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    • Recognize and maintain ethical practices when interacting with children
    • Examine confidentiality and ethical practices regarding hiring and supervising employees
    • Provide professional development for staff that includes information about responsible and ethical practices as outlined in the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and/or the National After School Association Code of Ethics
    • Establish and uphold policies and practices that maintain a climate of trust among children, families, and staff members


    “你的信仰成为你的想法。你的想法成为你的话。你的话成为你的行为。你的行为成为你的习惯。你的习惯成为你的价值观。你的价值观成为你的价值。”- Mahatma Gandhi(1869-1948),印度政治和精神领袖

    Program managers and training & curriculum specialists (T&Cs) working in child-care and after-school-care settings may encounter ethical situations. Being a reflective professional who lives your core values is a critical trait for a leader of those who work with our country's young children. Protecting the privacy of children, families, and staff members should always be foremost in the minds of staff members, T & Cs, and program managers. Written procedures for addressing complex situations must be known and followed, as ethical dilemmas can occur in classrooms, on the playground, and out in the community.

    To better understand ethics and codes of professional conduct, we turn to Stephanie Feeney, one of the authors of the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct. Feeney, inEthics Today in Early Care and Education, describes terms that are often used in discussion of personal and professional ethics (p. 73):

    Ethicsis the study of right and wrong, duties, and obligations. It involves critical reflection on morality, and the ability to make choices between values and to examine the moral dimensions of relationships.

    Professional ethics涉及通过职业成员集体和系统地进行的专业责任的思考。他们是我们应该做的指导,而不是作为专业人士。

    A code of ethicsis a document that maps the profession's responsibility to society. It conveys a sense of the mission of a field and acknowledges the obligations its members share in meeting their responsibilities. It supports practitioners in their work so they base their decisions not on their individual values and morality, but rather on the core values of the profession.

    A professional code of ethics can be used for assistance when making professional decisions. It provides those who work with vulnerable populations (including children, youth, and persons with dis/abilities) with a framework for addressing problems that may arise in daily interactions. In this lesson, we address a few of the common ethical dilemmas that may arise in daily interactions among program staff, T&Cs, program managers, and families.

    Maintaining Confidentiality: Children and Families

    Lani, a teacher in the toddler room is curious about the way Nia, a teacher in the after-school program is coping with 6-year-old Millie's challenging behaviors. During lunch in the staff lounge, Lani asks Maria (the program director) what is going on with Millie that is causing her to "act up" and what is Nia doing about it. Lani is a friend of Millie's aunt, and she wants to reassure her that Millie's challenging behavior is being addressed by Nia.

    玛丽亚响应Lani,“我能看到你关注ed about Millie. We are working with Millie's teacher and her parents to address her behavior." Maria is very careful not to discuss confidential information about any individual child or family with Lani or any program staff who are not directly teaching that child. Maria is surprised at Lani's question and writes a note to herself to once again review the importance of maintaining confidentiality at the next staff meeting. Reviewing principles of the code of professional conduct needs to occur on a regular basis during staff meetings.

    Program leaders must ensure that all staff members respect and protect the privacy of the children and families who attend the program. This includes custodial staff, cooks, and clerical staff, as well as teachers and assistant teachers. When staff work so closely together on behalf of children and families, they may become friends. They may also encounter friends and relatives of children enrolled in the center when they are in the community. When staff socialize and attend events outside the center, they may be asked confidential information about a child by someone who is not a staff member directly working with a child. Staff members must understand that they may only share confidential information about a child with the child's parents and those professionals for whom the parents have signed a release of information form, such as a school district special educator or a social worker.


    Program managers and T&Cs have a special obligation to uphold children's privacy and to only share confidential information with those staff members who are directly involved with a child, youth, or their family. Program leaders observe and have knowledge about all of the children and youth, so it is especially important for them to only speak about an individual child's behavior or family situation with those staff members who directly teach the child.



    Confidentiality: Personnel matters



    Mandated Reporters

    Another aspect of professionalism is reviewing the child abuse and neglect policies. Program managers are responsible for putting policies in writing in the staff handbook. All new staff must receive information on child abuse and neglect identification and reporting procedures (see your specific program and State requirements). You will make sure that these procedures are reviewed with all staff as part of the hiring process. Some child care programs may require staff members to sign a form each year that they have reviewed the child abuse and neglect warning signs and procedures for reporting.

    Training Staff in Responsible and Ethical Practices

    Program managers and T&Cs are responsible for planning professional development opportunities to ensure that all staff members are aware of responsible and ethical practices in their work with families and children. Staff meetings can include opportunities to review case studies or role play situations that address ethical dilemmas. Staff members should always feel comfortable speaking to you about any situations in which they are unsure about how to proceed. Your willingness to intentionally listen to staff who seek your guidance will create an atmosphere in the program that builds trust and communication. Staff will observe and learn from your example about what to do in difficult situations.

    创建一个特性的程序提供了一个年代upportive environment to staff as they become familiar with ethical decision-making. If the program leaders build relationships and maintain a positive, nurturing environment, then when difficult situations arise, staff will ask themselves, "What is the most positive way I can address this situation and maintain relationships with all who are involved?"



    Professional ethics are not something to review and then place in a drawer; they are lived every day in discussions with children, in supporting families from diverse cultures, in welcoming new staff members to the center, and in participating in community partnerships. As a program manager, your leadership as a model of professionalism is critical for staff and families. By nature of your title, you are the person others will look to for guidance on difficult decisions. For those working with children birth to age eight, you can always refer to theNAEYC Professional Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitmentto guide you and your staff in decision-making. For those working with older children and youth, theNational After School Association Code of Ethics可以作为指导。如上所述,您可能还希望审查您的计划行为准则。您的核心价值观和哲学将指导专业行为。

    Ethical Practices

    Watch this video to learn about ensuring responsible and ethical practices.



    Program leaders have an especially important role in communicating information to the correct individuals and maintaining confidentiality about children, youth, families, and staff members. Follow the link to review theNAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct。How might you use this resource when you are confronted with daily situations involving children, families, and staff members? How might this document be used as a discussion topic in a community of practice made up of program directors?



    你可以帮助员工的方法之一in problem solving is to use a professional code of ethics to review dilemmas and discuss possible solutions based on either theNAEYC Code of Ethical Conductor theNational After School Association Code of Ethics。可能没有一个“正确的”解决方案,因此困境可以帮助工作人员集体讨论不同的方式看问题。有关一些示例,请阅读下面附加的困境并响应问题。本文件侧重于学龄儿童和员工。

    Next, follow the link examine child-care dilemmas and staff who work with young children.


    Term 描述
    道德规范 A document that maps the profession’s responsibility to society: it conveys a sense of the mission of a field and acknowledges the obligations its members share in meeting their responsibilities; it supports practitioners in their work, so they base their decisions not on their individual values and morality but rather on the core values of the profession
    ethics The study of right and wrong, duties, and obligations; it involves critical reflection on morality, and the ability to make choices between values and to examine the moral dimensions of relationships
    professional ethics 关于专业成员的职业责任的思考;我们应该做的指南,而不是作为专业人士




    True or false? Written policies about confidentiality do not need to be included in staff and family handbooks.


    A parent comes to your office and is very upset. Her 10-year-old daughter, Jackie, is enrolled in your school-age program, and Jackie shared with her that another child’s parents are getting a divorce. She asks you if this is true and would like the parents’ contact information so she can offer support. How do you handle this?




    Bruno, H. E., & Copeland, T. (2012).Managing Legal Risks in Early Childhood Programs。New York: Teachers College Press.

    Feeney, S. (2010). Ethics Today in Early Care and Education: Review, reflection, and the future.Young Children, 65(2),72-77。

    Feeney, S., Freeman, N.K., & Moravcik, E. (2016).Teaching the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct: A resource guide。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    Feeney,S.,Freeman,N. K.,&Pizzolongo,P。(2012)。道德和幼儿教育者:使用Naeyc代码(第2 ED)。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    国家课后协会(2009年)。National After School Association Code of Ethics。从...获得
