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- Define communication and discuss its importance for our lives.
- 反思自己与沟通相关的想法和经验。
- 讨论沟通如何促进幼儿的发展和学习。狗万app怎么下载
" Of all the life skills available to us, communication is perhaps the most empowering."-布雷特·莫里森
Being able to effectively communicate one’s needs, feelings and emotions is critical to lifelong success. Effective communication helps us better understand people or situations and enables us to build trusting and respectful relationships, resolve conflicts, and create environments where ideas, problem solving, and empathy can flourish.
As simple as communication seems, much of what we try to communicate to others—and what others try to communicate to us—gets misunderstood. Our ability to communicate and understand others is dependent upon how we interpret and make meaning out of the information we take in. We take in this information using our senses, including hearing what others say, seeing body language, and experiencing emotional responses. We then make meaning out of the information. Challenges to communication occur when we consider the fact that the ways we interpret and make meaning of information varies from person to person. Miscommunications can cause conflict and frustration in personal and professional relationships. The way we make meaning of information is a result of our early experiences, our beliefs and values, and other influences. Pause for a moment and think about situations in your own life where communication seemed successful and unsuccessful. What feelings did you associate with these situations? Perhaps excitement, contentment or relief when communication was effective? Frustration, anger or disappointment when effective communication seemed difficult to achieve?
What is Communication?
Effective communication is more than just the exchange of information; it’s about understanding the emotion behind the message. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards defines communication as “a tool that human beings use to meet their physical, social, and emotional needs” (2012, p. 27). A goal of effective communication is to find a balance between thinking and感觉。这种平衡包括传达你的思想,而不让信息背后的情感占据主导地位。
Effective communication involves a variety skills, including nonverbal communication, active listening, emotional awareness, and the ability to manage stress. Communication can be achieved through spoken language, as well as through facial expressions, gestures, movements, postures, and touch. Pictures, images and written symbols are means to communicate. No matter the method, effective communication can help support and improve relationships, teamwork, decision-making and problem solving. According to researchers Robert Stillman and Ellin Siegel-Causey (1989), people communicate for different reasons:
- 影响他人的行为
- 提供信息
- To convey thoughts and feelings
- For the purely social reason of engaging in an interaction with someone
What Does Communication Look Like in Preschoolers?
- Have a conversation with every child every day.
- 谈论物体及其所属的类别(即狗是动物,汽车是交通工具)。这有助于孩子们理解物体之间的联系,分类和部分到整体的思考。
- 通过使用“over”、“under”、“in”、“through”、“between”和“behind”等介词,帮助儿童拓展语言和认知发展
- 还记得“为什么?“是大多数学龄前儿童最喜欢的问题。耐心地回答,并以此为机会谈论想法和概念。万博体育全站app
- 与学龄前儿童一起探索语言中的声音;玩押韵游戏和唱愚蠢的歌曲。万博体育全站app
- Use words to help children solve problems and expressions; say things like, “It looks like you’re angry. Tell Miley why you are upset.”
Completing this Course
有关本课程的更多信息,请参阅《沟通与语言发展》Competency Reflection, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Preschool Communication & Language Development课程指南.
你怎么知道你定义communication? 你对自己的沟通能力有什么看法?下载并打印探索通信讲义。花几分钟阅读并回答这些问题。然后,与培训师、教练或主管分享并讨论您的回答。
通过看一些这样的视频来挑战你自己的交流思想。首先,按照下面的链接观看一些伟大的思想家分享他们对沟通的看法。至少看两个视频。然后打印值得传播的传播理念attachment and reflect on the provided questions on communication after listening to these individuals.
- Julian Treasure是一位著名的声音专家,他的工作重点是通过掌握说和听来改变沟通、健康、生产力和人际关系,他分享了关于如何更好地倾听的建议。
http://www.ted.com/talks/julian\u treasure\u 5种更好地倾听的方法 - 以研究刻板印象和歧视、情感、权力和非言语行为而闻名的社会心理学家艾米·库迪(Amy Cuddy)就身体语言的重要性进行了演讲。
http://www.ted.com/talks/amy\u cuddy\u你的身体\u语言\u塑造\u你是谁\u - 治疗师兼教练劳拉·特里斯博士谈到说“谢谢”的意义。
http://www.ted.com/talks/laura_trice_suggests_we_all_say_thank_you - 布伦·布朗,一位研究人际关系的教授和研究员,发表了一篇题为“脆弱性的力量”的演讲
http://www.ted.com/talks/brene\ u brown\ on\ u漏洞 - You can also find 8 videos compiled under the playlist “Listen up.”
伯克,L.E.(2013)。儿童发展(9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
全国幼儿教育协会(2015年)。交流思想。http://www.naeyc.org/books/the\u intential\u teacher\u摘录
National Association for the Education of Young Children (n.d.). Learning about Language and Literacy in Preschool. Washington, DC: NAEYC.
Siegel Causey,E.,&Guess,D.(1989年)。Enhancing nonsymbolic communication interactions among learners with severe disabilities. 马里兰州巴尔的摩:保罗H布鲁克斯。
Stillman,R.,&Siegel Sausey,E.(1989年)。非符号交流导论。在E.Siegel-Causey和D.Guess(编辑)中,Enhancing nonsymbolic communication interactions among learners with severe disabilities(第1-13页)。马里兰州巴尔的摩:保罗H布鲁克斯。
Trawick-Smith, J. W. (2014).Early Childhood Development: A Multicultural Perspective(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.