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    • Describe the importance of maintaining hygienic conditions in restrooms and changing areas.
    • Consistently implement general hygiene practices to cut down the spread of infectious diseases.
    • 促进儿童的自我保健技能和独立,同时协助厕所和清理。


    虽然有些孩子仍然可以在学龄前房间尿布中,但许多孩子刚刚掌握了使用厕所的技能。万博体育全站app孩子们对他们的身体着迷,他们身体可以做的所有事情。他们也可能着迷 - 有时害怕 - 他们每天都使用的洗手间。他们接近洗手间的方式,他们了解其他事情的方式:通过探索。他们可能喜欢冲洗厕所,打开和关闭龙头,手表卫生纸展开,并探索他们的声音在洗手间的声音。不幸的是,所有这项学习都以价格出现。狗万app怎么下载洗手间充满了细菌;作为一名教师,您必须准备促进学习和健康的卫生。狗万app怎么下载


    In preschool programs, most of the children you work with will be toilet trained. However, this does not mean there will not be toileting accidents. The best way to prevent accidents is by maintaining regular toileting routines and watching for signs that a child needs to use the restroom.

    Encourage preschool-age children to try using the restroom at least every two hours. Be sure to remind them to use the restroom before you go outside, go on a field trip, get in the car to go home, or begin any new activity that involves leaving the classroom. Also watch for signs that a child needs to use the restroom. Holding the genital area, squirming, or moving uncomfortably could all mean a child needs to use the restroom.





    Help Children with Self-Care and Hygiene

    万博体育全站app学龄前儿童偶尔需要用厕所和敷料的帮助 - 特别是如果孩子有厕所事故。事故可能对学龄前儿童令人尴尬。万博体育全站app重要的是帮助孩子清理,穿好衣服,快速,安全地返回学习环境。狗万app怎么下载您还必须在清理期间防止细菌和污染物的传播。适当的卫生对您和课堂上的孩子很重要。许多疾病可以通过粪便蔓延。


    1. 洗你的手。
    2. Bring supplies over. You will need: clean clothing, wipes, plastic bags, paper liner for the child to stand or lay on, wet cloth or paper towel, and disposable gloves.
    3. Follow the procedures described in Caring for Our Children (2015). These procedures are provided in the改变脏衣服resource in the Apply section below.


    Several children in your class are finishing breakfast. One of your preschoolers refused to use the restroom when she came in this morning. She said she did not need to go, washed her hands, and sat down for breakfast. Now as you walk to the breakfast cart to start cleaning up, you notice a puddle on the floor behind her seat. You think she spilled her drink, but you notice that her cup is full. You ask her to stand up so you can clean the puddle. You see then that her pants are all wet, and you suspect she had an accident.


    确保所有儿童都受到监督并阻止脏污区域。洗手并收集用品。在收集供应的同时,请事故发生事故的孩子进入洗手间。穿上手套并跟进更改程序(请参阅本课程的应用部分),以帮助孩子清除污染的衣服并清洁自己。将脏衣服放在密封的塑料袋中送回家。用新鲜的一次性湿巾清洁手和孩子的手。帮助孩子穿着干净的衣服。洗手并确保孩子彻底洗手。然后让她回到监督区域。清洁和消毒变化区域。 Wash your hands. Clean and disinfect the soiled area of the classroom. Wash your hands again.






    • 定期检查洗手间,以确保厕所刷新。
    • Check to make sure floors, doors, and walls are clean.
    • 确保纸巾和其他垃圾正确抛弃。
    • Make sure running water, soap, paper towels, plastic bags for soiled clothing, and toilet paper are available.
    • Make sure you put disposable gloves on before handling soiled clothing or diapers. Remove gloves before handling clean clothing and diapers.
    • 如果可能,请在厕所后使用单独的水槽进行一般使用和洗手。如果您必须使用相同的水槽,请在使用之前消毒,以便普通或与食物相关使用。
    • 在帮助儿童使用厕所后,请务必洗手,协助弄脏的衣服,或触摸受污染的表面。即使你戴一次性手套,你也必须洗手。
    • Make sure all children and adults wash their hands properly.



    当学前儿童在洗手间发生意外或问题时,要思考如何回应是重要的。万博体育全站app使用你会怎么做activity to read the scenarios and describe the steps you would take to keep children healthy. Consider healthy hygiene practices, handwashing, and modeling healthy habits. Share your responses with a trainer, coach, or administrator. Then compare your answers to the suggested responses.



    使用se documents to help provide a healthy restroom environment. Post the手动程序从照顾我们的孩子在洗手间的海报。拯救改变脏衣服指南用作参考。


    Term 描述
    粪便 坚实的人类废物或肠道运动的产物




    Mattias had an accident on the playground. His underwear, jeans, socks, and sneakers were soiled. His teacher took him inside, prepared the changing area, and helped him get cleaned up. She washed both of their hands. She helped him dress in clean clothes and put his sneakers back on his feet. Which of the following should Mattias’ teacher have done?


    Which isnot一种防止课堂上与厕所有关的事故的方法?




    美国儿科学院,美国公共卫生协会,育儿和早期教育中的健康安全国家资源中心。(2019)。Caring for Our Children: National health and safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs,第4辑。Itasca,IL:美国儿科学院;华盛顿特区:美国公共卫生协会。

    Cryer,D.,Harms,T.,&Riley,C。(2003)。All about the ECERS-R.卡普兰早期学习公司。狗万app怎么下载

    Ohio State University Extension. (2009).万博体育全站app学龄前儿童可能有白天厕所事故。

    Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. (2010).改变稻草的幼儿。