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- 将户外空间描述为一个学习环境。狗万app怎么下载
- Identify features of outdoor spaces that help children learn.
- Design your own safe outdoor space to maximize learning.

You can do many things to help children experience nature and learn in the outdoors. Children spend as much as two hours per day outdoors in many programs. This is valuable time for children to develop their large muscles and sophisticated play skills. Much of what you do in the classroom can be easily translated to the outdoor environment. You do that by incorporating safety, design, space and accessibility.
Evaluate your outdoor learning environments. Make sure the equipment is safe and the environment is free from preventable risks. You must consider fall zones, surfacing, access to shade and the condition of materials and equipment. The Safety course contains detailed information regarding what to check in outdoor environments to assure children’s safety prior to outdoor play.
In some settings, your playground may be used by the community during the evening; perhaps your program shares a community park. Even if your playground is protected by a fence, it is still possible that hazardous materials could find their way onto the playground. Before you take children outside, you must be vigilant about inspecting the playground each day. Look for:
- Debris (glass, cigarette butts, litter, building supplies)
- Animal excrement and other foreign material
- 覆盖物太薄
- 积水、冰或雪
- Surfaces that are too hot or cold for children to touch safely
- 可能导致伤害的自然物体(锋利的岩石,树桩,根,树枝)
- 不安全的昆虫(蚁丘,蜂箱,黄蜂巢)
- 沟、洞、井和陷阱
- Exposed power lines or utility equipment
An outdoor quiet activities interest area, for example, could consist of baskets of books in the shade under a tree. An outdoor dramatic play interest area could incorporate props such as blankets, picnic baskets, plastic dishes, utensils and dress-up clothes. You can also incorporate traditional outdoor toys into these interest areas. For example, you could create an outdoor art or writing interest area with sidewalk chalk, or you could incorporate bubble solution and wands of various shapes and sizes into an outdoor discovery/science interest area. Another idea would be to set up an outdoor science and nature center in which children can investigate materials found outdoors (e.g., leaves, sticks, seed pods) using magnifying glasses, scissors, etc. Found natural materials could also be used in an outdoor art interest area in which children can trace, draw or make rubbings or prints of these materials.
Your outdoor play space will foster creative play if you include “loose parts,” or open-ended play materials (recycled cardboard boxes, crates, PVC pipes, milk cartons) children can use for construction (Maxwell, Mitchell, & Evans, 2008). Enclosed spaces (e.g., playhouses, forts) that are a fixed part of the playground—or, even better, that have been constructed by children themselves—foster dramatic play. As much as possible, providing play equipment that can “become” multiple things in children’s play tends to foster creativity. If you have the opportunity to help pick play equipment, try to avoid items and structures that embody one idea (e.g., a pirate ship climber), and instead choose items that can take on multiple identities (e.g., more simple play structures).
Just as in the classroom, you must ensure your outdoor spaces are organized for independence, easy use and learning. Children must be able to easily access materials and equipment. Outdoor paths, walkways and stairs should be clearly marked and free of obstruction. It is important to make sure gross-motor play can happen safely in one area without disrupting play in another area. For example, a tricycle path should not go right through an area where children are drawing with chalk. You also want to separate the quiet activities (art, chalk, blocks, sand) from the loud and active activities (ball play, bikes, running). Also, remember to include smocks in strategic areas; offering smocks or old shirts can help some children (and families) feel more comfortable with messy outdoor art, sensory or science ideas (e.g., mud play or exploration).
The size and level of gross-motor equipment must be developmentally appropriate for the children in your classroom. There should be enough gross-motor equipment (e.g., bikes) that children can use the equipment without a long wait. Outdoor toys such as balls and props for dramatic play can be placed in easy access bins, buckets or containers. This will also make it easy for children to help clean up when it is time to go back inside. As discussed for indoor environments, labeling the baskets or bins you use outdoors can facilitate clean-up and create a print-rich environment.
Consider the needs of individual children. Some children, especially those with disabilities or special needs, may have difficulties in the outdoor environment. You can make adaptations for these children just as you would in the classroom. You can adjust the materials and spaces (install a wheelchair-accessible swing, install railings, lower a water table) to best fit their needs. As discussed in the Indoor Environment lesson, talk with children’s families and your trainer, coach or supervisor to determine what modifications may be necessary. Also, because as outdoor play spaces can let children use their louder voices and “let loose,” make sure you have calming spaces available outside, perhaps with an accompanying bin of soothing materials. For more information, see the Kids Included Together materials (https://www.kit.org/who-we-are/our-work/).
Watch how preschool programs make the most of outdoor space.
Offer a range of opportunities for outdoor play:
- 提供戏剧表演、沙子和水、积木、音乐和户外运动。
- Find natural opportunities for discovery and science. Notice the insects, animals, mud and natural materials on your playground.
- 提供适合大小肌肉活动的材料。有各种自行车、球和其他玩具。
- 提供有趣而独特的体验:种植一个花园,为戏剧搭建一个舞台或创建一个障碍课程。

有时候,操场需要一些帮助。观看这些视频,并使用这些工具来考虑如何帮助这些教师改善他们的空间。下载并打印充分利用你r Spaceactivity. Answer the questions and share your responses with your trainer, coach or supervisor. Then compare your answers to the suggested responses.

Think about your outdoor play spaces. Download and print theOutdoor Learning Environment Checklistor use a checklist provided by your supervisor or program. Walk around your play space with a trainer, coach or supervisor. Consider the strengths and needs of your space. Then download and print theMaking Your Space Workguide. Save it as a resource to help brainstorm when children face challenges on the playground.
如果您是新员工,可以使用户外学习环境规划狗万app怎么下载开始考虑利益地区,活动ties, materials and equipment you would plan to provide in your outdoor learning space. You can use theMaking Your Space Work将指南作为一种资源来帮助您规划您的空间。完成后,与培训师、教练或主管讨论您的计划。
Term | 说明 |
Adaptation | 适应是你对环境或材料所做的改变,有助于孩子更成功 |
Enclosed spaces | Small spaces with multiple entrances and exits (e.g., playhouses, forts) separated from the rest of the play space by walls or partitions that tend to foster dramatic play. For supervision and safety, these should be open enough to provide good visibility |
精细运动技能 | The ability to use fingers and hands well |
Gross-motor skills | Gross-motor skills are those that involve large muscle movements of the body, and include running, jumping, throwing and maintaining balance |
松散的零件 | 儿童可以使用开放式的玩具材料来建造,例如回收的纸板箱、板条箱、PVC管和牛奶箱 |
American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. 2011.Caring for Our Children: National health and Safety Performance Standards; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs(3rd ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. Retrieved fromhttp://nrckids.org..
Cryer, D., Harms, T., & Riley, C. (2003).所有关于ECERS-R:一个详细的文字和图片指南将与ECERS-R一起使用. Kaplan Early Learning Co.
DeBoard, K., Moore, R., Hestenes, L., Cosco, N., & McGinnis, J. (2003).Making the Most of Outdoor Time with Preschool Children. North Carolina State University: North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. Retrieved fromhttp://www.communityplaythings.com/resources/articles/2010/making-the-most-of-outdoor-time-with-preschool-children
Kreichauf, S., Wildgruber, A., Krombholz, H., Gibson, E. L., Vögele, C., Nixon, C. A., Douthwaite, W., Moore, H. J., Manios, Y., Summerbell, C. D. (2012). Critical narrative review to identify educational strategies promoting physical activity in preschool.肥胖评论, 13, 96-105.
麦克斯韦,L.E.,米切尔,M.R.,和埃文斯,G.W.(2008)。游戏设备和活动部件对学龄前儿童户外游戏行为的影响:观察研究和设计干预。万博体育全站app儿童青年和环境, 18(2), 36-63. Sanders,S.(2002年)。Active for Life: Developmentally Appropriate Movement Programs for Young Children. 伊利诺伊州香槟:人类动力学出版社。
Shillady, A. (n.d.).Spotlight on Young Children and Nature. 华盛顿特区:全国幼儿教育协会。
Video Active Productions (n.d.).Safe Active Play: A Guide to Avoiding Play Area Hazards(DVD). Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.