

    • 确定防止儿童虐待和忽视的保护区因素。
    • 描述与家庭创伤有关的压力因素。
    • Identify resources in your program and community for supporting families.
    • Describe ways to partner with families to identify and prevent child abuse and neglect.



    Chandra只有6周岁。经过高风险的怀孕和复杂的交付,Chandra的妈妈杰恩,对工作恢复很紧张。作为一个单身妈妈,她知道这是她必须做的事情。Jayne很高兴Chandra在儿童开发中心有一个空间。她的几位朋友和同事也有婴儿在该计划中。她预约会见Chandra的老师并在下周将进入Chandra的儿童发展中心。Jayne在旅游中与她带来自己的母亲。jayne的母亲自宝宝出生以来一直很大帮助。Jayne知道她可以依靠她,尽可能帮助她。Chandra在Jayne的武器中安静地睡觉。 When she wakes and begins to fuss, Jayne sings and soothes her. Grandma smiles and offers to hold the baby while Jayne completes paperwork. Jayne and her mother chat happily with the caregivers about Chandra's routines, preferences, and temperament.

    夏洛特正要把4岁的时候her family received orders to move across the country for her father's job. Charlotte was very excited about her upcoming birthday, but her mom and dad knew that the move would likely change some of their plans. Charlotte’s mom talked to a few other parents and arranged for her to have a Skype "birthday party" from her new home. As soon as they arrived at their new home, Charlotte's parents saw a flier for a preschool playgroup at the recreation center. Charlotte and her parents went to the playgroup and met other families who lived on their street. Charlotte was thrilled that she had new "best friends" before she even started attending the new child development center.


    Like all families, Chandra’s, Charlotte’s, and Ravi’s families have experienced some stress. Whether faced with single parenting, relocation, separation, financial or job-related stress, strong families are resilient and bounce back. No matter what, they make sure their children have safe, stable, and nurturing relationships. Chandra’s mom has extended family support, close friends, and a strong bond with her infant. She is beginning to build a strong relationship with the caregiver at the child development center. Charlotte’s parents understand her emotional needs. They help her maintain connections with old friends and build new friendships. Ravi’s family communicates with one another, celebrates one another, and spends time connecting and reconnecting.


    • 安全:安全是“儿童摆脱恐惧的程度,从身体或心理伤害中获得。”这意味着成年人保护孩子免受伤害。成年人规范了自己的情绪并监测了孩子的发展。
    • Stability:稳定性是“孩子环境中的可预测性和一致性程度”。这意味着孩子们要了解世界是一个可管理的地方。一致的家庭惯例是儿童提供的一种方式稳定性。
    • 培育:培育是“父母或照顾者可以敏感地回应并满足孩子的需求的程度。”


    您可以通过意识到影响您家庭的压力源来完成此操作。参与涉嫌儿童虐待或忽视的案例可能对家庭带来了极大的压力。本课程的其余部分将重点关注(a)您在一份报告中涉及的行为或问题以及(b)如何帮助经历这种创伤的家庭。记住:任何时候你都不舒服或不知道该怎么办,你可以去找你的米尔T&CS或supervisor for help. You do not need to face anything alone.



    • 经历过创伤的家庭可能会发现与您建立信任关系很难。他们可能并不容易信任任何人。
    • Families might perceive aggression or danger where it does not exist. They may struggle with keeping themselves or their children safe. You might find yourself questioning their decision-making.
    • 这y may abuse drugs or alcohol.
    • 这y may have a hard time controlling their emotions.
    • 他们看起来很麻木或“关闭”。

    Watch this video to learn more about supporting families impacted by trauma.

    Working with Families that have Experienced Trauma

    学about working with families that have experienced trauma

    这following list of strategies is from the Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well-Being: A Network for Action 2013 Resource Guide. Consider ways you can use these strategies to support families who have experienced trauma:

    • 随时随地与您的T&CS或主管交谈,您可以担心一个家庭。
    • 了解父母的反应(包括愤怒,怨恨或避免)可能是对创伤的反应。不要个人接受他们。
    • 请记住,经历过创伤的父​​母并不“坏”。责备或判断它们可能会使情况变得更糟。
    • 认识到所有父母希望孩子安全健康。当你看到它们时,赞美父母的良好决策和健康的选择。
    • Stay calm, and keep your voice as neutral and non-threatening as possible. Model direct and honest communication.
    • Be consistent. When you make a commitment, follow through.
    • 请注意,您可以体验次要创伤压力,当您看到或听到其他人的创伤时可能会发生。照顾好自己,花点时间来解决自己的反应,当你觉得你被压倒时。

    You should become aware of the resources available to families in your community米尔或安装

    • 存在军事家庭宣传计划,受害者宣传和过渡赔偿,以通过预防,干预,待遇和受害者援助来解决家庭滥用。访问http://www.milelateonesource.mil/abuse.for more information.
    • 家庭准备系统(FRS)是计划,服务,人员和机构的网络,以及其中的合作,促进了服务成员及其家庭的准备情况和质量。通过家庭准备系统提供的服务可以帮助家庭在军事生活中的每个阶段提出新的技能,并解决生活的挑战。服务因安装而异,但可包括:移动和部署援助,搬迁援助,个人财务管理,配偶教育和职业服务,家庭生活教育,紧急家庭援助,国内滥用预防和响应服务,虐待预防和响应服务,新的家长支持,特殊家庭成员支持,非医疗人员和家庭咨询,过渡援助,士气,福利和娱乐以及信息和转诊。
    • 所有服务会员及其家庭都可以提供非医疗咨询。非医疗咨询计划为现役成员,国民卫队和储备服务成员及其家属提供机密,短期咨询。辅导员在心理健康领域拥有硕士或博士学位,并在州,地区或哥伦比亚地区进行许可或认证,以独立练习。非医疗咨询旨在解决在家庭和工作,压力管理,调整问题的改善之类的问题(例如,从部署返回),婚姻问题,育儿和悲伤和丧失问题等问题。这些个人课程可以面对面,通过电话和在线提供。非医学咨询尚未旨在解决儿童虐待或疏忽等长期问题,家庭暴力,自杀性思想和心理健康问题,但它可以选择面临短期压力源的家庭。有关更多信息,请访问https://www.milelatehoneource.mil/confidential-help/nonmedical-counseling.



    Kyle’s mother breaks down in tears and says, “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’ve taken off so much time from work trying to be a better mom. If I lose child care, I’m afraid I’ll be fired. What am I going to do?” She pulls a crying Kyle out the door.




    根据您在本课程中学到的内容以及在整个课程中,为凯特写出不同的结尾。在凯特故事中的每个临界时间点,想想可能发生的事情更改家庭的轨迹。下载Reflecting on Abuse and Neglect活动。描述可能对凯特和她的家人产生差异的资源,支持或对话。与培训师,教练或管理员分享您的回复。然后审查建议的答复以获得额外的反思。



    让你的家人强壮tip sheet below from防止儿童虐待和促进福祉:行动2013资源指南网络旨在分发给父母和护理人员,以解决特定的育儿关注或问题。这些信息很容易阅读,专注于具体的策略父母和护理人员可以用来照顾孩子,并加强家庭。每张尖端表都有英文和西班牙语。

    下载保留您的家庭强大的提示表talk to your trainer about ways to share the information with families与家人分享

    花一些时间反映你加强家庭的方式。下载Strengthening Families: Protective Factors elf-Assessment改编自社会Po的研究中心licy's Strengthening Families Program Self-Assessment. Use it to reflect on your interactions and relationships with families. The full tool is available in the Management and TCS courses and athttp://www.cssp.org/reform/strendencingfamilies/practice.


    学期 Description
    虐待 Treating a child in a hurtful or abusive way
    次要创伤应力 对他人创伤体验的情绪和身体反应。例如,您可以代表受伤或危险的儿童感受大量的压力
    创伤 对身体的严重伤害或休克(身体或情感)






    You suspected Destin’s mom of child abuse and made a report. Several days later, Destin’s dad came into the program and he was furious. He withdrew Destin from the program. You didn’t see him, but you learned later that he called you hurtful names. What is the healthiest way for you to respond?




    Why are safe, stable, and nurturing relationships considered “essential”?



    References & Resources

    Felitti, Vince J. et al. (1998) Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults.美国预防医学杂志。14., p 245-258. doi:10.1016 / s0749-3797(98)00017-8从...获得https://www.cdc.gov/violienceprevention/acestudy/about.html.

    Harris, Nadine Burke. (2014, September) Nadine Burke Harris: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime [Video file]. Retrieved fromhttps://www.ted.com/talks/nadine_burke_harris_how_childhood_trauma_affects_health_across_a_lifetime


    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2013). Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well-Being: A Network for Action 2013 Resource Guide.