.



    Cultural Considerations


    饮食注意事项是否健康,personal, or cultural, families must be informed as far in advance as possible of your program's policies and practices around meals and mealtimes, day-to-day menus, and available substitutions. This way, if families need to request a change for a certain day, they have time to do so.

    征求家庭的文化偏好不仅让儿童和青年保持健康,而且还表明了对家庭的尊重 - 孩子的第一个也是最重要的老师。



    For the purpose of this discussion, medication includes any medicine or treatment that requires a medical prescription. Over-the-counter medication should only be given if approved by your program, along with written parental or guardian consent.


    • Always follow the instructions for administering the medication as outlined on the prescription
    • Always have families complete the appropriate forms with signatures of medical practitioners as required
    • 始终避免给药第一剂药物;如果发生反应,则可能是第一种剂量
    • 始终将药物保留在原始容器中,因此不会发生混合
    • 始终遵循给药药物,包括剂量,持续时间和储存的确切方向

    Seven Rights of Medication

    It is your responsibility to ensure staff follow these specific guidelines when administering medication:


    1. 正确的药物。Staff administering the medication should check it against the signed form to ensure that the name of the medication on the bottle or package matches what's on the form exactly. Each time the medication is administered, this should be checked. The medication should be in its original container
    2. 右孩子。During certain seasons of the year when multiple children may need medication or when the program has several children enrolled who need medication support (such as children with diabetes, asthma, or ADHD), the risk associated with medication administration increases. Forms and medication need to be checked to ensure that the right child正在接受药物。如果管理由不直接在课堂上工作的工作人员进行,这更为重要。
    3. 右剂量。确认需要衡量右剂量。使用药房使用药房用药的药物勺是确保给出右剂量的绝佳方法。药物管理不是猜测的时间。应澄清任何问题,应转回家庭。
    4. 正确的路线。Medication can be delivered in a number of ways; usually the medication to be delivered by programs is through oral dispensing or through an inhaler. Confirmation of method should be written on the medication itself as well as on the signed form.
    5. Right Time.Timing of administering the medication should be clearly written on the medication itself and on the signed form. Staff need to confirm with families when the child arrives as to when the last dose of medication was administered and when the next one is due. This information should be documented. Likewise, when the child is picked up by the family, staff should provide written documentation of when medication was given.
    6. 正确的原因。给予每次药物,给予它的人应确保在正确的原因(例如,泰伦疼痛,哮喘攻击治疗呼吸治疗的塔丁醇)开始给药。咨询健康保健计划的适当症状可以帮助确保药物适用于正确的原因。
    7. 正确的文件。您应该确保为管理所有药物的每个孩子维持记录。管理药物的工作人员应在每次提供剂量后立即记录管理局(洗手后)。这是一个非常关键的步骤。没有适当的文件,另一名员工或儿童的家庭成员可能无法适当地提供下一个剂量的药物(例如,它们可以提供的下一个剂量太快,这可能导致儿童严重的健康影响)。

    注意,一些州使用第一个5权利(对吗t child, right medication, right dose, right time, right route) and some states use 7 Rights, also known as “5 Rights PLUS” which include the last two rights (right reason and right documentation). Make sure your staff, coaches, and trainers know which set of medication administration rights are in use at your program. If any of these Rights have not been met, then a medication error has occurred; it must be documented and the family notified immediately. Make sure staff know what to do in the event an error has occurred or if they suspect an error occurred.



    作为计划经理,您应该确保系统到位以满足药物管理政策。支持员工在遵守这七名权利方面的最佳方式之一是通过培训和提供适当的工具。确保员工携手合出给文档药物管理局。您还可以发布海报或有关于七个权利的视觉提醒,因此工作人员每次施用药物时都会记得跟随它们。With the help of trainers and coaches, work with staff to develop systems within their classroom or programs that help facilitate proper medication administration (e.g., where to store medication, timers for reminding when to administer, place in room where administration should happen, where documentation is filed within the room to respect children and family's privacy). With the help of your trainers and coaches, conduct audits of medication documentation to assess whether or not staff are appropriately completing this part, and address concerns immediately. Commend staff when you see them engage in the seven rights.

    Storage of Medication

    All medication should be kept out of reach of children in a locked cabinet or container. Medication that needs to be refrigerated should be in a locked container within the refrigerator. Your program's procedures for locking and storing medication should be followed.









    I should always…




    • 负责有过敏反应的孩子,因为适当的程序不采取特殊膳食要求
    • 忽略家庭的文化和/或宗教偏好
    • 如果孩子经历过敏反应或需要医疗,则不确定何种行动课程


    • Fail to meet the health care needs of children and youth because information wasn't provided or complete

    Communicate verbally and in writing (family and staff handbooks) our program's requirements for meeting the individual health care needs of children and youth; including how to notify program staff of health changes

    • 未能达到儿童和青年的医疗保健需求,因为他们并没有对健康变化相容


    • 给孩子和青少年错误的药物
    • Give medication to the wrong child or youth
    • Give the wrong dose of medication to children and youth
    • Give children and youth their medication at the wrong time
    • Fail to document administering medicine


    • Jeopardize the safety and health of children and youth as a result of not following our program's requirements for the administration of medication


    • 不正确地施用药物
    • 在施用药物之前感到不舒服请求来自家庭的信息
    • 如果存在药物错误,则无法立即通知我


    • 从事不安全的实践,让孩子和青年有伤害的风险







    You could also conduct a similar audit to see how your program meets families’ religious or cultural food restrictions.


    学期 描述
    过敏症 极端,往往危及生命,过敏反应。反应严重,涉及全身。除非及时治疗,除非,过敏反应可导致:阻挡气道;心脏骤停(没有心跳);呼吸逮捕(没有呼吸);或休克。(MedlinePlus)
    care plan 由孩子的医生和家人开发的计划。它描述了孩子的医疗保健需求以及如何在学校照顾这些需求
    Food allergy Negative immune-system reaction to a substance ingested in food
    有特殊医疗保健需求的学生 “Those who have or are at increased risk for a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition and who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children gener¬ally” (Caring for Our Children, 2015)




    Darin will be joining your school-age program next week and you are aware that he has asthma. What do you need to do before Darin’s first day?






    美国儿科学院,美国公共卫生协会,育儿和早期教育中的健康安全国家资源中心。(2015)。Caring for Our Children: National health and safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs, 3rd ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. Retrieved from





    Dresser, N. (2005). Multicultural Manners:21世纪精神的基本规则。新泽西:约翰瓦利和儿子。




    华盛顿州父亲网络。(2019)。Bothell,Wa:Condering Center。从...获得