The materials we offer to children play a large role in shaping how children play and interact with one another. As you watch the Materials, Toys, and Games that Support Learning video, answer these questions:
伴侣rials, Toys, and Games that Support Learning
What kind of play or interactions do you see?Each child has their own set of letters, but is encouraged to share and help others.
What learning standards or goals are being addressed?Identify letters in their name. Identify peers’ names. Make requests and ask for help.
What kind of play or interactions do you see?Children help each other build a structure using geometric shapes.
What learning standards or goals are being addressed?Recognize shapes. Demonstrate cause and effect. Share materials.
What kind of play or interactions do you see?Children work together on a large puzzle.
What learning standards or goals are being addressed?Persist in a difficult task. Cooperate with peers.
What kind of play or interactions do you see?Children and adult look at maps together.
What learning standards or goals are being addressed?Make requests. Use tools to understand the community. Recognize print has meaning.
What kind of play or interactions do you see?Children ask each other questions and make guesses. Children pour materials and make predictions.
What learning standards or goals are being addressed?Make predictions. Use nonstandard measurement tools. Explore the world around them.
Wrapping Up
Compare the types of play you see across the videos. Which materials would you feel most comfortable with in your classroom? Why? Do any of these videos change your opinions about the types of appropriate materials for preschoolers?