
    • List ideas to consider when selecting toys and materials for your program.
    • 模型决策关于材料的适当性。
    • 通过多种方式安全为您的程序安全的学习材狗万app怎么下载料。
    • 开发系统以帮助跟踪您拥有的材料以及它们在您的程序中的位置。



    Materials have great influence on learning and behavior. Although environmental design and interest areas provide the spaces for learning to happen, it’s the materials within that can spark children’s imaginations and support their development. Staff should provide interesting and purposeful materials that are intentionally linked to curriculum activities. It’s important that in addition to the items above, you and your staff ensure that learning materials are:

    • 安全和耐用
    • 没有教师的帮助或许可都可以访问
    • 发展恰当
    • Supportive of all the domains of development
    • Sufficient in quantity to support interests and learning goals
    • Aligned to curriculum and lesson plans
    • 合并良好

    Ensuring that there are plenty of the right kinds of learning materials can help reduce conflict and boredom. If staff know that multiple children are interested in trains, they should make a point of providing materials that relate to that interest. If children enjoy play-dough, staff should have enough for a group of children to play together and perhaps create an idea together. When children are able to access materials on their own, time that would normally be spent waiting on staff members’ help becomes learning time.




    • Cultural relevance
    • Developmental appropriateness
    • 与儿童兴趣有关
    • 种类
    • 链接到学习目标狗万app怎么下载

    Cultural Relevance

    Cultural relevance means that the toys and materials you provide reflect the backgrounds, knowledge, and experiences of the diverse children and youth in your program. By choosing materials that validate and empower children of all racial, ethnic, and social backgrounds, staff members build a bridge between children’s home and school lives that will support a strong foundation for learning.





    A program stocked with developmentally-appropriate materials “fits” the child—the child should not have to adjust to fit the program. See the发育适当的材料指南at the end of the Learn section for details about what children need at different stages in their development. Use the guide to facilitate decision-making by program staff and leadership.

    Connection to Children’s Interests

    Children learn best when their interests are incorporated. When possible, staff members should provide materials that capture children’s interests and extend their learning.

    By considering children’s interest when choosing classroom materials, staff members can make connections that extend children’s learning to new areas. For example, if a few children become very interested in construction during the summer, the teacher could turn a part of the learning area into a construction zone by providing hard hats, shovels, measurement tools, gravel, or toy construction equipment. The creation of this construction zone might spark children’s interest in learning about bridges, which could lead to discussion about rivers and oceans or to types of transportation that move through water.





    孩子学习和探索当玩具和伴侣rials have multiple uses. Unlike an empty box, toys that limit imaginative play, such as action figures or dolls with pre-set accessories or movements, can only be used in a limited number of ways.


    Perhaps the most important consideration in terms of the materials in your program is the ways they support learning goals. Provide toys that promote math skills like sorting and patterning, literacy skills like letter matching and rhyming, social skills like turn-taking and problem solving, scientific knowledge, and knowledge of the social world around children. The general rule is that children should玩这些材料。


    作为计划管理员,您将制定学龄计划人员和儿童如何使用互联网和技术的规则和政策。Applications or “apps,” computer games, and the internet are learning materials, just like toys and books, and your role is to collaborate with the coach or trainer to ensure your program has appropriate technology to support your school-age program’s learning objectives and curriculum. All children who use technology in your program will need support in learning digital citizenship. This is essential for their safety, and you can reviewLesson Three of the Safe Environments coursefor guidance on supervision and safety during internet and technology use. The Office of Educational Technology, U.S. Department of Education defines digital citizenship as, “a set of norms and practices regarding appropriate and responsible technology use… and requires a whole-community approach to thinking critically, behaving safely, and participating responsibly online” (2015). Work with your coach or trainer to ensure that your program has specific digital citizenship rules for children, and review these rules on an ongoing basis so they reflect updated technology.

    When determining appropriate devices and software to purchase for your program, consider how these learning materials support the Three C’s and accompanying questions developed by Lisa Guernsey:

    • Content: How does this help children learn, engage, express, imagine, or explore?
    • Context: What kinds of social interactions are happening before, during, and after the use of technology? Does it complement, and not interrupt, children’s learning experiences and natural play patterns?
    • 个人孩子:这个孩子现在需要什么来提高他们的增长和发展?这项技术是否适合与此儿童的需求,能力,兴趣和发展阶段相当匹配?

    教育技术的办公室,美国Department of Education suggests caregivers and educators understand the difference between passive and active technology use. During passive technology use, a child consumes the content through watching a video or program without follow-up or an opportunity to connect what they viewed to something in their life. Active technology use involves creation, reflection, and storytelling. For example, a child who has a special interest in cheetahs creates a PowerPoint Presentation using pictures, facts, and other resources. This child may, with the help of an adult or peer model, research facts about cheetahs from reputable online websites or books and insert found pictures to support information about specific cheetah traits. This example of active technology use supports the child’s knowledge of the life sciences, ability to determine fact from fiction, collaboration with peers, and word processing skills. Think about what type of technology use you observe when you walk through your program. What ways can you support staff so technology use is active, aligns with learning goals and the curriculum, and connects to children’s lives and interests?

    Computers, tablets, and other devices are types of learning materials that not every child in your program may have at home. Their opportunities to learn how to use technology may only occur in your program and their school, and it is important that you think about how technology creates equitable and culturally responsive learning experiences. Though printed books will always be an important learning material, having online references and materials more immediately provides children access to more and different types of information. A program with few children who are members of a tribal nation, for example, must work within the constraints of their budget to buy books, pictures, and toys that reflect these cultures. Using online resources, program staff may more easily be able to find pictures and information to create books and other learning materials that represent all children’s cultures.


    As you work with staff members, trainers and coaches, you will need to model appropriate decision-making related to materials. When staff, trainers or coaches have questions about materials, ask four important questions (Dodge, Colker, & Heroman, 2002):

    • 这些材料是否反映并尊重计划和更广泛的社区的种族,种族,文化,语言和家庭多样性?
    • 这些材料是否反映了儿童目前的兴趣,帮助引发新的利益?
    • 这些材料允许儿童以各种方式发挥吗?
    • 这些材料有助于我们为儿童达到重要的学习目标吗?狗万app怎么下载






    A Range of Materials That Help Children See Themselves




    • Budgeting: Inevitably, some toys and materials will be broken or need repair each year. There will be wear and tear, especially in childcare and youth settings where materials are used by many children for potentially hours each day. It is important that you adequately budget for repairing and buying new materials.
    • 采购:与您的培训师和教练一起工作,员工反馈,了解需要哪些材料。购买时,请记住考虑以下内容:
      • Is it durable enough?
      • 是否在文化相关?有助于对性别,种族,种族或能力的偏见有助于矛盾吗?它有助于代表您的计划和当地社区的多样性吗?
      • 它可以提供品种吗?花钱在更开放的物品上最有意义,可以以多种不同的方式使用。
      • 正如安全课程中所讨论的那样,从开始时确保这些材料是安全的(并且他们尚未回忆起来)您正在购买的年龄组。
      • 建立定期购买周期。这样,您,培训师或教练和员工可以充分讨论和准备订单,您的员工可以合理地预测,何时可以预期新的或更换物品。
    • Networking and asking for donations: Not all materials must be purchased. One of the best ways to help staff members when new interests arise in their classrooms is to ask for relevant material donations from local area businesses, resources, or families. For example, if children have become increasingly interested in health-care settings and professions, a local university, hospital, or doctor’s office may be willing to donate relevant dramatic play items. If a group of school-age youth are interested in exploring pottery, is there a business nearby that could donate clay? Also, remember that you can involve families in simple ways by asking them to donate clean recycled materials or collect natural items for children to use in art or science and discovery areas. Just remember, with all donations, it is important that you check materials for safety before they are available for children to use.

    Do not forget that materials also include the consumables that will be part of your program—paper, paint, stamp pads, and makers, pencils and crayons usually wear out or break after a few months use. Also remember the consumables that staff members use to make quality learning environments—pens for writing up curriculum, copies of checklists, ink and paper for photo printers, etc. Make sure you budget for these consumable items and that you have a regular cycle established to replenish them.

    你也应该有办法跟踪娘家姓的是什么ded. You, trainers and coaches, and staff members should have systems in place to record what specific materials or toys were damaged and thrown out. Staff members may indicate in an art and writing storage area, for example, when they have taken a bottle of paint, a pack of construction paper, or a new crayon box. If you offer a quick and easy recording sheet right next to the materials, staff members can just check that they have removed an item. These kinds of systems will help keep your inventory up-to-date and make ordering and purchasing easier.

    Staff Input

    Also, to help staff provide materials based on children’s or youth’s interest, you should consider, as a manager, how you can logistically support this. As discussed above, one way to do this is to work with your trainers and coaches to ask for donations or seek out free resources. However, you could also consider providing each classroom its own small budget for materials. If you implement classroom budgets, you will likely need to establish some oversight for purchases. Offer clear guidance to staff about what the classroom budgets are for and how they should be used, and work with your trainers or coaches to make sure purchases reflect actual needs and that there are not more cost-effective ways of meeting classroom activity ideas. If giving each classroom its own budget is not feasible in your program, you could develop a material request form that would allow staff to offer suggestions.

    You will likely receive catalogues showing you the new and latest items from a host of educational and childcare supply companies. Or, perhaps you will see new items vendors have on display when you attend child or youth related conferences. Remember to consult with your trainers and coaches and some of the staff members in your program before purchasing to receive advice and show that you respect the input of those who will use the materials with children on a day-to-day basis. If you cannot meet certain supply requests, explain why. If you let staff members know that other supplies were more critical at the time but that you have held onto their requests and will reconsider them in your next ordering cycle, this shows the staff members that you value their input. If a staff member requests an item that does not fit the characteristics outlined in this lesson, than you can use that as teachable moment to explain why you chose not to fill their request, and with your trainers and coaches, help the staff member find more appropriate materials.


    Part of ensuring that staff have the materials they need involves your oversight of material storage and facilitating shared use. With help from trainers and coaches, you should have an inventory of materials across your program and know where they are located. Although some items may always remain in their respective classrooms, many other materials will rotate in and out of classrooms based on children’s current interests, learning goals, and planned activities. You should have a system in place for tracking “who has what” and for checking items out. You should also have systems in place that make it easy for staff members to find what they need in shared storage spaces. Just as labeling supports ease of use and independence for children, labeling both storage containers and shelves in storage spaces can help adults keep things organized. Having a strong inventory and an easy system for tracking where to find what will help make sure you are buying only what you need. Although having multiples of favorite items is important for decreasing frustration and increasing cooperative play amongst a group of children, this does not mean you need duplicates of all items for every classroom. Part of your role is to help facilitate the sharing and rotation of materials across program spaces.



    A trainer or coach approaches you about some staff members’ requests to collect materials related to a new interest in their classroom—animal care. Brain storm how you would work with your trainer or coach to help staff acquire materials for this interest.





    • 引导反思的问题:确保发展的适当材料- 帮助员工广泛地思考材料是否包括种族,种族,文化,语言,家庭多样性,儿童自身利益,互动的能力,吸引儿童,激励各种戏剧,以及材料与您的课程的关系。
    • 儿童玩游戏:合作玩具和游戏 -建议玩具,激发合作,想象力,识字,语言,数学和解决问题,科学和探索,社会研究。
    • 供电跟踪示例- 跟踪材料的位置和使用日期,以确保在重新排序时轻松。
    • 用于识别技术和互动媒体的示例性用途的清单,以便提前学习狗万app怎么下载- 12个点清单包含重要指南,帮助您确保在程序中使用技术和交互式媒体是合适的。


    Term Description
    发展恰当 An item, toy, or activity is suitable for a child’s age and general level of development; it is safe and provides an appropriate level of challenge
    Learning standards 帮助工作人员为儿童和青年发展的期望定义预期;在本课程中,“学习标准”旨在与为儿狗万app怎么下载童学习的目标工作人员进行同义词






    Which of the following isnot你应该在教室或节目中寻找的东西?


    Sonya, a staff member in your program, comes to you with a concern about the books that were recently purchased by your program. She thinks the books show some outdated stereotypes. She is especially unhappy with the “damsel in distress” theme in several of the books and does not want to add more princess-themed books to her library. What should you do?

    References & Resources

    Bronson, M. B. (1995).The Right Stuff for Children Birth to 8: Selecting play materials to support development.华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。

    Epstein, A. (2007).故意老师:选择幼儿学习的最佳策略。狗万app怎么下载华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。

    Goodson, B. D., & Bronson, M. B. (1986).哪个玩具为哪个孩子:选择合适玩具的消费者指南。Washington, DC: U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

    Guernsey, L. (2012) Screen Time: How electronic media—from baby videos to educational software—affects your young child. New York, NY: Basic Books.

    Jacobs,G.,&Crowley,K。(2007)。Play, Projects, and Preschool Standards: Nurturing children’s sense of wonder and joy in learning.Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

    美国教育部,教育技术办公室。(2015年。)。ED Tech开发人员指南,软件开发人员,初创公司和企业家的底漆。从...获得https://tech.ed.gov/files/2015/04/Developer-Toolkit.pdf
