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    • 讨论与家庭建立和保持沟通的重要性。
    • 反思自己与家人沟通的想法和经历。
    • 计划活动,促进与你的计划中所有孩子的家庭沟通。


    "Communication must be HOT. That's Honest, Open, and Two-way."丹奥斯瓦尔德


    Close your eyes and picture the qualities you want in your communication with families. What do you notice about the words you use, tone, pace and the feel of your everyday actions and routines? Ask yourself, “What am I doing to honor communication and relationships with families?” Your most important partner in this work is the preschooler’s family. It’s helpful to find a common understanding, rhythm and approach to family communication. The enrollment process, for example, can be considered the beginning of relationships. Future daily interactions are then supported by ongoing communication, systems and policies that invite multiple opportunities for communication and collaboration.

    Throughout this lesson, we use the term家庭to refer to important people in children’s lives. These people can be parents, siblings, guardians, extended family members such as aunts or cousins, and other individuals who are involved in children’s lives.


    Importance of Establishing Relationships and Communication with Families




    • 证明和支持与家庭合作的项目往往使家庭在支持子女发展方面更有信心和舒适(Wilcox&Weber,2001)。
    • 当服务纳入促进与家庭伙伴关系的实践时,家庭和儿童的结果会得到改善,包括养育能力和积极的儿童行为和功能(Dempsey&Keen,2008;Dunst,Trivette&Hamby,2008)。



    For families new to this process, your role can be very important. Families may view your preschool program as their liaison or advocate to help them understand the system, access meaningful services, and set goals that can make a difference in their child’s life.


    分享信息关于儿童方面的意义ful to families is critical to maintaining ongoing communication. Whenever possible, use data (e.g., classroom observations, examples of children’s work, child assessments) to convey information about children with families. Data can help family members understand that the information you are sharing with them is based on instances where you observed and generated information in an organized manner, as opposed to sharing things based on your personal views or opinions. As part of your work in preschool, it is likely that you collect developmental information on children through assessments, and it is critical that families have access to that information. This also enables families to follow their child’s progress over time. Along the same lines, invite families to observe their children in your classroom. Schedule some time after the observation to talk about what family members noticed and address any questions they may have.


    Family-Teacher Conferences

    Family-teacher conferences are a great opportunity to engage in valuable conversations with family members about their children’s development and to address questions they may have. You can make this a meaningful experience for families by asking them to respond to or think about a few questions before coming to the conference. For example, you can ask them to think about their child’s most favorite or least favorite aspects of their preschool experience, or about concerns they may have. These questions can serve as great conversation guides and can facilitate dialogue and the exchange of ideas during the conference. In the Learn section of this lesson, you can see an example of a brief questionnaire you can share with families prior to family-teacher conferences. By giving families some time to reflect on these simple questions before coming to the conference, you are sending them the message that their input matters and that you value their point of view.

    Involving Families in Young Children’s Communication and Language Development

    Family members are children’s first teachers, and children learn to communicate by imitating parents, family members, and other significant adults in their home and community environments. Early interactions with family members can set the stage for effective communication and language development in young children’s lives. These are reasons why you should involve family members in young children’s communication and language development.

    Involving family members in young children’s development can help you understand the diverse communication styles of children and families in your classroom and program. This is critical so that you can plan developmentally appropriate experiences for children and families, taking into consideration family backgrounds, traditions, unique needs, and preferences. At the same time, family involvement can help family members understand what and how their children are learning in the classroom as well as encourage them to support and promote high quality communication attempts in the home environment. Involving family members enables you to provide models or effective ways to promote communication in young children’s lives. For example, you may provide recommendations or insights about effective ways of talking about a child’s play, encouraging children to talk with each other as well as with other individuals, supporting children’s requests for help, reading books with children, or supporting a child’s emergent writing.



    观看此视频以听到妈妈反映使用Go-Home Journal。

    Communication Do's and Don'ts




    • 复习将学龄前儿童纳入该计划时使用的文件。与家庭共享哪些其他文档?这些文件如何与家庭共享万博体育全站app?想想这些文件是如何与学龄前儿童和家庭的优势和美好记忆联系在一起的,以及这些文件是如何获取所需信息的。
    • 在整个教室里使用学龄前儿童及万博体育全站app其家人的照片,并确定存放个人物品的特殊位置。
    • 请现在的家庭帮助欢迎新的家庭。邀请所有家庭与全班同学分享他们的时间和才华。
    • 在课堂和计划中发送主页备注或课堂通讯。这些应该用谨慎的孩子的主要语言编写。
    • 在家和幼儿园之间建立持续的沟通。通讯期刊是一种很好的方式。这些通常与每个孩子一起送回家,并在第二天万博体育全站app归还。你可以分享值得注意的观察、时刻或事件,家庭成员可以对这些事件作出回应,或者分享他们自己的新闻、笔记或思考。对于有特殊学习需要的儿童,交流期刊可以成为在家庭和幼儿园环境之间建立一致性的一个特别有价值的工具。狗万app怎么下载
    • 定期举行家庭教师会议,让家庭成员有机会讨论与孩子有关的目标、成就或问题。在讨论每个孩子的优点和需要时,使用积极的语言。如果你有顾虑,在谈到孩子的优点后,冷静而敏感地提出。
    • Invite family members to volunteer in your classroom and program or to share talents, special interests, or expertise.
    • Invite families to talk about their children with special learning needs. For example, a family member may come in your classroom and talk about their child’s use of adaptive equipment, such as braces, a wheelchair, or a communication device. The family member may explain the use of equipment, and this could help children and other families understand aspects of the child’s life. This also promotes acceptance of differences.
    • During arrival or dismissal times, show enthusiasm and welcome families as they drop off or pick up their children. Use these times as opportunities to communicate with family members and sharebriefcomments about their children’s day at preschool. Remember, it’s best to save longer conversations for meetings when families can focus their attention. Also, be sure to talk to your trainer, coach, or supervisor before sharing information about a child’s challenging behavior. This sets the stage for more positive interactions and encourages family members to maintain communication with you.



    How well do you know the families of children in your program? How do you communicate with them? What do you currently do to promote family involvement in your classroom? How do you encourage families to promote children’s language and communication in the home environment? These are among some important questions to ask yourself.

    下载并打印你知道吗ing and Involving Familieshandout. Take a few minutes to read and respond to these questions. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.

    Promoting Language and Communication at Home

    Watch this video to hear teachers discuss how they encourage families to promote language and communication development in the home environment.




    Your co-worker mentions that she would like to improve communication with the families she serves. What do you say to her?






    Berk,L. E.(2013)。儿童发展(第9版)。新泽西州上马鞍河:皮尔逊教育公司。





    Mitchell,S.、Foulger,T.S.和Wetzel,K.(2009年)。通过网络交流让家庭参与的十个技巧。幼儿64.(5), 46-49.

    National Association for the Education of Young Children. Engaging Diverse Families

    Trawick-Smith, J. W. (2014).幼儿发展:多元文化视角,(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

