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    • Discuss the importance of physical development and physical activity in young children’s lives.
    • Identify examples of gross-motor and fine-motor skills in preschool children.
    • 讨论物理发展如何与整体健康和学习相关联。狗万app怎么下载




    Our bodies go through amazing transformations when it comes to physical growth and development. Think about the vast physical changes that occur between a newborn baby and a young adult. Recall the different things you or children you know were able to do at different stages while growing up. Physical activity is very important for our overall development and growth. Moving the different parts of our bodies, sitting up, rolling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, holding, and manipulating different materials or objects are examples of ways in which we use our bodies to explore our environment and learn about the world. These are also ways to keep our bodies healthy, fit, and well-functioning.

    体育发展是指运动技能的进步和改进,或者换句话说,儿童使用和控制身体的能力。这些进步是显而易见的毛-and精细动作skills, and they are essential to children’s overall health and wellness.毛-motor skills涉及在腿部或臂中使用大肌肉,以及一般的力量和耐力。这种技能的例子包括跳跃,投掷,攀爬,跑步,跳跃和踢。Fine-motor skillsinvolve the use of small muscles in the arms, hands, and fingers. They are supported by advancements in perception, or the ways in which children use their senses to experience the world around them. Examples of such skills include stringing beads, scribbling, cutting, and drawing. Fine-motor skills enable children to perform a variety of self-help tasks, such as using utensils and dressing themselves. There is a great deal of variation in the development of fine-motor skills (Trawick-Smith, 2014).

    Children’s motor abilities in preschool develop as a result of physical development. As their bodies mature, children progressively strengthen their muscles and are able to better control their bodies. Skill mastery and development, however, are also the result of brain growth and development. For example, consider a preschooler kicking a ball back and forth with a peer or caregiver. This child must have acquired control over muscles and their movement in order to be able to kick the ball. The child also depends upon vision to determine the location and direction in which to kick the ball and on hearing for instructions from a peer or caregiver. We will explore the body-brain connection and its impact on children’s overall learning and growth in more detail in Lesson Two (Developmental Milestones) when we examine influences on physical growth and factors that affect children’s physical development.





    Fostering young children’s physical development helps build lifelong skills necessary for wellness, and a love for physical activity. The Healthy Kids Healthy Future organization provides many tools you will learn about later in this lesson's Apply activity.

    运动和学习狗万app怎么下载in Preschool

    Watch this video to hear a preschool teacher talk about the importance of movement and physical activity for children's learning.

    Understanding physical development in the preschool years creates opportunities for you to enhance the care you offer preschoolers and their families.


    As a preschool teacher, it is your responsibility to help children learn and develop, and to provide developmentally appropriate experiences and activities that meet each child’s needs. As you meaningfully plan and implement your work in preschool, you are setting the foundation for children’s school readiness and success. You have an important role in promoting preschoolers’ gross-and fine-motor skills that will help them reach their full overall potential. This means that:

    • You give all children access to opportunities that promote physical development.
    • 您对儿童的个体差异敏感。
    • You establish appropriate expectations about what children should be able to do in terms of physical development and growth.


    Completing this Course

    有关本课程的预期,物理发展的更多信息Competency Reflection, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Preschool Physical DevelopmentCourse Guide

    Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.



    您的计划如何支持幼儿的身体发展?它是否鼓励并为所有孩子提供体育活动的机会?是否有规定促进积极游戏时间?工作人员如何支持促进儿童的身体发展?下载健康的孩子,健康的未来Checklist Quiz。Take a few minutes to read the statements on this checklist and think about how your program measures up to these recommendations. Then, share and discuss your responses with an administrator, trainer, or coach.



    Review the健康的孩子,健康的未来活动and share your thoughts with a colleague, coach, or administrator.


    Term 描述
    Fine-motor development 开发技能,涉及在武器,手和手指中使用较小的肌肉,允许儿童执行诸如绘图,用剪刀,串珠,捆扎,填充或造型粘土进行切割等任务
    毛-motor development The development of skills that involve the use of large muscles in the legs or arms, as well as general strength and stamina; examples of such skills include jumping, throwing, climbing, running, skipping or kicking
    体育发展 The advancements and refinements in children’s motor skills, or, in other words, children’s abilities to use and control their bodies




    At your Preschool Family Night, a parent says that her 3-year-old son is constantly “on the move.” She wonders if he is developing normally or should be evaluated by their pediatrician. What do you say to her?


    Your teaching partner is planning activities that will strengthen fine-motor skills. Some activities she might plan include:




    Berk, L. E. (2013).Child Development(9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010). The Association Between School-Based Physical Activity, Including Physical Education, and Academic Performance. Retrieved from

    疾病控制和预防和塑造美国 - 健康和体育学者社会(2017年)。学校休会的策略。亚特兰大,GA:美国健康和人类服务部的疾病控制和预防中心。从...获得


    Playworks. (2020). Game Library. Oakland, CA: Sports4Kids. Retrieved from

    Schickeadanz, J. A., Hansen, K., & Forsyth, P. D. (2000).了解孩子们。Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.

    Trawick-Smith, J. W. (2014).幼儿发展:多元文化的角度,(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

    World Health Organization.(1948). Official records of the World Health Organization (no. 2). Retrieved from