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    • 定义沟通并讨论其生命的重要性。
    • Reflect on your own ideas and experiences associated with communication.
    • Discuss how communication promotes development and learning in young children.

    “在我们的所有生命技能中,沟通可能是最有权力。”- Brett Morrison


    We are by nature social beings, and communication plays a significant part in our daily personal and professional lives. What comes to mind as you think about the word “communication?” Perhaps you are thinking about the words “talking” or “speaking.” Listening? Understanding? Body language?


    像沟通一样简单,我们努力与他人沟通的大部分事情 - 别人试图与我们沟通的东西 - 被误解。我们沟通和理解他人的能力取决于我们如何解释和发出含义我们所采取的信息。我们使用我们的感官来参加这些信息,包括听到别人所说的,看到肢体语言和体验情绪反应。然后,我们略有信息。当我们考虑我们解释和发出信息意义的事实时,沟通的挑战会发生在与人的方式不同。误解会导致个人和专业关系中的冲突和挫折。我们对信息意义的方式是我们早期经验,我们的信仰和价值观以及其他影响。暂停一下,并考虑自己生活中的情况,沟通似乎成功和不成功。您与这些情况相关联的感受是什么?沟通有效时,也许兴奋,满足或救济?当有效的沟通似乎难以实现时,令人沮丧,愤怒或失望?


    有效的沟通不仅仅是exchange of information; it’s about understanding the emotion behind the message. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards defines communication as “a tool that human beings use to meet their physical, social, and emotional needs” (2012, p. 27). A goal of effective communication is to find a balance between thinking andfeeling. This balance involves conveying your thoughts without letting the emotion behind the message take over.

    有效的沟通涉及品种技能,包括非语言通信,积极的聆听,情感意识和管理压力的能力。可以通过口语,以及通过面部表情,手势,动作,姿势和触摸来实现通信。图片,图像和书面符号是通信的手段。无论方法,有效的沟通都可以帮助支持和改进关系,团队合作,决策和解决问题。据研究人员罗伯特·斯蒂尔曼和Ellin Siegel-Changy(1989),人们因不同的原因沟通:

    • To affect another person’s behavior
    • To offer information
    • 传达思想和感受
    • 为了与某人互动的纯粹社会理由

    What are some reasons you engage in communication with other individuals in your daily life?


    Preschool-aged children are natural communicators! They soak up the details of the social world around them. As they play, they take on roles of moms, dads, teachers, and other people important to them. Sometimes the “try on” grown-up language like they try on clothes in the dramatic play area. As their vocabularies grow, language is no longer just a tool for expressing wants or needs. Now they can use language to learn new things, imagine unknown worlds, explore ideas, tell jokes, create stories, and build friendships (Trawick-Smith, 2014). It is an exciting time of amazing growth! When preschool teachers consistently respond to children’s communication, preschoolers learn to rely on language as a tool for meeting needs, solving problems, and learning about the world.

    Each preschooler’s communication is unique. At three years old, most children communicate in simple sentences and can be understood by a stranger most of the time. You may hear mispronunciations like “aminal” for “animal” or “pasghetti” for “spaghetti.” Preschoolers are still experimenting with and beginning to learn the basics of grammar. For example, a 5-year-old might say, “I eated all my peas at lunch,” because he is trying to apply grammar rules he has learned. Young preschoolers can continue to understand how language works as teachers respond with the correct pronunciation or form, such as, “I see the animal in the farm” or “Oh, yes! You ate all your peas today. You were feeling quite hungry.”




    沟通and Young Children

    Watch this video to learn about communication in preschool


    • 每天与每个孩子进行对话。
    • Talk about objects and the categories they belong in (i.e., dogs are animals and cars are vehicles). This helps children understand connections between objects, categorization, and part-to-whole thinking.
    • Help children expand their language and cognitive development by using prepositions like “over”, “under”, “in”, “through”, “between”, and “behind.”
    • Remember that “Why?” is the favorite question of most preschoolers. Answer patiently and use it as an opportunity to talk about ideas and concepts.
    • Explore the sounds in language with preschoolers; play rhyming games and sing silly songs.
    • Use words to help children solve problems and expressions; say things like, “It looks like you’re angry. Tell Miley why you are upset.”


    For more information on what to expect in this course, the Communication & Language Development能力反思以及在整个课程中提供的随附的学习,探索和应用资源和活动的列表,参观学龄前通信和语言开发万博体育全站appCourse Guide.

    Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.



    How doyoudefine沟通? What are your views about your own abilities to communicate? Download and print the探索沟通handout. Take a few minutes to read and respond to these questions. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.



    沟通and sharing of ideas are central to our lives. Take a little bit of time to learn more about one of the digital spaces where ideas are shared: TED conferences. In its own words, TED is a nonprofit “devoted to ideas worth spreading.” World-famous wildly talented artists, scientists, and inventors share their thought-provoking ideas in short multimedia presentations.

    考验e your own thoughts on communication by watching a few of these videos. First, follow the links below to watch some great thinkers share their views on communication. Watch at least two videos. Then print the沟通值得传播的思想依附并反思在聆听这些人后提供关于沟通的问题。

    Here are some recommended videos:


    学期 Description
    沟通 The process of exchanging information




    Finish this statement: Preschool children’s communication skills…




    A parent asks what she can do at home to support her child’s communication skills. What do you say?

    References & Resources:

    Berk, L. E. (2013).Child development(第9届)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司

    National Association for the Education of Young Children (2015). Communicating Ideas.


    National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (2012). Early Childhood Generalist Standards for teachers of ages 3-8 (3rd编辑。)。

    Siegel-Causey, E., & Guess, D. (1989).提高具有严重残疾学习者的非键沟通互动. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.

    Stillman, R., & Siegel-Sausey, E. (1989). Introduction to Nonsymbolic Communication. In E.Siegel-Causey & D. Guess (Eds.),提高具有严重残疾学习者的非键沟通互动(pp. 1-13). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.

    Trawick-Smith,J. W.(2014)。幼儿发展:多元文化视角(第6届)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司