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    • 设计物理环境以促进安全。
    • Use active supervision to minimize the risk of child abuse and neglect.
    • Identify actions that protect you from false allegations of abuse or neglect.
    • 描述您的房间设计,中心设计,人员配备和标准操作程序最大限度地减少儿童滥用和忽视的风险。

    注意:本课程的叙述性内容由德里G.Koralek,教学策略,华盛顿州,DC。,1993年11月,在国防部的1993年11月#MDA 903-91-M-6715家庭政策支持与服务,国防部长办公室。它已根据统一设施标准(UFC 4-740-14)交叉引用和更新)



    什么设计特色有助于让孩子保持安全米尔做D孩子Development Centers?


    • There are windows in the doors to all rooms and areas used to care for children (except for adult and school-age toilet rooms), allowing activities in the room to be viewed from outside the room.
    • 活动室和走廊之间有视觉小组,以提供视觉访问。
    • 做ors on toilet stalls are removed, except for toilets used by children over age 5 and adults; or there are half walls that allow line of sight supervision for children under age 5
    • 厕所围绕的墙壁摊位在正常高度的一半,如果可能的话,允许更好地查看卫生间。
    • 没有窗帘或百叶窗,妨碍孩子接受小心或某人可能带孩子的地区的地区。艺术作品在窗户上没有悬挂。
    • 活动室中的洗手槽,而不是在卫生间里,因此可以更容易地观察到儿童。
    • Storage areas are designed so the hardware on the doors is operable from both sides. Doors on closets can be opened from the inside without a key. This prevents a child from being locked in a closet or storage area.在某些服务中,所有存储区域的门都需要视觉面板。
    • 尿布区域与玻璃的半墙或墙壁分开活动室。理想情况下,建筑物建造在尿布区域和活动室之间没有墙壁,以提高尿布期间护理人员和儿童的可见度。海军节目不允许在学龄前的活动区域进行尿布不断变化。万博体育全站app
    • 地区位于活动房间睡觉。如果the design of the building prevents this arrangement, sleeping areas are separated from activity rooms by half walls or walls with glass.
    • 安装凹面镜,在需要提高可见性时。
    • 用于晚间护理的客房位于前门附近,所以工作人员和家长均可轻松进入。
    • Outdoor play areas are constructed so all parts can be viewed from inside the center and from outside the playground fencing.. There are windows in the walls between activity rooms and outdoor play areas to permit viewing of both areas.
    • 从主楼可见到存储区域的门,因此可以通过游乐场上的成人视觉监测它们。
    • 建造阁楼和娱乐房屋等游戏结构,以便在结构中播放时可以看到儿童。
    • 闭路电视(CCTV)系统安装,并正常工作,并允许工作人员,经理,T&CS和家庭监控计划活动。


    • The reception desk is located so that the entrance can be viewed by reception desk staff.
    • 大型中心在所有退出门上都有警报,这些门不通向游乐区。
    • 一个中央入口区域服务于所有翼或模块。这减少了进入或退出建筑物的方式数量。
    • 主要入口处的系统,例如蜂鸣器系统,在夜间限制在建筑物的入口时,只有几名护理员工值班。




    • No adult should be alone with a child or group of children in any part of the center, at any time during the program day.米尔An adult may be alone under certain circumstances if he or she has had a successful background check and cameras are operational in the program.
    • At least one staff member at a supervisory level must be present in the center at all times.
    • 工作人员必须穿着名人或服装,以便在视觉上识别他们作为负责该计划和招收孩子的员工的员工和访客。
    • Use of corporal punishment or other discipline procedures in violation of center policies is grounds for immediate dismissal in accordance with service personnel policies.
    • Center staff may not take a child or children enrolled in the program to their home or in their own vehicle without permission of the child’s parent and the center director.


    • 孩子ren must be accompanied by a staff member when returning to the center from the playground.
    • 必须随时维持儿童的视觉监督。无论在室内或户外,睡着,休息或清醒,什么都不能让孩子无人看管。
    • 孩子ren may be released only to a parent or legal guardian or an adult authorized in writing by the parent or legal guardian.
    • Indoor and activity spaces must be arranged so children can be visually supervised by staff at all times.
    • 盖茨对游乐场应该有封闭硬件,不能由10岁以下的儿童运营。


    • 父母必须把孩子带走,然后从孩子收到关心的房间里拿起孩子。
    • 父母必须在该设施中存在的时间内有时访问中心的所有区域。
    • 该中心的访客必须在设施或室外游乐区陪同工作人员陪同。
    • 进入中心的入口应限于一个入口和退出。
    • 除了员工和父母以外的所有人,将儿童带到中心,必须在前台或合适的人员登录和签出。例如,通过厨房进入的食品服务送货员将与厨师一起登录。


    • 志愿者,实习生和学生培训可能无法与孩子或一群儿童单独使用。
    • 志愿者,实习生和学生在违反计划纪律政策或虐待或疏忽的指控后可能无法在中心工作。
    • 志愿者,实习生和学生培训必须遵守与认可,报告和预防虐待和忽视相关的背景检查和培训的规定。

    What do safe facilities look like? Watch this video to find out.

    Facilities that Protect Children from Harm



    • Recognizing when high levels of personal stress are affecting your caregiving performance and learning ways to remain in control of your behavior
    • 狗万app怎么下载学习儿童发展阶段,因此您对儿童行为的期望是现实和合适的
    • 狗万app怎么下载学习和使用积极的指导技术,帮助孩子培养自律
    • 试图了解孩子行为的原因
    • 认识到您中心的迹象表明虐待儿童的潜力和忽视
    • 下列的米尔Service最小化儿童虐待和忽视潜力的法规








    学期 描述
    体罚 Inflicting physical pain upon a child as a consequence for behavior. Examples are spanking, whipping, or paddling




    You look out on the empty playground. You see a visitor sitting alone on the bench. You do not know her, and there are no staff members on the playground. What should you do?


    你的new co-worker can’t believe that you don’t cover the windows when the children nap. She says there is too much light in the room. Based on this lesson, what should you tell her?


    对或错?You and a volunteer are supervising a group of children. The volunteer offers to take a small group outside by herself since your co-teacher is running late. It is OK for her to take the children outside alone.






    Koralek,D. G.(1993年11月)。防止父亲滥用和忽视中心设置。华盛顿特区:教学策略,Inc。国防部合同系列#MDA 903-91-M-6715家庭政策支持和服务办公室,国防部长办公室。
