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    • Create an atmosphere of belonging. Ensure that staff members know the importance of adapting the environment to meet the needs of all children and families.
    • 模型strategies for working with all families and children.
    • Provide resources so trainers, coaches, and staff can ensure that the environment supports all children.


    As human beings, our need to belong is part of who we are. Our relationships with others help define us as individuals. From our earliest moments of life, we seek out others to protect, nurture and teach us. When we have positive attachment experiences in our early years, we develop into secure, trusting and confident individuals who can handle the ups and downs of life in our later years. When we don’t have positive attachment experiences, all is not lost. There are still opportunities to right the course. As a manager, that’s one of the most incredible aspects of your work: You can right the course for adults, children, and youth through your leadership. You support children, youth, and staff by creating an environment where everyone feels they belong.


    How people are treated when they first come into your program sets the stage for how relationships will develop over time. Though a personalized greeting is so simple, it’s often overlooked. Having a person in the front lobby who is pleasant and greets people by name can start the day off on a positive note, and right a day that has not begun so great. Train all your staff members to do the same. No one should enter or leave a classroom without being addressed personally.

    New families and new staff need to be systematically oriented to your program. One way is to take them on an in-depth tour of the program that includes spending time with not only classroom staff, but also key personnel. For example, have new families spend time with meal-preparation staff, administrative staff, and support staff. Hearing these staff members talk about their roles lays the foundation for a meaningful relationship between families and the program. Post signs showing frequently used areas, such as adult bathrooms; shared spaces, such as a lending library; and places to keep children’s personal items, such as cubbies. Display pictures of staff members that include short bios about who they are, what they like, and their roles at the program. Refer to your service’s orientation requirements and guidelines.

    Everyone is Valued

    虽然理论上可能很容易谈论重视多样性,但它是在您的程序中展示它的另一件事。多样性是指的不仅仅是种族和文化 - 它包括宗教信仰,性取向,能力状态,甚至儿童饲养实践。多样性拓宽了我们的世界观。请家庭和员工分享他们最喜欢的食谱,然后在午餐菜单上有那些食谱。在整个程序中显示家庭的照片。包括物品,不仅在教室,而且在公共领域反映家庭和工作人员。这些是小的手势,可以产生很大的差异。当有人走进你的计划时,他们可以告诉谁“生活”,他们是谁?


    Your program should be accessible to individuals with or without disabilities. The environment must be kept free of clutter, and the placement of furniture must be evaluated for children or adults who have impaired sight or need extra space in hallways to use a wheel chair, walker, or cane. Modifications and adaptations to the environment are ongoing processes based on the needs of the families and children you serve.

    Staff members may not always feel qualified to support children with special needs. You can help them identify successful strategies and build confidence working with all learners. There are several steps you can follow:

    1. 确保您的培训师或教练良好地掌握了物理环境,计划和例程如何调整或修改,以帮助有特殊需求的儿童。他们应该知道如何通过在他或她的课堂或计划中观察孩子来帮助员工收集信息并确定个人的需求。培训师或教练应该专注于孩子如何与材料,成年人和同行互动,以及如何帮助工作人员注意到孩子的优势和潜在的障碍。您,培训师或教练以及工作人员应与家庭与孩子的先前经历交谈。
    2. As needed, brainstorm strategies with your trainers, coaches and staff. Make sure you and staff members are familiar with a child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). Use the information trainers or coaches collected to identify times when the child needs support in your program. Use the child’s strengths. Help staff think of ways to meet the child’s needs.
    3. Put strategies in place. Support staff as they try new ideas. Although your trainers and coaches will mainly be responsible for providing feedback, modeling strategies, and discussing implementation with staff, you can show your support by:
      1. 确保任何所需的材料(例如,用于冷却区域的乱七尾玩具)
      2. 确保对物理环境进行必要的改编(例如,建造或改造攀爬结构,因此它们具有宽坡道以容纳步行者或轮椅)
      3. 交流knowledging the staff’s efforts when you are out walking through your program


    Creating Inclusive Environments: Supporting All Learners

    Examples of inclusive environments and managers reflections on fostering inclusive environments.

    无论他们的特殊需求程度如何,孩子都是孩子。每个孩子都不同。您必须教授工作人员专注于环境可以支持每个儿童学习的方式。狗万app怎么下载这有利于所有儿童,而不仅仅是那些确定特殊需求的孩子。帮助工作人员知道没有IEP的孩子或IFSP也需要支持也很重要。一个孩子可能没有识别的残疾,但他或她仍然可能挣扎着了解学习环境。狗万app怎么下载一个孩子可能需要比当前环境提供更多的智力挑战。工作人员必须知道如何识别学习环境不符合儿童需求的情况。狗万app怎么下载然后,它们可以使用上面描述的过程来查找解决方案并试用它们。作为经理,您可以在您的专业图书馆提供专业的开发和资源(参见课程两节),这些资源适用于帮助环境挑战的儿童,因此工作人员意识到他们可以适应最适应所有人的各种方式 children or youth. See the Learn section attachment for some examples of environmental supports, adaptive equipment and materials for children with special needs.

    There are a host of wonderful resources available to help programs best support all children, including those with special needs. The Kids Included Together (KIT) program (提供各种环境相关的想法,以支持具有不同需求的幼儿和青年,包括社会和行为需求,自闭症谱系和发展障碍。您还可以考虑构建块(Sandall&Schwartz,2008)或Cara套件(Milbourne&Campbell,2007;见 )。来自安理会的这些资源为幼稚的幼儿司提供了实际的现实世界,帮助儿童在其环境中取得成功。



    • What have you tried already?
    • 有什么用?为什么你认为它有效?是什么让那种战略工作?
    • What didn’t work? Why not? What about this strategy made it fail?
    • 孩子喜欢什么?他或她最喜欢的一天是什么?最喜欢的歌曲,书籍,活动,人吗?
    • What does the child dislike? What activities, people, and places does she or he avoid?
    • 你对这个孩子的最大问题是什么?
    • What one change do you think would make the biggest difference for this child?

    Also, model working with the child’s family to gather information and collaborate on next steps. You can ask staff members to observe your conversations with families, or even role play with them so they feel prepared to have conversations directly with families. Model communication with families, by asking questions such as:

    • 什么支持或策略似乎在家帮助您的孩子?
    • 你的孩子似乎在家里的空间似乎工作或发挥最佳?他或她最喜欢什么空间?
    • 家里的空间你的孩子似乎不喜欢什么?您的孩子是否有任何空间似乎难以在成功导航或工作?
    • 是否特别有触发或挑战我们应该知道?你什么时候注意到你的孩子似乎最挣扎?
    • If your child is using any adaptive equipment (braces, walker, communication device), would you be willing to come to our classroom or program and talk to the children about it?



    After meeting with staff and hearing their ideas, concerns and experiences, your trainers or coaches will need to spend some time carefully observing the child. It is best to be transparent about when, what, and how trainers or coaches will observe. Make sure such observations are about observing the child interacting with his or her environment and that the observations do not double as performance evaluations or classroom inspections. Ensure that when observations are conducted, there is plenty of time to see the child in a variety of settings. Trainers and coaches should see:

    • 孩子始终成功的设置
    • 儿童喜欢的设置或活动
    • Settings or activities in which the child struggles
    • Settings or activities the child dislikes

    所有这些信息将帮助你的员工members. You, trainers, or coaches in your program can use the matrix in the Apply section to help summarize what all you have learned from your meetings with staff, from the child’s family, and through observations. As a manager, you may wish to review these matrices to make sure the needs of all children are being adequately addressed or be part of the conversations between trainers, coaches and staff when there is a significant challenge or need that is impacting other children and families (e.g., a preschooler with a significant pattern of biting), or when the requested modifications may involve a large financial investment (e.g., facility improvements to adjust the width of doors).

    If you use the matrix, look at the “Always Successful” and “Likes” cells. What are the characteristics of these activities and environments? Write those down together. Some examples might include: sitting close to peers, there are predictable steps, there are things for her or him to hold. Next, look at the “Rarely Successful” and “Dislikes” cells. What are the characteristics of those activities? Write those down. Some examples might include: room is loud, children moving around her or him. Finally, think about how you could use what you know from the “Successful” and “Likes” cells to adapt the “Unsuccessful” and “Dislikes” cells. See the sample completed matrix for a child in an after-school program in Attachment 1.


    Goal 行动步骤 Person Responsible 时间线
    Britt will participate in at least two activities per programming day (besides computer and snack). Britt will move between activities without crying. Create a choice board for Britt. List the options available at the program. Use pictures and words. PAM(教练) 至于11月18日星期一
    Create a schedule or planner that lets Britt pull pictures/words from the choice board and create her own plan. PAM将带来规划师/时间表。PAM将在第一天模型如何使用它。 模型week of 11/18; Dylan starts using with Britt that week
    启动同行伙伴计划。在将参加的计划中识别3个Britt的朋友。教他们帮助布里特制作她的计划,然后坚持她至少一个过渡。 Dylan (staff) will ask Britt who her friends are and talk to them about program. 11/28开始周

    Once the plan is written, do your part to help the team make the changes they planned. Although the trainer or coach may be the personal primarily responsible for finding materials, locating resources, or modeling a strategy with the child, assure you have done what you need to from a managerial standpoint. Do you need to purchase another resource manual or kit? Do you need to work with your program’s facility manager to develop a plan to modify the physical facility?









    Download and print these tools to help you or your trainers or coaches design and deliver environmental supports for children.


    学期 描述
    环境支持 对儿童的物理设置的变更参与,提供额外的支持;这可以是设置的新增功能(计划,边界标记)
    材料适应性 对论文,书籍,道具或其他儿童的变更通常在编程日使用
    Special Equipment An item that is used to help a specific child access part or all of the environment, including seats with special cushions, adapted computer keyboards, switch-operated toys, etc.










    BraveHeart Press. Disability is Natural. Retrieved from

    Center for Applied Special Technology. (2011). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines Version 2.0. Wakefield, MA.

    Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center. (2020). Special Quest: Early Childhood Inclusion Materials. Washington, D.C.: Head Start. Retrieved from万博体育全站app/preschool-inclusion-series.

    Grisham-Brown, J., Hemmeter, M. L., & Pretti-Frontczak, K. (2005).Blended Practices for Teaching Young Children in Inclusive Settings.Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.

    Head Start Center用于夹住



    National Association for the Education of Young Children. (NAEYC, 2018). NAEYC Early Learning Accreditation Standards and Assessment Items. Retrieved from



    Sandall, S. R., & Schwartz, I. S. (2008).构建具有特殊需求的学龄前儿童的积木。万博体育全站appBaltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.