

    • 描述典型的儿童发展里程碑。
    • Identify developmentally appropriate expectations for children’s behavior.
    • 确定让孩子更有可能遭受虐待或忽视的风险因素。









    • 复制成年人和朋友
    • Shows affection for friends without prompting
    • 轮流进入游戏
    • Shows concern for a crying friend
    • 了解“我”和“他”或“她”的想法
    • 显示了广泛的情绪
    • 从妈妈和爸爸轻松分开

    3 Years: Language/Communication

    • 遵循具有两三个步骤的说明
    • Can name most familiar things
    • Understands words like "in," "on," and "under"
    • Says first name, age, and sex
    • Names a friend
    • 说“我”,“我”,“我们”和“你”和一些复数(“汽车”,“狗”,“猫”)
    • 很好地谈论陌生人大部分时间都能理解
    • Carries on a conversation using two to three sentences

    3 Years: Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)

    • Can work toys with buttons, levers, and moving parts
    • 扮演娃娃,动物和人物
    • Does puzzles with three or four pieces
    • Understands what "two" means
    • 用铅笔或蜡笔复制一个圆圈
    • 一次翻书一页
    • 建造超过六个街区的塔
    • 螺钉和拧下罐盖或转动门把手

    3 Years: Movement/Physical Development

    • 爬井
    • 轻松跑步
    • 踏板三轮车
    • 走上楼梯,每一步一只脚


    • 喜欢做新事物
    • 扮演“妈妈”和“爸爸”
    • 越来越多的创造性与制作 - 相信的戏剧
    • Would rather play with other children than alone
    • 与其他孩子合作
    • Often can't tell what's real and what's make-believe
    • 谈论喜欢和兴趣
    • 显示越来越害怕和想象力(怪物,对黑暗的恐惧)


    • 知道语法的一些基本规则,例如正确使用“他”和“她”
    • 唱一首歌或者从内存中说一首诗,如“ITSY Bitsy蜘蛛”或“公共汽车上的轮子”
    • 告诉故事
    • 可以说出名字和姓氏


    • 命名一些颜色和一些数字
    • Understands the idea of counting
    • 开始了解时间
    • 记得一个故事的部分
    • 了解“同一个”和“不同”的想法
    • 用两到四个身体部位画一个人
    • 使用剪刀
    • 开始复制一些大写字母
    • Names four colors
    • 播放董事会或纸牌游戏
    • 告诉你他或她认为将在一本书中发生的事情


    • Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds
    • 大部分时间都在捕获反弹球
    • 倾倒,削减监督,并捣碎自己的食物

    5 Years: Social/Emotional

    • Wants to please friends
    • 想和朋友一样
    • 更有可能同意规则
    • Likes to sing, dance, and act
    • 意识到性别
    • 可以告诉什么是真实的,是什么让人相信
    • 显示更多的独立性(例如,可能正在播放日期)
    • 有时需要苛刻,有时非常合作


    • 非常清楚地说话
    • 使用完整的句子讲述一个简单的故事
    • Uses future tense; for example, "Grandma will be here"
    • Says name and address


    • 计数10件或更多的东西
    • Can draw a person with at least six body parts
    • 可以打印一些字母或数字
    • 复制三角形和其他几何形状
    • 了解每天使用的东西,就像金钱和食物一样


    • 一只脚上矗立在10秒或更长时间
    • 酒花;可以跳过
    • 可以做一个翻筋斗
    • 用叉子和勺子,有时是桌子刀
    • 可以用她或自己的厕所
    • 摇摆和攀爬

    As you read the milestones, did you notice any behaviors that might frustrate or challenge adults? Here are a few real-world scenarios that help illustrate the developmental stages:

    • Carli and Claire only want to play with each other. They tell other children, “You can’t play with us.”
    • Calvin和Kelsy使游戏在跑步之外,即使这是针对规则。
    • Desiree is still eating lunch even though all the other children finished and have cleared their plates.
    • 克拉克没有午睡。当被要求躺下时,他永远不会睡着了。
    • Dori begins sticking out her tongue and spitting on the little boy next to her.
    • 亚伦来跑到你尖叫着,“他打了我!”




    Understanding Temperament for Preschool Children

    Temperament influences how each of us interacts with the world and the people around us. If you reflect on your own personality and preferences, it becomes clear that we all have certain ways we interact. Understanding our own temperament and the temperaments of the children around us can be very helpful. We are born with certain temperament traits or styles, and temperament is thought to be consistent across a life span. Here are nine temperament traits that you might see in yourself and the children around you (Thomas, Chess, & Birk, 1968):

    • Activity level: Is the child always moving or sometimes sitting still?
    • Regularity:孩子自然有一致的进食和睡觉的时间表,还是它们更具变量?
    • 分心:孩子是否关注时间或移位注意?
    • Approach to new things:孩子是否谨慎在新的惯例或经验中?
    • Adaptability: Can the child adjust to new people or situations?
    • 反应强度:孩子如何回应情况?
    • Threshold of responsiveness:孩子需要多少刺激来回应?
    • 心情质量:孩子普遍快乐还是悲伤?
    • 注意力跨度和持久性:孩子尽管分心,孩子花了多少时间?

    Take a minute to reflect on your own temperament. How do you define your temperament traits? How does understanding temperament help you understand your own behaviors and the behaviors of children?


    • 适应:这些都是“简单的孩子。”他们乐于接受新situations, have a moderate activity level, and are generally happy.
    • fe:这些孩子的活动水平高,通常对新刺激的反应很大。他们可能被认为是精力充沛的,自信,充满情感。
    • Cautious: These children need time and support to feel comfortable in new situations. They might be considered timid or serious.



    Tips for Children with Cautious Temperaments:

    • Provide plenty of space and time for the child to get comfortable. Encourage families to stay as long as possible to help children transition into the room.
    • Avoid forcing eye contact or getting in the child’s face. Approach children slowly and give them time to warm up to you.
    • 最小化对计划和例程的更改。
    • Encourage children to bring comfort items such as a favorite blanket or teddy bear.
    • 当他们变得沮丧时舒适的孩子。花时间坐在一起,看别人玩。

    Tips for Children with Feisty Temperaments:

    • 为运动提供很多机会。让他们帮助翻页故事页面。在午睡前给他们额外的时间来放松。
    • 为探索提供机会。在引入新的或令人兴奋的物体时保持关闭。帮助孩子安全地探索。
    • Do not punish intense reactions. Rather comfort the child: give hugs and help him or her work through emotions.
    • Step in when needed to help a child work through difficult interactions with other children.


    儿童有三类儿童虐待和忽视的风险:幼儿,残疾儿童和挑战性行为的儿童。为什么你认为这些孩子的风险增加了?一般来说,这些孩子可能难以沟通,控制他们的情绪,遵循方向,或与他人相处。周围的成年人可能很容易沮丧或不知道如何帮助孩子。这可以把孩子放在危险的情况下。我们必须小心地记住这并不意味着孩子会导致虐待和忽视。孩子永远不会责怪。It also does not mean that only children in these categories are abused or neglected. Rather, we must remember to provide extra support to families whose children meet these characteristics.


    When children do not meet the milestones described above in predictable ways and at predictable times, we can experience stress. We may not understand the child’s communication, we may not know how to meet the child’s physical needs, or we may doubt our competence. All of this can leave a person feeling helpless and confused. This stress puts children with developmental delays or disabilities at greater risk for child abuse or neglect.

    Children with severe and persistent challenging behavior are also at a greater risk for abuse or neglect. When children demonstrate severe and persistent challenging behavior, adults often feel personally challenged. It’s not unusual to feel like a child is “pushing your buttons.” Adults may not know what to do and in a moment of crisis might resort to unacceptable punishment practices.


    不w let’s think about how knowledge of child development looks in a classroom or program. Often knowledge of child development comes across as realistic expectations for behavior. Having the right expectations for children of various ages ensure that we are providing appropriate interactions and responses based on their age and level. Watch this video to learn more about realistic expectations.


    Learn about realistic expectations for preschool children

    Read the following statements from staff members. On the left, you see unrealistic expectations. On the right you see realistic expectations. Which classrooms or programs do you think feel like better places to be for children? Which staff members do you think feel less stressed at the end of the day?



    • 马克里亚永远不会听!所有的孩子都应该进去,洗手,坐在地毯上,然后挑一本书。她是做什么的?她停下来和玩娃娃。
    • 当我一步一步一步时,我会尽力而为。很难在你的脑海中保持长期的事情清单!
    • Decklen is always moving. He cannot sit still.
    • Decklen has a lot of energy to burn off today. I think we’ll spend extra time in gross motor play outside.
    • 这些孩子需要为整个群体时间坐交叉腿。小组时间在幼儿园45分钟,所以他们现在必须开始练习坐在那里。
    • 我们保持小组时间短而甜蜜。这是我们建立社区的时候,但我们真的将戏剧,一对一和小团体视为主要的学习时间。狗万app怎么下载
    • Caldwell是Bossy。我需要把他放在他的位置。
    • Caldwell is learning to be a leader in the classroom. I need to find good channels for him to use those skills.



    • 继续学习在您的职业生涯中的孩子发展中所能。虚拟实验万博体育下载手机版室学校有课程,可以帮助您了解有关认知,身体和社会发展的更多信息。您还将了解孩子如何发展沟通技巧和健康的自我意识。
    • 收集有关儿童发展的信息,分享家庭。应用部分中疾病控制和预防中心的讲义是一个很好的开始,但您的程序或课程可能有您可以分享的其他资源。
    • As a new employee, spend time observing children in the program where you work. This will help you begin to understand what is typical for your age range. Also visit classrooms or programs for children who are older or younger. This will help you take the long view on development. If you expect the same thing from 4-year-olds that you see happening in the school-age program, you are setting yourself up for frustration.
    • Remember what you have learned here when you get frustrated. It can be frustrating when a preschooler refuses to hang up his coat in his cubby, wash his hands, and sit on the carpet, but this is a part of growing up. Many of the behaviors that challenge adults are very typical parts of development. If you have a concern about a child’s behavior, talk to your trainer, supervisor, or coach. He or she can help give you perspective on whether the behaviors are typical.
    • Ask for help when you need it. We all need new ideas and support. When you are feeling frustrated or unsure about what to do for a child, ask a trainer or co-worker for ideas. This is a great way to build your own social connections and professional knowledge.



    Download and print theReframing Activity. Read the scenarios in the table. Indicate whether you think the scenario represents a realistic expectation for the child’s behavior or an unrealistic expectation. Then write what you think a staff member should say that reflects realistic expectations.




    与你交谈米IL培训和课程专家上市行政人员about resources available in your curriculum. Many curricula, like Teaching Strategies Gold, provide a continuum of milestones. Talk to your米ILT&Cs上市行政人员关于适合您和家庭的材料。如果您想要其他资源,请使用许多选项。

    疾病控制和预防的中心已经开发出优秀的指南。这些可以与家庭分享,但它们也是一个很好的工具,让您在课堂上保持在教室中并定期参考。使用米ilestone Checklists对于你工作的儿童年龄组。简单,一页的清单,用英语和西班牙语提供https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html. They can also be useful reminders for you about realistic expectations for development across early childhood.


    Term 描述
    Child development 随着儿童通过青春期生长的变化。这些变化可以是身体,心理,情感或社交
    发展恰当 基于幼儿发展和学习的知识和实践,关于个别孩子的知名,以及文化重要的东西
    发展里程碑 孩子们通常在一定年龄左右发展的技能或行为
    Scaffold 一种教育术语,将在建立房屋的临时结构中建立一个孩子的过程;在教学中,它可以涉及给提示或提示并逐步减少这些支持




    Clyde thinks 3-year-old Julian should put his toy away, go get his coat, line up, and wait at the door the first time she asks him. Is this a realistic expectation for behavior?


    Lucia, a preschool teacher, begins her day with a large group circle time activity. She begins by going over the calendar, talking about the weather, and then reading a story. She expects the children to remain seated the entire 30-minute group time and to participate when she asks them to. Is this a realistic expectation for behavior?




    The children begin a game of pretending to be monsters as the teachers prepare the room for rest time. One child gets scared and continues crying through nap time. The staff member says, “Stop crying and go to sleep.” Is this a realistic expectation for behavior?




    Center for the Study of Social Policy. (2018). Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework. Retrieved fromhttps://cssp.org/our-work/projects/protective-factors-framework/

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Violence Prevention. Retrieved fromhttp://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Learn the Signs, Act Early: Developmental Milestones. Available fromhttp://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html


    军事上的一个来源。(无日期)。米ilitary Family Advocacy Programs. Retrieved fromhttp://www.militaryonesource.mil/abuse/service-providers


    国家儿童创伤压力网络与国家性行为中心的伙伴关系。(2009)。儿童的性发展和行为。从...获得http://www.ncsby.org/sites/default/files/nctsn%20ncsby%20sexualdevelopmentandbehavior%202009.pdf.National Institutes of Health. (2013). Medline Plus: School-Age Development. Available fromhttp://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002017.htm

    Seibel,N.L,Britt,D.,Gillespie,L. G.,&Parlakian,R。(2006)。防止儿童虐待和忽视。华盛顿特区:零至三:婴幼儿中心,幼儿和家庭。



    ZERO TO THREE: Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families. (2006). The Prevalence of Child Abuse and Neglect. Retrieved fromhttps://www.zerotothree.org/resources/91-the-prevalence-of-child-abuse-and-neglect.