Secondary tabs
- 反思成为专业工作人员意味着什么。
- 描述与专业性相关的实践。
- 在与儿童和家庭合作时,描述专业精神的重要性。

“狗万app怎么下载学习就像上游的划船;不推进是掉回。”- 中国谚语
当你听到“专业精神”这个词时,花一点时间来记下几句话或铭记的短语。关于一个领域或一组技能的知识是什么?是个人特征,品质还是性格特征?你对一个被称为专业人士的人的期望是什么?您可能会参考您或其他您所知的一些角色响应,例如展示知识和共享信息或与儿童,家庭和同事互动。全部of your descriptions offer a window into your sense of professionalism.
Consider the following definitions that different dictionaries provide about professionalism: the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines professionalism as "the high standard that you expect from a person who is well trained in a particular job," and "great skill and competence." The Merriam-Webster website defines professionalism as "the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well" and "the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person." How do these definitions compare to your own definitions of professionalism?
This course will help you better understand the concept of professionalism and how it relates to your own competence, confidence, commitment, and awareness as a professional. This course will also help you learn how you can develop a sense of professionalism and what that means to you as a direct-care staff member.
全国课外的协会的承诺to professionalism can be found in the Core Knowledge and Competencies for Afterschool and Youth Development Professionals (Adapted from Rhode Island Competencies for Afterschool & Youth Development Professionals, Washington State Core Competencies for Child and Youth Development Professionals, Ohio's Core Knowledge & Competencies for Afterschool Professionals Who Work with Children Ages 5-12, and Starr et al., 2009). The Professional Development and Leadership section of this document (see pp. 68-74) contains a multi-level description of professional competencies, again derived from a review of standards and recommended practices of several national professional organizations. You can find these competencies in the Apply section of this lesson. For a complete explanation of the process for choosing the competencies seehttp://naaweb.org/resources/core-competencies。
What does it mean to be a Professional Staff Member?
- 与儿童和青年互动
- Engaging with family members
- Interacting with supervisors and managers
- Collaborating with fellow staff members
- 与社区合作伙伴互动
The work you do with children, youth, and their families lays the foundation for healthy development, growth, and success in school and life. Recognition of the significance of the early years on children's development has strengthened desire to strive for excellence when interacting with children, youth, and families (Feeney, 2012). This course will help you understand how your professionalism contributes to the growth and development of children and families you serve.
As a direct-care staff member, you are likely to encounter children, families, and coworkers from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences. It is important for you to understand the significance of always striving for high-quality practices while acknowledging diversity and individual differences. A colleague or family member may not share the same values with you when it comes to topics such as sleeping, toilet training, or completing work independently. As a direct-care staff member, you will need to be able to provide children, youth, and their families with culturally and developmentally sensitive care and help them be successful in the classroom now and in the years ahead.
It is important to think about your own sense of professionalism. Watch this video to hear staff members share what being professional means to them.
In the field of early childhood education, professionalism encompasses many specific behaviors and skills that address how individuals present themselves to other adults. Take time to review the following traits identified by Gigi Schweikert (2012) as they contribute to professionalism in the field of early care and education:
- 通过您的外观和沟通,您如何向别人展示自己
- 知识早期护理和教育领域
- 你的工作质量
- 与他人的关系
- 你的职业道德
- 你的决心和奉献
- Most important, your attitude
包括专业行为作为你的一部分evaluation, trainers and managers can actively work with you to support your professional growth. By including a focus on professional behaviors (appearance, communication, attitude, interpersonal relationships, etc.) you will enhance the quality of the program for children and families.

Use the professionalism self-assessment below, designed by Schweikert (2012), to reflect on your own professional behavior.
How might a trusted colleague or supervisor rate you on this assessment? Are there areas of professionalism you that you want to improve upon? What goals do you set for improving your professionalism? What professional atmosphere do you want to set for yourself, children, and families?
下载并打印Self-Assessmenthandout that corresponds to your area of expertise (IT, PS, or SA). Take a few minutes to read and respond to these questions. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.

In their幼儿教育员能力:关于当前最佳实践的文献综述,以及加州下一步的公共投入过程, the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment note that while no unified early childhood educator competencies have been adopted across all states in the U.S., competencies are gaining visibility because they are seen as tools to ensure that the early childhood education workforce is both professional and stable. The following table replicates some of the professional competencies on page 60 of this resource (available athttps://cscce.berkeley.edu/files/2008/competencies_report08.pdf.)。
Study the table below to identify competencies you feel competent in, as well as professional competencies that you want to further develop.
主题 |
Professional Competency |
Standards |
遵守专业的道德规范 |
Resilience |
认识并防止倦怠 |
生长 |
表现出对个人成长和反思的承诺 |
倡导 |
倡导者提高计划和服务的质量,并提高专业地位和工作条件 |
Professional Practices |
Integrates reflective practice into daily program operations |
沟通 |
Works cooperatively with colleagues, the community, and families |
社区 |
Relationship to professional organizations; awareness of other disciplines; knowledge of professional and community resources |
儿童发展 |
Expresses philosophy of early education reflecting knowledge of theories of developmentally appropriate learning and principles of inclusion |
表达角色 |
能够解释专业的实践 |
多样性 |
阐明和实践个人哲学,称为人类多样性 |
Regulatory Requirements |
了解计划的法律和监管要求 |
关系 |
能够建立真实的关系 |
广阔的知识 |
在各种外地设置中展示了能力 |
Feeney, S. (2012).幼儿教育的专业精神:为幼儿做最好的。Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.