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    • Describe factors to consider when planning a trip away from the program.
    • 在远离计划时汇总最佳实践。
    • Create a plan to keep children safe when on trips away from the program.


    旅行是一个很好的方法来扩展课程m. The right trips can capture children’s interests and allow hands-on experiences children cannot get in the classroom. Trips also take advantage of the resources within your own community: nature preserves, police and fire stations, businesses, museums and farms are all interesting venues for trips. Trips do not need to be elaborate, though. Children can learn so much from a walk around the block, a visit to the recreation center next door, or many other regular experiences.

    In general, there are two types of trips you might take with children: routine trips and field trips. Routine trips are activities you do regularly that take you away from your center. Examples include going for a walk around the block or walking to the community center next door. Field trips are one-time events. You might take a field trip to the zoo, museum, farm, grocery store, or a variety of other community locations. To ensure children’s safety, both types of trips must be carefully planned and carried out.



    远离建筑物的良好做法可以采用各种不同的形式。观看该计划如何确保儿童的责任。聆听As Jerel介绍他们的计划在所有孩子始终保持警惕。



    Your first priority is to keep children safe on trips away from the center. Here is what you can do to make sure this happens:

    Before the Trip


    同意。Let parents know about the trip you are planning. Send home a written permission slip for field trips. Include information families will need, such as the location, date, time, cost, and transportation plans. Make sure you have a permission slip on file for routine trips. Make a plan for caring for the children who are not allowed to go on the trip.


    了解你的比率。Maintain the appropriate staff-to-child ratios at all times. When on a field trip, it is best practice to have additional adults along for safety and security. Be sure to make group assignments, so all adults know who they are responsible for and children have a consistent adult for guidance.

    Recruit volunteers.Identify parents or others who will help on the field trip. Make sure that at least one paid staff member on the trip has current first-aid and CPR certification.

    Travel safely.Make a plan for safe travel. Learn about travel policies for your program and make arrangements for vehicles. Make sure child safety restraints are available in all applicable vehicles.

    Pack well.Make sure you have the health and safety documents and materials you will need. Bring the following materials:

      • First-aid kit (see Apply section); one per vehicle or group
      • Care plans for children with special health needs
      • 具有特殊健康需求的儿童的药物或设备
      • 手机
      • List of emergency contacts (poison control, hospitals, etc.)
      • Accurate roster
      • Emergency contact information for families
      • 儿童注册信息副本
      • Hand sanitizer or wipes
      • Drinking water
      • 地图
      • Written transportation policy and emergency plans
      • 医疗释放权限应急医疗
      • 在手机故障或紧急偶然的情况下支付手机的货币
      • Optionally, knotted rope or some system that allows students to hold onto each other while walking

      计划饭菜。Depending on the length of your trip, you may need to provide a snack or meal to the children.PUBLIC计划您将带来的食物以及如何安全地运输。易腐食品必须保持冷,也有一些药物。检查您的目的地是否可以提供水或计划带水。

      卫生计划。Make sure children can wash their hands frequently. Identify locations of restrooms at your destination.PUBLICEven if your program does not regularly allow hand sanitizer, check to see if it is OK to bring on field trips.

      站出来。Make sure you will be able to identify the children in your group quickly. Use a sticker with the name and contact information of your program. Provide children and staff with matching T-shirts or hats to wear on the field trip.

      Review safety rules.确保孩子们了解并了解如何在建筑物外的旅行中安全。审查规则并练习它们。如果他们与集团分开,请告诉孩子究竟该怎么办。

      Spread the word.Remind parents of the trip the day before.On the day of the trip, post a sign on your classroom door. It should say where you are going and when you will return.

      On the Trip:

      使用你的名单。Have an accurate roster with you at all times. Use it to count children before you leave the center, in the vehicle (if applicable), as children exit the vehicle, and when you get to the destination. Count regularly while at your destination, and repeat these procedures when you return to the center.

      Take count.Count children frequently by matching name to face. Use your roster. Double count children at strategic times and throughout the trip. Assign a specific group of children to each adult and make sure they know how and when to count. Make sure all children are accounted for at all times.

      Teach children safe travel skills.如果您在旅行中靠近交通,请遵循安全的行人规则:

        • Only cross at a corner.
        • 交通信号说它是安全的。
        • 始终向左看,对右侧,然后在交叉前再次留下。
        • Always use sidewalks and crosswalks.
        • Help children notice traffic signs. Talk about what they mean.


        • 阿明费执行所需的安全检查icle before traveling.
        • Secure each child in his or her own safety restraint.
        • Only allow children to enter the vehicle from the sidewalk.
        • 在车辆中监督儿童。
        • 在退出前,始终检查车辆供孩子。永远不要以任何原因在车辆中独自留下孩子。

        想想沟通。Have a cell phone with you at all times. You may need to call for emergency assistance.

        Think about prevention.Make sure children never go into public restrooms by themselves. Avoid leaving any adult alone with children. Remind children of safety rules throughout the trip.

        Have fun!Talk to the children, sing songs and play games. Help them notice the interesting features of the world around them. Provide clipboards so they can take notes or draw pictures.



        Think about how you would respond to problems on trips away from the building. Download and print theTrip Problem Solving Activity。阅读并且回答这些问题。谈谈您的主管,教练或教练的回复。然后将您的答案与建议的回复进行比较。



        There are tools that can help you be prepared for emergencies on trips away from your program. Use these forms to:

        1. Assess the risks before your trip.
        2. 确保您准备这次旅行。
        3. Collect permission from parents and guardians.








        Which of the following must be taken on field trips?

        References & Resources

        California Childcare Health Program (n.d.). Field Trip Safety Notes. Web resource accessible from

        National Training Institute for Child Care Health Consultants.

        美国海军儿童和青年方案指挥官(2005年6月)。Field Trips: A New World Awaits!海军设施Millington Patchment。