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    • State why social and emotional competence is a protective factor that prevents abuse and neglect.
    • 确定促进儿童社会和情感能力的策略。
    • Use strategies that promote social and emotional competence in all children.




    As a child development professional, supporting social and emotional competence is a major part of your job. Appropriately, you will spend the bulk of your time with children promoting positive interactions, helping solve problems, and responding to intense emotions. You are promoting positive social and emotional skills in every interaction you have with a child. Evidence suggests that social emotional competence contributes significantly to skills in other domains like cognitive development and physical development. Researchers at the Center for the Study of Social Policy found an additional benefit of such an emphasis on social and emotional competence: It decreased the amount of child abuse and neglect in families. Parents with children in exemplary programs reported that the skills their children learned related to anger management and violence prevention directly affected the way parents and children interacted. When children expressed their emotions appropriately, parents began to see their children differently.

    You can imagine this is true in center settings as well. Children who are socially skilled are more likely to advocate for themselves, ask another adult for help, express their needs, feelings, and interests appropriately and clearly, and connect with others. When children are able to clearly express their needs and wishes, we are better able to understand how to meet their needs. Adults also have an easier time caring for children who are able to listen and follow directions, follow the routine of the program, solve problems, and ask for help rather than engaging in problem behavior. Social and emotional competence also leads to more positive adult-child relationships and more positive peer relationships. It is through these positive relationships that children learn best.

    What does this have to do with preventing child abuse and neglect in center settings? The answer is simple: when you see each interaction as an opportunity to build a positive relationship, you are more likely to view children positively. You are more likely to see behaviors as communication.

    • 4岁的人在另一个孩子上“tattling”说,“我们需要你的帮助。”
    • 这位3岁的攀登幻灯片说,“帮助我学会使用这个。”
    • The 4 year old who throws a soccer ball over the fence is saying, “I’m frustrated.”
    • The child running around the room is saying, “Help me find someone to play with.”


    You can learn more about social emotional development by downloading and reading the article on Social and Emotional Competence at the end of the Learn section.

    What is Social and Emotional Competence?

    Social and emotional competence is the ability to interact with others, regulate one’s own emotions and behavior, solve problems, and communicate effectively. Children who are socially and emotionally competent have (Center for the Study of Social Policy, 2013):

    • Healthy self-esteem
    • 自信心
    • 自我效能
    • 自我控制
    • 个人机构
    • 耐心
    • Persistence
    • Conflict resolution skills
    • Communication skills
    • 共情
    • Social skills
    • Morality

    Children who have these characteristics are not just successful in classrooms. They are successful in life. There is strong research evidence that social and emotional development contributes to development across domains: cognitive, physical, communication. In many ways, social and emotional development opens the door to richer and deeper learning. In early childhood, we understand that relationships are the foundation of all learning, so it makes sense that having strong relationships helps children learn.

    There are three main ways teachers working with preschool age children can promote social and emotional competence:

    • Teaching or helping children learn to recognize and deal with emotions
    • 教学或帮助孩子学会认识和解决社会问题
    • Teaching or helping children learn to be friends

    You can learn a great deal about each of these strategies by visiting the CSEFEL and NCPMI websites provided in the References & Resources section at the end of this lesson. You will also learn more in thePositive GuidanceSocial & Emotional Developmentcourses. Below is a brief introduction to these three concepts.

    Emotional Literacy

    Emotional literacy is the ability to recognize emotions in yourself and others. It’s also the ability to express and regulate emotions. Classrooms or programs that promote emotional literacy talk about emotions throughout the day every day. Adults label their own emotions and children’s emotions. They read stories about emotions. They help children recognize emotions in themselves and others. Teachers also provide concrete strategies to help children address and express their emotions appropriately. For example, in some classrooms children are taught the “Turtle Technique” to help them stop and think when they are angry.

    Tucker Turtle Takes Time to Tuck and Think





    Learning how to make and keep friends is a lifelong skill. There are a variety of skills that are considered friendship skills. These include:

    • Asking to join others in play
    • Offering ideas and suggestions
    • Sharing
    • Taking turns
    • Giving compliments
    • Knowing how and when to apologize

    在课堂上,促进社会和情感competence, staff members look for opportunities to promote friendship skills. They encourage friendly behavior, model friendly behavior, and set up opportunities for children to practice friendship skills.




    Facilitating Social Development for Preschoolers

    Learn about the importance of social development


    From the Center for the Study of Social Policy:

    • 总是让孩子们在离开计划或员工改变时会有机会说再见。
    • 帮助儿童流程课程或员工更改。
    • 向父母和孩子沟通人员的变更。
    • 故意帮助孩子进入新设置(例如,通过允许过渡/方向时间)。
    • Encourage children to express their feelings.
    • Encourage sharing, taking turns, and cooperative play.
    • Offer children many ways to express themselves: theater, music, visual arts.


    • Read books about feelings and make sure your classroom library has plenty of books about feelings.
    • 各种情感表达的人的帖子照片。
    • Encourage and reinforce children for using feeling words.
    • Notice and label children’s feelings.
    • Plan activities to teach and reinforce concepts about emotions.
    • 标记自己的感受。


    • Specifically teach the steps to solving problems.
    • Engage children in generating solutions to common challenges.
    • Post visual reminders about problem-solving.
    • Recognize and give specific feedback to children who have been “good problem solvers.”
    • Help children reflect on their own problem-solving skills.
    • Change your approach to meet individual children’s needs.


    • 鼓励孩子们一起工作。
    • 对正在努力工作的儿童,帮助互相帮助等
    • 使用各种策略来教授友谊技能(例如,分享,转动,帮助他人)。
    • 为孩子提供计划pra的机会ctice friendship skills.
    • Model appropriate friendship skills in interactions with children and other adults.



    In this activity, you will begin looking for social behaviors in preschool children. Download and print theObserving Social Interactions Activity。您将花费15分钟观察孩子或一群儿童。写下你看到的行为是社交(孩子提供另一个孩子的玩具)和可能是孩子可以使用各种支持发展社会和情感能力的行为(一个孩子从游戏中排除其他孩子)。记得在成年人和孩子之间包括社会互动。当您观察或观察后,与您的主管,培训师或教练谈论如何帮助孩子学习或使用社会行为。



    There are a variety of tools available to help you apply what you have learned. Use the社会教学清单created by and available from the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)。用它来确保您尽量促进课堂或计划中的社会和情感能力。


    Term 描述
    Communication skills The ability to share information with others and receive information from others
    Conflict resolution skills 和平解决争端的能力
    共情 The ability to understand and share the feelings of others
    Healthy self-esteem A feeling of pride in yourself
    Morality The ability to distinguish between right and wrong
    耐心 The ability to accept or tolerate delay or trouble without getting upset
    Persistence Continuing in a course of action despite difficulty
    个人机构 个人认为他们可以控制影响它们的事件的程度
    自信心 信仰自己和你的能力
    自我控制 Regulating your own emotions, desires, or actions
    自我效能 相信你的成功或适当表现的能力
    Social skills The skills that make it easier to interact and communicate with others








    Why is social and emotional competence important? Choose the best answer.




    Where can you learn more about promoting children’s social and emotional development? Choose the best answer.


    Center for the Study of Social Policy. (2018). Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework. Retrieved from

    Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL). Resources available
