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- List characteristics of environments that support children’s learning about guidance.
- Explore resources that provide information on supporting children’s positive guidance.
- Discuss how you can foster relationships in your classroom environment.

Think about yourself and your life for a moment. What are some ways you help yourself navigate busy days within the different environments in which you live, work, and spend your time? How do you ensure you stay on track, attend meetings or appointments, and complete your tasks? Perhaps you use an agenda, a planner, sticky notes, to-do lists, electronic devices, or other ways to help remind yourself of what you need to be doing? We all depend on these different “supports” to help us keep going, stay on track, achieve goals, and ultimately be successful.
Now think about how you feel when you是certain about what you are doing, what is going to happen next, and when you have organization and structure in your daily and weekly life? Do you feel happy? Content? Calm? At ease? And what happens if you don’t have all the supports that allow you to have structure and organization in your day? You may be able to function for a day or two, but in the long run, you are probably going to feel frustrated, confused, anxious, or even angry and upset at some point.
Creating Environments that Support Children’s Guidance
Positive Relationships with Children, Families, and Colleagues
As a preschool teacher, it is your responsibility to create supportive environments that foster and promote relationship-building and a sense of community. Developing positive relationships with children, families, and your colleagues is the first and most essential strategy for preventing challenging behavior. All guidance occurs in the context of these relationships: Children and adults understand one another, value one another, and respect one another. Teachers that actively work on relationship-building are likely to have fewer instances of misbehavior because children understand that adults are there to help rather than to hinder. If a child in your classroom is frequently acting out in the presence of a particular adult, the interactions that precede this should be examined to determine where improvements could be made.
You can encourage positive social interactions by demonstrating mutual respect toward children. This includes modeling respectful forms of communication, respecting the decisions children make, and respecting overall differences in others. You encourage these positive interactions by modeling them yourself. Respect your colleagues, and show this respect in your words and actions.
随着时间的推移,关系是与情感联系的持续互动。关系需要时间发展,并在所涉及的人之间具有重要意义。促进关系是一个持续的过程,使孩子能够学习自己,其他人及其环境的事物。Practices that promote nurturing and responsive relationships include supporting children’s play, responding to children’s conversation, providing positive feedback, encouraging appropriate behavior, building relationships with each child and family, and collaborating with classroom staff members and other professionals (Fox, Lentini, & Binder, 2013).
Appropriate Expectations for Behavior
Preschoolers need access to materials that encourage dramatic play, construction, writing, art, science exploration, music, and sensory materials. At this developmental stage, it is important to plan activities that incorporate fine- and gross-motor skills both inside and outdoors. For example, if a young girl is having difficulty sitting still during story time, constantly redirecting her to pay attention is likely to result in a behavioral outburst. Instead, encouraging her to release energy in a tumble area set up in the corner would be an example of developmentally appropriate guidance. Likewise, rather than forcing a reluctant young boy to participate in a game of kickball, it would be more appropriate to encourage him to explore the leaves and insects within the grass beneath him using a magnifying glass. He could then report to others what can be found beneath the grass on which they are playing. The attached Learn section handout,Physical Space Design,提供在课堂上课堂的课堂物理设计时考虑的建议。万博体育全站app此外,在本课程的探索部分中,您将有机会反思您的课堂物理空间和设计如何为儿童的行为做出贡献。您还可以在有关在学习环境课程中支持积极指导的情况下了解有关发育适当环境的更多信息。狗万app怎么下载
Managing time and the daily sequence of events is an important part of positive guidance. A predictable schedule can prevent behavioral outbursts and reduce anxiety in children, especially those who are resistant to change or surprises. Providing structure and predictability helps everyone know what is to be expected throughout the day. This is best achieved by posting a daily schedule.
Once children become familiar with the daily schedule, changes can cause discomfort and confusion. Special care must be taken to inform children of any changes to the schedule. Warning should be given well in advance for weather interruptions, special guests, and special events.
Transitions between activities should be minimized. The daily schedule should be examined and any unnecessary transitions should be eliminated. For example, compare these two early-childhood schedules from the Head Start National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning Front Porch Broadcast Call series (Artman-Meeker & Kinder, May 2014; https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/tta-system/teaching/practice/fp/fpseries.html):
Transitions should be made as calmly and orderly as possible. There are a number of ways to add structure to transitions. For example, children could be called to line up based on the color of their shirts or hair. Or a song could be sung or played with the expectation that children are where they need to be by the end of the song. When a group transition is necessary (e.g., when preparing to get on the bus for a field trip), you should be prepared before the transition so children do not need to wait. Make sure you have all materials ready, the bus is parked out front, etc., before you begin the transition. Consider leadership roles for children (can a child be responsible for distributing program T-shirts?) and ways to involve the children in the transition (children count themselves out loud as they line up).
高质量的环境向儿童发送强大的信息,了解他们应该自己的方式并对待他人。考虑与时间表和例程,关系建设,教室设计和适当期望相关的本课程中所阅读的内容。忽视提前关注这些元素,可能会显着影响儿童的行为和教室的行为。孩子有很多原因,为什么孩子在学龄前挑战挑战性行为。万博体育全站appThey might spend too much time doing one activity (e.g., sitting too long for circle time when this is not developmentally appropriate), not know the expectations for what they need to be doing (e.g., not knowing how to use certain materials at a particular center), wait aimlessly and too long for things to happen (e.g., going through too many transitions during the day that take too long), or simply not have specific directions or expectations about what they need to be doing during the day.
Consider some of the areas in your classroom and regular activities: busy-center work, large-group activities, lunch and snack time, potty time, free-play time indoors and outdoors, or other classroom and program happenings. Take a few seconds to consider what you are currently doing during these times to ensure children understand what is expected. Further, ensure they know what is and what is not acceptable.
Challenging behaviors often involve conflicts among children. Being able to resolve conflicts and solve problems are important social skills for young children because these skills enable them to make and keep friends, complete their daily routines without problems, and engage in meaningful learning experiences. Children who are able to solve problems and resolve conflicts with peers are more likely to engage in positive interactions with peers, make and keep friends, and have a more positive transition to kindergarten. Problem solving and conflict resolution involves self-regulation, communication, identifying and talking about emotions, and working together with other children. Teaching children to problem solve can help reduce impulsive behavior, help children control their behaviors and talk about emotions, and prevent aggression and other challenging behaviors. In the Apply section of this lesson, you will find resources to help support children’s guidance.
You will also have to work with children’s families to ensure consistency between school and home. Families may benefit from your classroom strategies that support children’s positive behaviors. Some children in your care may have conditions that affect their social-emotional development, including developmental delays, autism, neurological and perceptual disorders, or language and communication delays. Children with individualized education programs (IEPs) have a specific plan to help them meet their education goals. Very often, these children will need changes or adaptations to curriculum, classroom environment and daily preschool routines.
High Quality Environments: Classroom Rules
The following are characteristics of high-quality environments that support children’s success in preschool. In your daily interactions with children in preschool, consider the following:
- The classroom schedule includes a predictable routine.
- There are visual reminders of the daily classroom schedule and routines.
- 课堂时间表包括小组和大型活动的组合,包括在室内和户外。
- Routines are arranged to promote interactions (e.g., children holding hands to walk outside, children going to the bathroom or washing hands with “buddies,” children sitting near friends during snack time, children sharing cubbies and interacting at arrival and departure times).
- 环境是安全的,没有危险的材料或危害潜力(例如,没有大的开放空间或障碍物)。有关创建和维护安全课堂环境的详细信息,请参阅安全狗万app怎么下载和学习环境课程。
- 每个学习中狗万app怎么下载心都很容易进入和退出。
- There is a quiet, calm area for children to visit if needed when they feel strong emotions. These spaces may offer materials to help identify emotions (e.g., labeled pictures of people expressing different emotions in their faces) and promote self-soothing (e.g., offer strategies for calming, stress balls, or teddy bears). See the Learning Environments courses for more information.
- There are few transitions in the classroom schedule per day.
- Routines are structured and predictable to promote children’s independence (children learn to independently follow daily classroom routines).
- In addition to the predictable schedule, warnings are given before transitions, so children have a few minutes to adjust their thinking and prepare for the next part of the day.
- 教师旋转活动和材料,以维护儿童的动机,最大限度地参与。
- Materials are developmentally appropriate and provide opportunities for learning.
- 学ing centers and materials are clearly labeled.
- There are a variety of toys available that promote social interactions (e.g., cars and trucks, water toys, blocks, dress up clothes and props) as well as toys that promote individual play (e.g., puzzles, writing materials).
- 活动和学习中心被安排促进互动(狗万app怎么下载每中心两到四个儿童,具体取决于活动)。
- 有足够数量的材料ldren to play with.
- Materials are purposefully arranged to create opportunities for children to engage in social interactions with each other as well as with adults (e.g., multiples of favorite items are offered to support children’s play, smaller portions are provided for snack so children engage in interactions to ask for more).
Responsive and Nurturing Adults:
- Teachers support negotiation and taking turns with materials.
- Teachers are themselves positive models for children by modeling kindness and respect.
- Teachers encourage children to use their words and to talk with their friends to solve problems.
- Teachers model developmentally appropriate language to help children deal with conflict or solve problems with each other.
- 教师使用明确的警告和过渡信号来帮助孩子有效地过渡活动。
- Teachers incorporate children’s interests and preferences into classroom experiences and routines.
- Teachers purposefully address the needs of all children in the classroom (e.g., using social stories or scripts for children who may have a hard time sharing materials with peers, using an individual visual schedule for children who may need supports during transitions).
- 教师鼓励孩子表达他们的思想并分享他们对事件或情况的感受。
- 教师验证了孩子的感受和思想。

It can be useful to ask a trainer or coach to observe your classroom environments and give you feedback on how these environments function. You can use this information to reflect on the appropriateness of your classroom spaces. Download, print, and complete theObserving Environments Activity。Share and discuss the findings with your trainer, coach, or supervisor.

有许多工具可帮助您思考并反思您使用积极的指导技术和环境安排。早期学习的社会和情感基础的中心开发了一系列的实践库存。狗万app怎么下载这些库存可以帮助您了解防止挑战性行为和促进社会和情感发展的策略。你可以下载实践库存handout here, or click on the link below for the preschool inventory. The inventory contains a wide range of strategies.
学期 | Description |
期待 | 行为指南,例如除了通常更广泛和应用于孩子的所有设置之外的规则 |
关系 | 与情绪联系的持续互动,特别是所涉及的个人之间的重要意义 |
Routine | 事件发生的日常喜欢零食,个人卫生,diapering, arrival, departure, or clean-up |
Transition | 一个活动与下一个活动之间的运动,通常涉及停止一项活动并开始新的活动 |
视觉支持 | An object that is used to communicate information to children through pictures, drawings, or images; examples include picture schedules, rule charts, classroom signage |
Berk,L. E.(2013)。儿童发展(9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
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幼儿师(2010年)。立场声明:鉴定和干预挑战性行为。Young Exceptional Children,13(5),47-48。DOI:10.1177 / 1096250610388151
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Grisham-Brown, J., Hemmeter, M. L., & Pretti-Frontczak, K. (2005).Blended practices for
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Harms, T., Cryer, D., & Clifford, R. M. (2005).Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale(rev。ed。)。纽约:师范学院出版社。
Hemmeter, M. L., Ostrosky, M. M., & Corso, R. M. (2012). Preventing and Addressing Challenging Behavior: Common questions and practical strategies.Young Exceptional Children, 15(2), 32-46.
实践库存for Promoting Children’s Social Emotional Competence. (2010). Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. Retrieved from:http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/resources/inftodd/mod4/4.8.pdf.
Kinder, K., & Meeker, K. (2014). Front Porch Series: Moving Right Along: Planning Transitions to Prevent Challenging Behavior. Retrieved October 12, 2014, from https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/tta-system/teaching/practice/fp/fpArchive2014.html
Koralek,D。(2010)。适应环境以满足不同的情感需求。Teaching Young Children,4(2),8-9。
McLean, M. E., Wolery, M., & Bailey, D. B. (2003).评估具有特殊需求的婴儿和学龄前儿童。万博体育全站appUpper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
National Association for the Education of Young Children. More than a Letter Home: Activities to send to families before the year begins.Teaching Young Children/Preschool。
National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2009). Welcome Children and Families to Your Classroom.教育幼儿,5(2), 6-7. Retrieved athttps://www.naeyc.org/resources/pubs/tyc/apr2013/welcome-children-and-camilies.。
Trawick-Smith,J. W.(2014)。Early Childhood Development: A Multicultural Perspective,(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.