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    • Recognize the signs of abuse and neglect.
    • 识别管理实践您的计划可以用来防止儿童虐待和忽视家庭和计划。
    • Describe program practices that promote prevention and reporting.





    At its most basic form, child abuse and neglect is defined under federal law as:

    • Any recent act or failure to act which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation of a child
    • 行为或未能采取行动,这提出了对孩子造成严重伤害的迫在眉睫风险

    What are the Signs of Abuse or Neglect?

    When considering signs of abuse or neglect, keep in mind that every child is different. Any one behavior may not necessarily be a symptom of abuse or neglect. If there is a pattern of behavior or multiple signs, however, you may have a reason to be concerned. As a manager, it is your responsibility to make sure staff members know the signs. “Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect: Signs and Symptoms” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) offers a list of child and parent behaviors that may be signs of abuse. This tool is available at the bottom of this page. Share this tool with staff members. Talk about signs. Answer staff members’ questions.



    What is important is that everyone, yourself included, understands your上市program’s报告滥用和忽视的要求。您和您的员工是授权记者,这意味着违反诉讼并没有报告。



    In the first video, Pam describes her experience reporting child neglect. Pay special attention to how she became suspicious, what signs she noticed, and the positive outcomes.





    1. Your program can make family members aware of the resources around them. You can hang posters about positive parenting techniques. Your program can host parent education nights about nurturing, attachment, or positive discipline. Your program can also organize family support groups. These supports could benefit all of the families in your community, regardless of risk for child abuse or neglect.
    2. 您的计划可以识别最严重的虐待儿童或忽视风险的家庭,也许是基于最近的创伤生活变化,例如部署或损失。您的计划或社区可以专门组织专门用于处理部署压力或损失的家庭教育课程。您可以帮助家庭找到喘息照顾。这些干预措施可以满足他们所在的家庭,并帮助他们满足自己的需求。
    3. Your program might serve families who have already experienced abuse or neglect. These families need systematic, individualized supports. At this level, your program should connect families with mental health support for parents and children, mentoring programs, or specialized support groups.


    It is likely that your program already has features in place to reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect. Many newer facilities are built with vision panels so individuals can see into the classroom from the hallway and outside. Restrooms for young children are built with low barriers rather than doors. Surveillance cameras, visitor sign-in procedures, and daily health checks are all part of a comprehensive system for preventing child abuse and neglect.


    • 击中,打屁股或其他物理行为
    • 分离成人视线
    • 约束,约束力,羞辱或言语滥用
    • Deprivation of food, outdoor play, or other program components



    You and the staff have a responsibility to report a suspected case of abuse or neglect. It is not your job to identify the abuser. All you need to do is suspect abuse and allow investigators to do their jobs. Reporting requirements vary from state to state and program to program.


    Follow all procedures required at your place of employment.

    Listen as Pam shares a second experience.






    Making the Call


    In most states, reports will be evaluated by Child Protective Services. If there is enough evidence to warrant an investigation, a caseworker will initiate the investigation. Children, families, and caregivers may be contacted and interviewed. Child Protective Services will determine whether the claim is substantiated and whether the child is safe in the home. If the report of abuse involves alleged criminal acts, law enforcement will be contacted and the investigation will be conducted jointly.

    重要的是你自己和你的员工做准备emotionally for what follows a report. First, you need to help the reporter understand that he or she may never learn the final outcome of the report. They may only receive confirmation that the report is being investigated. Second, some families remove their child from the program after a report of child abuse or neglect. Both of these events are normal and can be expected. Some staff members fear that making a report may get the child in trouble and may lead to more abuse. It is also the case that you and the staff likely have a relationship with these families. Perhaps they are your friends or neighbors. It can be difficult to make a report when you are afraid of damaging the relationship or opening yourself up to retaliation. Remind staff they have done the right thing. Do not let fear of what might happen next stop them from doing what they can to protect the child.


    Listen as another child development professional shares an experience with inappropriate behavior in a program.



    Take care of yourself and encourage staff members to take care of themselves, too. Protecting a child who is experiencing trauma can be an exhausting and emotionally draining experience. You are likely very invested in this child’s health and safety. You have spent hours worrying about this child’s well-being and wondering what to do. You can seek out the help of a mental-health specialist in your program. Seek out time with friends and family. You should also be sure to keep healthful habits like eating well, exercising, and sleeping.



    没有人想怀疑虐待儿童或忽视。然而,有时候,当你必须遵循你的直觉时。如果您怀疑滥用或忽视,您的电话可以挽救生命。下载并打印What If Activity。阅读方案并回答问题。与同事谈谈你的回复。然后将您的答案与建议的回复进行比较。



    重要的是要考虑你和其他工作人员如何保护自己免受虐待和忽视的指责。阅读此列表并自检您采取的步骤。与工作人员谈谈如何继续保护儿童免受虐待和忽视。分享防止虐待清单与员工。然后用来Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Best Practices Checklist观察和监控工作人员的理解和使用您的计划政策。


    术语 描述
    虐待和忽视 The physical, sexual, or emotional mistreatment or neglect of a child or children




    真正or False? You, as well as your staff, are required to report only documented cases of child abuse or neglect.


    Which of the following discipline practices should never be used?




    American Academy Of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. 2011. Caring for Our Children: National health and safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs. 3rd edition. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. Also available at


    Military OneSource homepage. (n.d.). U.S. Department of Defense. Available at
