Secondary tabs

    • 确定所有儿童需要的普遍支持,无论年龄或能力如何。
    • Identify specific supports children require based on their age or ability.
    • 探索满足这些要求的策略。




    你学到的第一课,体育活动ty supports all of the domains of development and leads to lasting benefits when it becomes part of the daily routine. With the increase in the use of sedentary toys and materials, such as video games and television, it is even more imperative that your program provides safe and developmentally appropriate spaces for children to develop and refine their physical skills, especially since children and youth spend the majority of their waking hours at your program.

    One of your jobs as a manager is to ensure your program is offering children and youth the necessary type and amount of physical activity to support their developmental needs. This includes providing adequate and usable space for play, both inside and outside, and working with staff to ensure that opportunities for physical activity are incorporated throughout the day in routines, activities, and playtime. This lesson will focus on the developmental supports that all children need regardless of age or ability, as well as a snapshot of age-specific requirements. For a more detailed list of age-specific supports, review the direct care tracks for this course.



    • At least an hour of physical activity every day; more is preferable.
    • Accommodations, include materials and adaptations to the environment and activities, so children of all abilities can participate in physical activity.
    • 充足的空间在室内玩,可以安全地访问发育适当的材料。
    • 与其发展需求,目标和利益相关的各种计划室内和户外活动,以及免费娱乐的机会。

    Daily Activity

    Physical activity should not be seen as a break in the day or something extra that staff provide without thought. Support for the gross- and fine-motor skills of children and youth should occur in a variety of ways, throughout the day, every day at your program. Children learn best through hands-on experiences that they are physically and actively involved in. Keeping their bodies active keeps children fully engaged in learning experiences. The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) includes guidance for children’s physical activity in its position statement: “All children from birth to age 5 should engage in physical activity that promotes movement, skillfulness, and foundations of health-related fitness.”



    As you learned in Lesson Two, while the sequence of development is the same for all children, the rate at which it occurs can be influenced by a variety of factors. You should require staff members to observe children and youth on a regular basis and encourage them to use their knowledge of child development to bring forth any concerns they might have. While this is important for all ages, it is especially important for infants and toddlers. Delays in physical development in very young children may be predictive of concerns in other developmental areas. As always, staff should discuss any concerns with a supervisor prior to speaking with families or specialists. It’s important that staff understand your service’s process for making referrals so children can get the support they need as quickly as possible. Individualized Family Service Plans (ISFP) are one resource that can be utilized for children under 3-years-old.


    • 创造现实的期望。这并不意味着降低期望,意味着考虑每个孩子的能力,并根据儿童发展的地方调整期望。
    • 对准课程目标,以支持儿童在发育方面实现可能的事情。
    • 适应所以孩子和青年经历成功。在环境中进行小的变化或添加自适应材料可以帮助孩子们感到成功,无论它们在发育的位置。

    Some children in your care may have conditions that affect their motor development, including physical and cognitive disabilities, neurological and perceptual disorders, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. In addition to adaptations to the curriculum, classroom, and daily activities, they may need specialized services to ensure they fully access their classroom and school curriculum, activities, environments, extracurricular activities, and school events. Make referrals quickly and utilize all available resources, such asKids Included Together (KIT),所以可以制定个性化的教育计划(IEP),儿童可以获得他们需要的帮助。有IEP的儿童有一个具体的计划,帮助他们满足他们的个人目标和目标。如果您的计划为具有发展障碍的儿童提供服务,重要的是,您和您的员工反映了当前做法并利用专家的建议,因此所有儿童无论能力如何,都可以达到最大潜力。


    Your top priority as a manager is to make sure everyone in your program is protected from harm. Children are naturally curious and maintaining a safe learning environment will help prevent injuries during play and exploration. As described in the Safety course, your best approach is to mitigate risk by taking a proactive approach. Being proactive means:

    • 利用安全检查表立即解决问题。
    • Scheduling staff to ensure adequate supervision indoors and out.
    • 确保材料和设备正在发育适合使用它们的儿童。
    • Providing family and staff handbooks that detail clothing requirements for inclement weather.
    • 维护完全储存的急救箱,并确保它们可用于在室内和外部使用。

    Managers must guarantee that staff members understand that the safety of children and youth always comes first. Your expectations regarding safety should be made clear during their new-hire orientation, at staff meetings, and during performance reviews. Performance issues related to safety must be addressed immediately so no one is harmed. When it comes to keeping children and youth safe while supporting physical development, staff should:

    • Scan the environment to make sure hazards are removed before children are allowed to play.
    • 检查玩具和设备,以确保它们状况良好。
    • 随时在儿童和青少年的监督中保持警惕。
    • 了解服务的天气有关的政策,以确保孩子们适当地穿着,他们可以获得大量的流体,并且每个人都知道在恶劣天气恶劣的情况下移动儿童的时间和地点。
    • Bring all necessary items with them when they take children outdoors, including first-aid kits, attendance sheets, medications, and incident reports.

    Development Promoting Experiences

    When it comes to development, your staff can leave nothing to chance. While there has been an increased emphasis on how important it is to be intentional when it comes to supporting language development, the same is true when it comes to physical development. Staff must be readily available to support emerging skills and enrich learning experiences by engaging with children and youth during their play. Managers should make sure that staff members are intentional in their efforts to support physical development by providing resources and ideas for the planning of activities and the selection of materials for the children and youth.



    Confirm that staff members understand the relationship between observation, planning, and instruction. It takes time and support for staff to become skilled at implementing the curriculum cycle. Asking staff why they planned what they did, why they have those games out, or why the environment is set up the way it is will provide you with indications of what’s needed to support their professional growth. Questions like these can be addressed during performance conferences or when you are observing in classrooms.





    • 婴儿房:覆盖着软垫的区域,孩子们可以攀爬和探索
    • Toddler rooms: a set of ramps or stairs that children can climb
    • Preschool rooms: an interest area that is aligned to a story book the class is reading (for example, after reading the nursery rhyme “Hey Diddle Diddle,” children go to an area of the room where they can practice “jumping over the moon”)
    • School-age programs: an area with an MP3 player where children can play music and dance, or it might be a yoga area for children to stretch


    Outdoor environments are natural settings for physical activity. In fact, a lot of us may be more likely to associate physical activity with being outdoors. The busy lifestyles of families can result in a lot of indoor time for many children. School-age children might spend the majority of their day in a school setting, only going outside for their designated 60 minutes a day. Promoting a love and respect for the outdoors will increase the chances of children learning to make physical activity a part of their lives. Encourage as much outdoor time as possible, plan activities that include their natural surroundings and bring the outside indoors to learn and discover.


    • Variety:确保有各种各样的表面,各种材料,以及各种各样的儿童涉及和活跃的方式。
    • Safety:确保工作人员在任何时候都知道安全规则和程序。经常检查空间和材料。有关更多信息,请参阅安全课程。
    • Participation:Make sure all children have options that interest them. Observe to be sure that children are active.

    Sensory Development

    The development of our senses is an important part of our physical development. In very young children, sensory development is what helps them gain an understanding of the world around them. As children grow, their sensory development becomes more refined. Children (and adults) process their surroundings differently. This is why not all children like the same foods or listen to the same music. Each person interprets the world around them differently by processing it through their senses.


    • Go outside and take a nature walk, sit and write in a journal, or roll around in the grass.
    • 提供具有有趣纹理和不同尺寸,颜色或气味的材料。
    • 移动到不同类型的音乐。
    • Try different types of food.
    • Explore science-related concepts, such as hot and cold or wet and dry.

    Age-Specific Considerations



    The need to connect with the people around them spurs the physical development of infants. To ensure that best practices are implemented, ensure that staff working with infants consider the following:

    • 提供机会让年轻的婴儿玩on their tummies and backs. When young infants are playing on the floor on their backs, offering toys a little off to the side and above their heads encourages reaching and turning, which can lead to the development of rolling over. When infants are laying on their tummies, supervise them closely and watch for signs of distress.
    • 限制使用挥动和其他包含年轻和移动婴儿的家具。当一次关心几个孩子时,提供在地板上为肚子时间提供玩具,移动婴儿的空间爬行,或悬挂玩具。
    • 可以安排坚固,可清洗的垫和立方体,以创造有趣,挑战的表面,以便爬行,爬行,走路和攀爬。
    • Provide long, low, stable surfaces for “cruisers” to hold on to. The edges of shelves, window sills, counters and equipment at child-height should have rounded corners so children can move freely without bumping into sharp corners.
    • 播放关联和运动的音乐。婴儿享受摇摇欲坠,在你跳舞和与他们一起摇摆时举行。
    • 定期观察婴儿,以确保环境支持其迅速变化的发展需求。


    The need to move spurs the physical development of toddlers. Toddlers are highly motivated to move and to use newly learned skills. You must ensure that staff members working with toddlers provide the following:

    • Vigilant supervision to prevent injury as toddlers explore and use different materials.
    • A wide selection of materials that support individual needs; they enjoy manipulating objects, carrying materials, stacking blocks and knocking down towers, filling and dumping containers, such as buckets and play purses, and carry them around.
    • Multiples of popular materials to reduce struggles over toys and objects, as they don’t yet understand the concept of sharing.
    • 可用于制作音乐,行进和跳舞的材料。
    • 打开空间,他们可以运行,跳跃,跳,攀爬,扔扔,抛出和倾倒,而不是与同龄人一起瓶颈。
    • Interest areas where they can move to different activities according to their interests as they get closer to preschool-age.
    • Appropriately sized chairs and tables so that all children can sit, play and eat safely and comfortably.
    • 提供更多幼儿能够做的事情而不是他们不能做的事情的环境;这将减少您的员工持续限制设置的挫折感。


    The need to stay busy spurs the physical development of preschoolers. Preschoolers have active bodies and minds. Ensure that staff working with preschoolers provide the following:

    • 材料以涵盖最年轻的学龄前儿童的年龄范围和能力,包括不同尺寸的铅笔,蜡笔和刷子以及不同类型的谜题。万博体育全站app块和建筑材料可以帮助跨越年龄范围;年轻的3岁儿童可以使用Duplos,而Legos为4-和5岁的孩子提供更多复杂性。
    • Opportunities for children to play together in creative physical play or in games; these activities support not only physical development but social and language development as well.
    • Longer periods of structured and unstructured physical activity and fewer periods of “sit time.”
    • 涉及物理发展的兴趣区。技能建设专注于精细电机开发,如艺术和操纵。艺术材料包括写作和绘画材料,拼贴和三维艺术材料。儿童应该能够练习绘画,印刷,绘画,操纵材料,胶合,粘贴,切割和切碎。
    • 教室里的书写中心,带铅笔,笔,衬里纸,期刊和印刷材料,鼓励儿童对印刷单词的萌芽兴趣以及使用更精致的小肌肉技能;串珠,形状和其他任务为儿童提供了练习眼手协调和微电机灵活性的机会。
    • A model of appropriate behaviors in relation to eating, resting and physical activity. Children of this age are particularly sensitive to the behaviors of special people in their lives, as well as their peers.



    • An understanding that children going through growth spurts can often times lack coordination or seem “clumsy.” This can be caused by a variety of reasons. Children may have had growth spurts in their torsos and arms, but not legs, or their feet might be fully grown, but not the rest of their body. Children going through these phases will have to work extra hard to excel or master certain athletic skills.
    • “恰当适合”的体育活动,意思是它们对年轻的孩子来说并不是很容易,并且打算对年轻的孩子来说,他们并不是太难的不可否认的期望。
    • A combination of aerobic activity, muscle strengthening, and bone strengthening exercises or activities that are fun and interactive. These provide opportunities for children to refine their gross motor skills.
    • 团队氛围通过为每个人提供鼓励,并通过理解这个年龄的孩子可以具有一系列能力。在玩团队运动时,促进乐趣和经验而不是获胜的竞争非常重要,这将有助于减轻少运动儿童的压力。允许有良好发展技能的儿童接受领导并成为船长,也可以通过帮助所有孩子觉得他们有一个要扮演的部分来分享他们作为培训师的技能。



    In Summary







    For thisMotor Skills Observation,随机选择每个年龄组的课堂,您的计划服务并花费至少30分钟观察,以便有证据表明正在满足教室中学生的个人体育发展需求。使用Age-Specific Considerationsthat are available in the Learn section of this lesson as a guide. Based on your observations, develop a plan for supporting staff with the resources they need in order to better support the physical development of children and youth.




    As a manager the most effective way to ensure that your staff provides the correct amount and type of physical activity is to ...


    A parent asks how your staff helps children with special learning needs or disabilities engage in physical activity indoors and outdoors in your program. You respond by saying ...


    True or false? As a manager, you need to ensure that staff have the knowledge and skill set they need to plan and implement safe, developmentally appropriate physical activities.

    References & Resources:

    National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (n.d.). Active Start: A Statement of Physical Activity Guidelines for Children From Birth to Age 5 (2nd ed.). Retrieved from

    Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Aerobic, Muscle- and Bone-Strengthening: What Counts? Retrieved from

    Kids Included Together. Retrieved

    Frank Porter Grahm Child Develning Institute: to the Infant-toddler, Preschool, and School-age Environment Rating Scales.

    The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) has information, resources and guidelines for healthy physical activity. Go to想要查询更多的信息。