This lesson provides an introduction to guidance during the preschool years. A key learning point is the significance of positive child guidance for children’s overall development and learning.
Secondary tabs
- Define positive guidance.
- Reflect on your own ideas and experiences associated with guidance.
- 描述为什么积极的指导对于幼儿很重要。

回想to your childhood and identify an adult who helped make a difference in your life. Was it a parent, family member, family friend, or teacher? How did this person influence your childhood? How did he or she help guide you to learn or make decisions? How did he or she encourage you? What words did this person use to tell you when you made a mistake? How did you develop ideas about yourself or other individuals as a result of your interactions with this person?
As a preschool teacher, you play an important role in guiding the behavior of young children. You recognize the opportunity to consider young children’s strengths, temperaments, skills, development, and family culture as you determine your approaches and strategies to supporting and influencing their behavior. In essence, you help maintain a relationship-based approach to guiding young children’s behavior while meeting their needs.
Your approach to guidance for preschoolers is likely made up of different influences, such as your own childhood experiences and your personal beliefs about the role of a preschool teacher in helping children guide their behavior. Some preschool teachers may believe that it is their responsibility to maintain and control the behaviors of young children, while others may believe that preschoolers will learn to control their own behaviors through teaching and experiences. It is important to reflect on your understanding of your role and how your beliefs shape the guidance that you are providing preschoolers in your program. When guidance is viewed as a process of understanding and supporting the development of skills, in other words, as teaching, the needs of families and children can be understood, respected, and met.
指导and Children’s Development: Understanding Proactive Approaches to Guidance
积极的指导有助于促进学龄前儿童的社会,情感和认知发展。万博体育全站app当您通过积极的指导有意支持幼儿的发展时,您可以帮助他们学习学校和终身成功最重要的技能:自我监管,或控制自己的感受和行为的能力。课堂和计划中的孩子们是我国的下一代,他们很重要,他们了解如何在现代,多样化和复杂的民主社会中运作。丹加尔特勒,作者Education for a Civic Society,建议以下五项基本技能,他称之为民主生活技能:
- Finding acceptance as a member of a group and as a worthy individual
- 以非伤害方式表达强烈情绪
- 创造性地解决问题 - 无论是独立还是与他人合作
- 接受他人的独特人体品质
- 智能地和道德思考
民主生活技能可以帮助ensur应用e the long- and short-term decisions we make are helping us move in the right direction. These can be challenging to remember in the midst of a stressful situation involving a child. It is important to remember who owns the problem and what we can and cannot control. We have no control over how others choose to treat us. However, we do have control over how we react to the actions of others.
A proactive approach to challenging behavior relies on guidance to teach a child the skills he or she may be missing. According to Patricia Hearron and Verna Hildebrand (2013), guidance can be defined as:
- Using words and actions that positively influence the behaviors of others
- Establishing appropriate expectations and supporting others so they do the right thing
- Providing multiple opportunities for practice and success
- Remaining helpful and encouraging when mistakes occur
- 在尊重他人的价值观的同时理解您自己的价值观
Gartrell(2004),在The Power of Guidance,描述了致力于积极指导的六位教师做法:
实践 | 实施过程 |
Children are learning socially acceptable behavior, and it takes time and practice to develop social skills. Families and teachers guide children to learn social skills. |
The teacher uses developmentally appropriate practices in order to have an appropriate match between the program’s expectations and the child’s skills. |
The teacher builds relationships with each individual child and models cooperation and empathy. |
教师模型如何平稳地解决冲突,并鼓励孩子们为自己洽谈。老师在管理和监测他或她自己的情感和增长时致力于发展中心。 |
从孩子进入该计划时,老师通过正面笔记,电话,会议和会议与家庭成员建立积极关系。 |
The teacher understands that she or he cannot do everything alone and creates a team with other adults (including family members and volunteers). Positive guidance involves teamwork with other skilled adults, especially if a child has consistent, intensive challenging behavior. |
There are multiple factors that can influence how we, as adults, respond to a child’s behavior, including how we were raised, our personal values and beliefs, and our understanding of child development. Through careful consideration of these factors, we can better understand and improve our interactions with children and their families. This will positively influence the overall development of the children we serve. Consider a few examples of culturally determined adult expectations of children:
- The age at which a child feeds or dresses herself or himself
- The age at which a child uses the toilet independently
- Whether and when a child sleeps independently
- The amount and nature of eye contact between children and adults
- 对成年人和儿童如何互相交谈的期望(例如,质疑成年人的可接受性,彼此交谈等)
- The ways adults and children show affection (hugging, etc.)
我们自己期望和孩子行为(或家庭优先事项)之间的不匹配可能会引起紧张。了解可能在文化上确定的行为的可变性非常重要。在尝试这样做时,反思你的方式可能会有所帮助ownupbringing influences how你view child guidance. For example, if you grew up in a strict home, you may view guidance very differently from a colleague who grew up in a home with few rules. You will learn more about the importance of understanding culture-based behaviors in Lesson Two.
Your own upbringing may influence the kinds of behaviors you tolerate. For example, think about how you would respond if a child left circle time without permission in your classroom. While some teachers may have considered this child’s behavior challenging or problematic, and therefore may have expected the child to return to circle, others may think that this behavior demonstrates the child’s sense of independence and choice-making. This belief could cause the teacher to ignore the behavior. Neither of these responses are right or wrong; they are simply representations of how culture and experiences shape individuals’ approaches to guidance.
指导:An Introduction
As a preschool teacher, it is your responsibility to provide developmentally appropriate experiences and activities that are sensitive to children’s individual needs. As you plan and implement your program, you must remember you are setting the foundation for children’s growth and success. When thinking about guidance in your preschool classroom, consider the following:
- Plan meaningful, fun experiences for the children in your care while acknowledging their individual differences and backgrounds.
- Embed opportunities for guidance learning throughout your school day and provide children with multiple opportunities to express themselves in various ways.
- 承认,验证,并响应儿童的需求,情绪和关注。
- 请记住,儿童的行为,特别是具有挑战性的行为,传达一条消息,并取决于美国成年人“解码”并解释该信息。
- 对儿童独特的生活环境和可能影响他们行为的经验敏感。
- 以促进儿童成功的方式安排你的环境。
- Use natural classroom events, relationships and interactions with peers and adults as opportunities to talk with children about emotions or challenging behaviors.
Completing this Course
For more information on what to expect in this course, the Positive GuidanceCompetency Reflection, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the PreschoolCourse Guide。

指导意味着什么你?怎么做你define guidance? What experiences have shaped your thinking about child guidance? Download and print the定义指导活动。回答问题。然后,与同事,主管,培训师或教练分享并讨论您的回复。
Berk,L. E.(2013)。儿童发展(第9 ED。)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司
Denham, S. A., & Brown, C. (2010). Plays Nice With Others: Social-emotional learning and academic success. Early Education and Development, 21, 652-680.
Gartrell, D. (2012). Education for a Civil Society: How guidance teaches young children democratic life skills. National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Hearron, P. F., & Hildebrand, V. (2012). Guiding Young Children. Columbus, OH: Pearson.
Marion, M. (2011). Guidance of Young Children. (8th ed.), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (2012). Early Childhood Generalist Standards for Teachers of Ages 3-8 (3rd ed.).
Sandall,S.,Hemmeter,M.L.,Smith,B. S.,&Mclean,M。(2005)。DEC推荐的做法:一个综合指南。Longmont,CO:Sopris West。
Trawick-Smith,J. W.(2014)。幼儿发展:多元文化视角(第6届。)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司
Whittaker, J. E. V., & Harden, B. J. (2010). Beyond ABC’s and 123’s: Enhancing teacher-child relationship quality to promote children’s behavioral development. NHSA Dialog, 13(3), 185-191.