
    • Ensure that staff members know the components of an effective schedule for the age group with which they are working.
    • Model strategies for providing structured, yet flexible, schedules during interactions with adults.
    • Manage and provide feedback on schedules and routines.



    创建有效的时间表就像将一个喜欢的食谱放在一起。还有一些成分或元素,进入有效的时间表。这些元素的顺序和风格将对每个工作人员都是独一无二的。与一些食谱一样,有灵活性的空间。成分可以根据个体需求进行改变或改编。有效时间表的关键是结构和灵活性(Chung,Gannett,La Perla,2001)。

    Across all age groups, a substantial portion of the programming day should be dedicated to free-choice time. Especially in school-age programs, it is important to provide adequate time for children to engage in free-choice, unstructured activities. Most of their school day is highly structured, so this can be an important time to unwind and choose enjoyable activities on their own or with friends.

    在大多数项目,某种形式的adult-guided大-group time occurs. In child-development programs, this can be a chance to read stories to the group, discuss the daily schedule, and build classroom community. Although important events can take place at large group, it should be kept short. Young children learn best if group times are 15 to 20 minutes or less (Hemmeter, Ostrosky, Artman, & Kinder, 2008). For infants and toddlers, mandatory adult-directed activities are not developmentally appropriate, however staff members can still offer “a group time” as a way to strengthen their classroom community, asking the children to come together to share songs or ideas (e.g., copying the motions suggested by infants and toddlers; Lang et al., 2010). Infants and toddlers should be able to be active participants during group time, which should be short—5 to 10 minutes. It is appropriate to offer infants and toddlers the choice to engage in this time, and to offer stories, songs, or group activities with an adult and small group of peers at different points throughout the day. In school-age programs, adult-directed activities may be optional and may take a variety of forms: an opportunity to learn how to build model airplanes, a science experiment, or a structured outing. School-age programs may also offer a variety of optional group activities like acting out a play, doing community service work, or playing sports.

    Care-givers show the page of a book to children during story-time


    您是您程序的经理,因此您有一个独特的机会,可以模拟有效的安排。想想工作人员会议如何组织和管理;与您的培训师或教练一起工作,以确保员工会议反映您的计划对结构性,灵活,计划的承诺。确保工作人员在会议之前收到议程,并且会议总是按时开始和结束。Make sure mechanisms are in place for staff members to share their needs and opinions related to staff meetings (e.g., a space where staff members write ideas or questions on sticky notes to be read at the end of the meeting, or an anonymous feedback box). Also, use the concepts from this lesson when or if you provide group professional development events: Provide a mix of activities, let participants know what the schedule will be (and when restroom breaks and meals are), and be responsive to the feedback participants give you verbally and through body language. If adults look bored, it’s time to make a change.

    Provide new staff members with sample schedules they can use as models for creating their own learning experiences for children. Make arrangements for them to visit other classrooms or programs for ideas. Make sure staff members know that they need to communicate their schedules with children and with adults. That is, they will always need to create two schedules: a simple one appropriate for the children in their care and a more detailed schedule for other staff members or families.




    With help from your trainers and coaches, it is also important to find some time in staff members’ weekly schedules for them to do curriculum planning as a classroom or program, or perhaps some time for lead teachers to work on child assessments or portfolios. With the help of your trainers, coaches, substitutes, or perhaps through creative scheduling during nap times (e.g., shifting a staff member to another classroom temporarily), you can give each teaching or caregiving team the time they need to work on curriculum and activity plans for the upcoming week. Scheduling this time sends a strong message that you value staff members as professionals, that you want to give them the time to develop high-quality experiences for the children or youth in their care.





    Watch how staff members make the most of their time



    In your work as a manager, you may come across issues with balancing individual staff members’ scheduling requests, or the needs and schedules of individual classrooms, and the larger staff schedule of your whole program. Download and print theScheduling Scenarios活动。阅读方案并决定如何回复。然后,将您的答案与建议的答案进行比较。



    Download and print the拼图活动as a resource that you, trainers or coaches could use with staff members who are struggling with their schedules. Follow the directions on the activity to help staff members identify issues and brainstorm solutions.


    学期 Description
    Routines Events that happen every day; they typically involve hygiene, eating, or self-care; examples of routines are breakfast, snack, brushing teeth, and washing hands
    Structured outing A planned activity in which the whole class takes a trip to a place outside the program, such as a local park, garden, or aquarium
    Transitions Times when children move between activities or areas of the room or building




    Which of the following is not an important part of an effective daily schedule for children between ages 3-12?


    True or false? You do not need a copy of the classroom or program schedule for each of your classrooms or programs.


    Sylvia is preparing her first newsletter. She gives it to you to read and approve before sending home to families. You read the sentence, “Our classroom does not follow a schedule.” You know this is not completely accurate and that parents might think this means the program is a free-for-all. How might you suggest she reword this sentence?

    References & Resources:

    Chung, A., Gannett, E., & La Perla, A. A. (2001).After-School Programs: From vision to reality.Retrieved fromhttp://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/afterschool/index.html

    Cryer, D., Harms, T., & Riley, C. (2003).All About the ECERS-R: A detailed guide in words and pictures to be used with the ECERS-R。Lewisville, NC: Kaplan Early Learning Co.

    Dodge, D. T., Colker, L. J., & Heroman, C. (2002).The Creative Curriculum for Preschool(4th ed.). Washington, DC: Teaching Strategies, Inc.

    费尔德曼,J.(1995)。Transition Time: Let’s do something different。Lewisville, NC: Gryphon House.

    费尔德曼,J.(2000)。Transition Tips and Tricks for Teachers。Lewisville, NC: Gryphon House.

    Hemmeter,M.L.,Ostrosky,M.,Artman,K.,Kiner,K。(2008)。向右移动:规划过渡以防止具有挑战性的行为。幼儿,63, 18-25.

    Lang, S. N., Aledia, T., Casey, K., & Kirkbride, K. (2010, April).Infant/toddler group time: A time for creating & sustaining classroom culture.Presentation at Ohio Early Care & Education Conference, Columbus, Ohio.

    Larson, N., Henthorne, M., & Plum, B. (2002).Transition Magician。St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.

    Lentini, R., Vaughn, B. J., Fox, L. (2004). Routine-Based Support Guide for Young Children With Challenging Behavior. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Early Intervention Positive Behavior Support. Retrieved from:https://www.ecmhc.org/TTYC/documents/Folder1TipsForms/File%20G%20Routine%20Based%20Support%20Guide/Routine%20Based%20Support%20Guide%20Rev1209.pdf

    Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College. National Institute on Out-of-School Time. Retrieved fromhttp://www.niost.org/