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    • List examples of ways you can support children’s communication and language development.
    • Explore resources that provide information on supporting the language and communication development of all children in your classroom.
    • Discuss how you can support the language and communication skills of children with special learning needs in your classroom.

    “良好通信的基本建筑块是每个人都是独特的价值的感觉。”- Unknown


    Preschoolers in your care need daily opportunities to participate in activities that help them learn new skills or practice existing ones in fun, stimulating, and supportive environments. As you learned in Lesson 1, effective communication skills are integral to children’s self-expression, to their development of social relationships, and to their learning. In your daily work in preschool, you should plan and embed opportunities for teaching language and communication skills throughout the day. This is essential for promoting language and communication in young children.

    Reflecting on Language and Communication in Preschool

    知道ing that your environment contributes greatly to children’s learning, one of your starting points can be to reflect on the language and communication development of the children in your class. You can start with observations, communication with families, the developmental screening and assessment information you collect, and questions about each child’s development and the interests and discoveries they are making. For example:

    • What is the nature of the child’s language? What type and length of sentences does he or she use? Does the child take multiple turns in a conversation?
    • What languages is the child learning or speaking at home? To which language is the child most responsive?
    • How does each child communicate that he or she is hungry, tired, bored, or ready for play?
    • How does each child communicate with adults? Peers?
    • 学龄前儿童如何回复书籍?万博体育全站app他或她认识到关于打印的基本概念,如拿着书籍直立,转动页面,指向文字和图片吗?
    • 每个家庭阅读哪些类型的书籍给他们的学龄前儿童?万博体育全站app
    • How are other areas of development being supported through books and reading?
    • What writing experiences is the child having? Does the child try writing or scribbling letters? Does the child seem to understand that print has meaning?

    通过问这些问题,与families, you have an opportunity to document and learn how each child develops language and communication skills while considering other areas of development, culture, and temperament. This process can help you and families gather information to support the planning for and development of responsive environments as preschoolers develop language skills and learn ever more complex ways to communicate their needs and wants.

    支持ing Communication for Preschoolers: Creating Natural Opportunities for Language


    After you have gathered information about how children communicate in your classroom, you should use it to make decisions about experiences you want to provide or strategies you want to use. Think about the daily routines and experiences or activities taking place in your classroom: what opportunities for communication are natural in those routines? For example, during snack time, you can ask children questions about their favorite snacks, ask what they like to eat at home, or engage them in conversations about colors, textures, or tastes of different snacks. You may also provide them with choices of food items, or arrange the environment in ways that promote children’s communication. You can, for example, provide children with small portions of snack items to create opportunities for them to use language and ask for more if they want more. You may also purposefully place some food items out of their reach so they can ask you, or peers for them.


    Providing a Language- and Communication-Rich Classroom Environment

    Consider the following components of language- and communication-rich classroom environments:


    Frequent use of developmentally appropriate models:孩子们需要在一天内听到,倾听和使用语言。通过使用在孩子的当前水平上或略高于孩子的语言,您可以促进发展。了解您使用的语言的复杂程度是与幼儿沟通时要记住的最重要的事情之一。例如,对于年轻的3岁儿童,您可以使用简单的词汇单词来使用三个四字词,以确保孩子们可以理解和参与谈话。随着孩子们变老,你可以在每个句子中使用更多的单词并介绍新的词汇单词。这意味着您在您的一天中使用语言,并鼓励儿童使用语言。

    意向性:故意教师目的地选择和使用适当的语言模型和与孩子的识字性。This means that during your planning, and considering children’s needs, you make decisions about words or sounds to use, new vocabulary to introduce, how to describe events, materials, or feelings, or how to adapt activities and experiences to address the special learning needs of children in your classroom.

    环境印花和书籍:请记住为儿童提供多种机会阅读,看看课堂上的书籍和印刷。This includes reading frequently to children, labeling classroom spaces or objects, labeling in different languages that represent the backgrounds of children in your classroom, having lots of books readily accessible around the classroom, rotating books and materials based on children’s interests and experiences, creating an inviting area in your classroom where children can read quietly or with other children, providing activities that involve drawing and writing, and embedding experiences that involve playing with sounds, words, and letters in activities and routines.

    家庭参与:Acknowledging that families are children’s first and most significant teachers is critical for your work in preschool. As highlighted in Lesson Three, involving families in children’s communication development is essential for learning. This means developing relationships with the families of children in your classroom. In Lesson Three, you can find a list of practices that help foster relationships with families.

    Repetition:Using repetition means that you provide children with frequent language models, particularly when teaching new vocabulary words. In language-rich classrooms, repetition happens throughout the day. Teachers use the same words in fun ways (i.e., through songs or games) to describe daily routines or events, label feelings or materials, etc. Repetition ensures children have varied and multiple opportunities to learn new words or new uses of words. Refer to the Learn section of this lesson for examples of instructional techniques you can use in your classroom to promote children’s communication.

    支持ing Communication for All Children

    Some preschoolers in your class may have conditions that affect their language and communication development, including developmental delays, autism, neurological and perceptual disorders, or vision, hearing, speech, or language impairments. Children with Individualized Education Programs (IEP) have a specific plan to help them meet their personal goals, and very often these children will need changes or adaptations to daily routines, the classroom environment, and curriculum. The Kids Included Together (KIT) program can be a valuable resource for ideas.

    Below is additional information to consider as you continue to plan for responsive and engaging interactions, environments and experiences that support the preschoolers in your class.

    An exmaple of a daily schedule in a preschool room.  8:00 - 8:15 - welcome, block center buckets. 8:15 - 8:30 - circle time and center train.规则:安静的声音,步行脚,温柔的触摸,听耳朵Use different ways to communicate information with children. For example, visuals like picture schedules or photos showing steps of handwashing provide children with a sense of predictability, and they provide opportunities for interactions with print.

    Other children may need different supports. For children with hearing impairments, you may have to adjust the speed or sound of your voice, speaking more clearly or at a slower pace. You may also have to check more often to see if children understood what you said. Children with visual impairments may use Braille, large print, or big books. Other children may require the use of assistive technology. This may include equipment such as communication devices that enable them to explore their surroundings and interact with others. As you have been reading throughout this course, it is critical that you get to know the children in your classroom to be able to support their successful participation in your program experiences. Make sure all children and families feel welcome and involved. The Kids Included Together (KIT) program can be a valuable resource for ideas. You can also consider Building Blocks and Kara’s Kit. These resources from the Council for Exceptional Children Division for Early Childhood provide practical, real world ways to help children succeed in their environments. See the Resources and Reference list for information about these materials.

    Keep in mind that children who have difficulties communicating do not necessarily have disabilities or special learning needs. You may need to make accommodations or modifications depending on children’s skills and experiences and what is developmentally appropriate.

    Meaningful Book-Reading and Story-Telling Practices in Preschool


    • 学ing new vocabulary words.
    • Listening to and practicing communication skills (receptive and expressive communication).
    • 了解故事或情节的元素。
    • 语音意识(认识到语言的声音以及语言是结构的)。
    • 建筑物,特别是作为儿童被鼓励阅读小组。
    • Enjoyment about learning and opportunities for personal expression.


    • Select books that highlight a variety of cultures, languages, abilities, family structures, and life experiences. Children need to be able to see themselves and their families in these books!
    • Create an inviting book area where children can read independently or with other children.
    • Incorporate books in the different interest areas in your classroom.
    • 常用于孩子。
    • Invite family members to come to your classroom and read books with the children.
    • Rotate books based on child interests and activities.
    • Involve children in selecting books. Give them choices and include their preferences.
    • 使用书籍阅读作为谈论社交技能的机会。
    • 全天,向儿童提出关于故事的问题。
    • 鼓励孩子们写自己的故事!


    • Use visual props, large pictures, or other materials for children who are learning to listen and engage.
    • 让孩子们将最喜欢的玩具或毛绒动物带到故事时间,帮助他们坐下来参加。
    • 对于正在学习了解语言并倾听故事的儿童,给他狗万app怎么下载们一本书的副本。
    • Have children take turns turning the book pages.
    • Have children who are learning to engage in book reading sit next to an adult or a more competent peer.
    • Give children frequent praise and encouragement for sitting and listening.
    • Read the same book several days in a row and ask children to help you finish telling the story or fill in words they know.
    • Speak clearly and slowly for children who have hearing impairments or who are dual language learners. Check for understanding often.
    • 为具有视觉损伤的儿童使用盲文,大型印刷品或大书籍。
    • Have children with autism or language delays repeat words or phrases.
    • 将熟悉的故事翻译成儿童的双语学习者的主要语言。
    • Send translated books and stories home with children.
    • 从您当地的社区或学校图书馆借用儿童的主要语言。
    • 邀请流利的扬声器的孩子的主要语言来到您的教室并与孩子们读书。


    Communication Every Day All Day!


    Book-reading and Story-telling Experiences

    Watch this video to see teachers using books and story-telling in preschool.


    • 响应儿童的沟通企图并建立并延伸到孩子所说的。
    • 在日常活动和常规提供频繁,发育合适的语言模型。
    • Follow children’s cues and preferences.
    • 在对话中包含新单词。
    • 将语言游戏,歌曲和押韵嵌入日常惯例。
    • Ask children questions about their feelings, actions, interests, or life happenings.
    • 经常读给孩子们。选择书籍和其他印刷材料时,请确保它们代表各种文化,语言,能力,家庭结构和生活经验。当他们在这些材料中看到自己及其家人时,孩子们更有可能参与谈话!
    • 为儿童提供课堂上不同兴趣区的语言和扫盲技能的机会!其他兴趣区应提供书籍,杂志,地图或其他印刷材料。例如,考虑在建造或构建或建造或在戏剧性游戏区域的同时提供块区域的地图,书籍或杂志,以便为儿童参与想象力的戏剧。
    • 重要的是要记住给孩子转向沟通。通常,成年人谈论和谈论并忘记给孩子们沟通机会。即使可能难以停止和等待儿童回应,也必须这样做,促进沟通和谈话技巧!



    What are you currently doing to promote the communication, language, and literacy development of children in your classroom? In this section you will find two inventories you can use to examine your current practice.

    点击以下链接promoti的一篇文章ng literacy from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC):。接下来,下载,打印和完成下面的附加文档。然后,与培训师,教练或主管分享并讨论您的回复。




    At your program’s next Family Night, you will be speaking to families about creating a language- and communication-rich classroom. Which of the following are things you plan to say?


    True or false? Reading the same book several days in a row will be boring for the children and does little to promote learning.


    Finish this statement: Involving families in their children’s communication…

    References & Resources:

    Berk,L. E.(2013)。儿童发展(9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.


    Chandler, L. K., Young, R. M., Nylander, D., Shields, L., Ash, J., Bauman, B., Summers, D. (2008). Promoting early literacy skills within daily activities and routines in preschool classrooms.Young Exceptional Children,11(2), 2-16.

    Cooper, P. J., & Simonds, C. (1999).Communication for the Classroom Teacher.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.


    Edwards, C. C., & Da Fonte, A. (2012). The 5-Point Plan: Fostering successful partnerships with families of students with disabilities.教学特殊的孩子,44,6-13。

    Milbourne,S. A.,&Campbell,P. H.(2007)。CARA's kit: Creating adaptations for routines and activities。Child and Family Studies Research Programs, Thomas Jefferson University.



    National Communication Association (2014). What is Communication? Retrieved from

    Ramsey,R. D.(2009)。如何每次都说正确的事情:与学生,员工,父母和公众沟通良好。千橡木,加利福尼亚州:科尔德新闻。

    Sandall,S.R.和Schwartz,I.(2002)构建具有特殊需求的学龄前儿童的积木万博体育全站app。巴尔的摩,MD:Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.,2002。

    Trawick-Smith,J. W.(2014)。Early Childhood Development: A Multicultural Perspective,(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.