
    • Identify typical cognitive developmental milestones in preschool.
    • 如果你关心孩子的发展,讨论该怎么办。




    During preschool, amazing changes happen in children's "thinking skills." Their memories are becoming stronger-they often remember surprising details. They can share their ideas in new and interesting ways. Their imaginations are becoming a primary vehicle for play and learning. They begin to compare, contrast, organize, analyze, and come up with more and more complex ways to solve problems. Math and scientific thinking become more sophisticated.



    Age 3

    • 玩偶、动物和人都会让人相信
    • 拼图有3到4个吗
    • Understands what “two”means
    • 用铅笔或蜡笔复制一个圆圈
    • Turns book pages one at a time

    Age 4

    • 了解计数的想法
    • 开始了解时间
    • 记起故事的部分内容
    • Understands the idea of “same” and “different”
    • 绘制一个身体2到4个部分的人


    • Counts 10 or more things
    • 能画一个人至少有6个身体部位
    • 可以打印一些字母或数字
    • 复制三角形和其他几何图形
    • 每天都知道用的东西,比如钱和食物

    Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013).发展里程碑。电子资源可从以下网址获得:http://www.cdc.gov/NCBDDD/actearl/pdf/checklist/All\u checklist.pdf

    All of these thinking skills usually develop in a predictable sequence. Remember, though, that every child is unique. You have the ability to help children learn and grow to their potential. Along with a family's pediatrician, preschool teachers must be knowledgeable about children's developmental milestones. Developmental milestones help adults to understand and recognize typical ages and stages of development for children. Milestones are not rigid rules for when or how a child should develop. Rather, milestones provide a guide for when to expect certain skills or behaviors to emerge in young children based on cognitive, gross motor (movement), fine motor (finger and hand skills), hearing, speech, vision, and social-emotional development. You can use your knowledge of these milestones to meet children's needs in your classroom.
    Cognitive development is a unique process and is specific to each child. A family may wonder about their child's cognitive development and feel uncertain about what they are observing, as well as what to expect. You have an opportunity to learn first from a family and consider offering additional developmental information, including possible warning signs. The Kids Included Together can be a valuable resource for you (http://www.kitonline.org), as well as the developmental milestones and act early information located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website,http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/里程碑/index.html. The chart below also highlights possible warning signs for preschool children:

    Possible Warning Signs for Preschool Children

    Three Years

    • Can't work simple toys (such as peg boards, simple puzzles, turning handle)
    • 不玩假装或虚构的
    • 不理解简单的说明


    • 有trouble scribbling
    • 对互动游戏没有兴趣或假装
    • 不遵循三部分命令
    • 做esn't understand "same" and "different"


    • 不回应人,也不只是表面上的回应
    • 无法分辨什么是真实的,什么是假的
    • 做esn't play a variety of games and activities
    • 不能说出姓名和姓氏
    • 不画画

    如果你关心孩子的发展,talk with your trainer, coach, or supervisor so that you can brainstorm and work together to talk with parents about your observations. This may be difficult, but it can make the difference in meeting a child's needs. With the guidance of your supervisor, trainer, or coach along with program management, you can share information with families about typical child development and let them know you are available to talk. If your program provides developmental screening tools, these can help you start a conversation about your concerns.

    Ultimately, if families are concerned about a child's development, they should talk to the child's pediatrician about their concerns. The pediatrician can perform developmental screenings and possibly refer the child to specialists. Families should also contact their local school district (for children over age 3). The school district can arrange a free evaluation of the child's development. This can help the child get the services and help he or she needs.



    Just as children's bodies grow throughout the preschool years, their brains are growing too. You will see major changes between three and five years old in a child's thinking skills. Watch this video to learn about milestones during the preschool years.

    认知发展in Preschool

    Watch the range of cognitive development during the preschool years.


    • Set learning goals for your class.
    • Read all you can about the stages of development especially for the ages of the children you serve.
    • Post developmental milestone charts for reference.
    • 认识到孩子们在经历发育阶段时需要不同的东西。
    • Provide a range of interesting materials that spark preschoolers' interests and allow for hands-on exploration.
    • Provide a range of developmentally appropriate and culturally diverse books.
    • 寻找可教的时刻,鼓励学习和发展。狗万app怎么下载
    • 定期观察儿童,确定他们在哪里发展。
    • 请记住,儿童是独一无二的,以不同的速度进步,一个发展领域可能比其他领域需要更长的时间。




    整天观察孩子可以帮助你了解他们在哪里发展,这是你计划学习经验的重要。下载、打印和完成狗万app怎么下载Stages of Development Observation Activity. Share your observations with your supervisor, trainer, or coach.





    期限 Description
    Cognitive skills 帮助孩子获取信息、解决问题、推理和得出结论的心理技能或行为
    发育延迟 当儿童在预期时间内没有达到发展里程碑时,可能会怀疑这一点;任何发展领域都可能出现延误
    Developmental milestones A set of skills or behaviors that most children can do at a certain age range
    Developmental screening 一种工具,用于帮助确定未按预期发展的儿童,以及谁可能需要支持;筛查可以由儿科医生、教师或其他既了解儿童发展又了解儿童发展的人完成
    可教的时刻 当你跟随孩子们的兴趣帮助他们学习的时候,你会发现一个孩子在建造一座高塔,说:“你正在建造一座高蓝色的塔。让我们来计算您使用了多少块”




    Finish this statement: Developmental milestones are ...


    Which of the following should not be expected of a 5-year-old child?



    References & Resources:

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). Interactive Tools to Track Child Development. Available athttps://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/ccp/earld-care-and-education.html