This lesson provides an introduction to social-emotional development during the preschool years. A key learning point is the significance of social-emotional skills for children’s overall development and learning.
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- Define social-emotional development and discuss its importance in our lives.
- Reflect on your own ideas and experiences associated with social-emotional development.
- Discuss how social-emotional learning promotes development and learning in young children.

Emotions affect who we are and influence our behaviors, actions and interactions with others. Think about times you were happy. How did those feelings affect your behavior and, in turn, your interactions? Consider times when you were sad, angry, or upset. How did those feelings influence your behaviors and interactions?
Labeling, identifying, and managing emotions are essential skills for our meaningful and successful participation in life experiences, both in our professional and personal lives. Difficulty managing emotions can cause frustration and disappointment and can strongly influence our relationships with others and our overall quality of life.
What is Social-Emotional Development?
This is the ability to accurately recognize one’s emotions, thoughts and their influence on behavior. This includes accurately assessing one’s strengths and limitations and possessing a well-grounded sense of confidence and optimism.
- What are my thoughts and feelings?
- What causes those thoughts and feelings?
- How can I express my thoughts and feelings respectfully?
This is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts and behaviors effectively in different situations. This includes managing stress, controlling impulses, motivating oneself, and setting and working toward achieving personal and academic goals.
Examples of questions someone who has good self-management may ask:
- What different responses can I have to an event?
- How can I respond to an event as constructively as possible?
Social awareness:
- How can I better understand other people’s thoughts and feelings?
- How can I better understand why people feel and think the way they do?
Examples of questions someone who has good relationships skills may ask:
- How can I adjust my actions so that my interactions with different people turn out well?
- 我如何向其他人传达我的期望?
- 如何与其他人沟通,了解和管理他们对我的期望?
Responsible decision-making:
This is the ability to make constructive and respectful choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on consideration of ethical standards, safety concerns, social norms, the realistic evaluation of consequences of various actions, and the well-being of self and others.
- What consequences will my actions have on myself and others?
- How do my choices align with my values?
- How can I solve problems effectively?
Social-Emotional Development of Children
According to Zero to Three, “within the context of one’s family, community and cultural background, social and emotional health is the child’s developing capacity to form secure relationships, experience and regulate emotions, and explore and learn.”
孩子们开始发展的社会性技能at birth. Infants begin turning their heads toward their caregivers’ voices, looking toward their caregivers and cooing, and crying to let their caregivers know they need something. Their emotional signals, such as smiling, crying, or demonstrating interest and attention, strongly influence the behaviors of others. Similarly, the emotional reactions of others affect children’s social behaviors. As children mature and develop, their social-emotional skills become less centered on having their own needs met by their caregivers and more centered on participating in routines and enjoying experiences with friends and caregivers.
The early childhood years are a critical time for the formation of positive feelings toward oneself, others, and the larger world. When children are encouraged, nurtured and accepted by adults and peers, they are more likely to be well adjusted. On the contrary, children who are neglected, rejected or abused are at risk for social and mental health challenges.
Children develop social-emotional skills in the context of their relationships with their primary caregivers and within their families and cultures. Consider how diverse our society is. You can imagine that this diversity is also expressed in the ways families from different cultures teach children to manage emotions, socialize and engage with others. For example, in some cultures, children are taught to avoid eye contact. For other cultures, eye contact is an essential component of social interaction. Culture also affects parenting practices and how individuals are taught to deal with emotions, including handling stress and coping with adversity.
Family priorities affect social-emotional competence. For example, some families might place a high value on talking about emotions and expressing them as they occur, whereas other families may value doing the opposite. As a preschool teacher, you must be sensitive and respectful of individual differences in social-emotional development when engaging with children in your care and their families.
What Does Social-Emotional Development Look Like in Preschoolers?
During the preschool years, children learn to take turns, share toys and materials, play near each other, talk with peers, and talk about their feelings and the feelings of others. They also begin to follow classroom and home routines independently. Children learn social skills from watching others interact and through conversations with adults and peers. As a preschool teacher, you can play a significant role in promoting children’s social-emotional skills if you engage them early on in meaningful experiences with peers and other adults in your classroom and program.
The following are examples of social-emotional skills preschool children engage in daily:
- Singing along with peers during circle, center or book time
- 在过渡期间走在大厅时牵着手
- Hugging a friend who is sad
- Sharing a snack with a friend, sibling or caregiver
- Taking turns while building a tower with blocks with a friend
- Passing out silverware to all children while preparing for lunch
- Making statements such as “I made this all by myself!” when accomplishing tasks
- Giving a friend a toy or object that he or she has asked for
- 告诉老师他or she misses Mom or Dad
- Getting ready for bath time when Mom says it is time to take a bath
- Talking on the phone with a family member who lives far away
- Telling a family member or teacher that he or she is sad about something
- 角色扮演经验,如去杂货店购物,访问医生或家庭角色
- Waiting in line for a turn at the drinking fountain
- 把毛绒动物放下一个午睡并告诉同伴“保持安静,因为我的宠物正在小睡”
- 完成一个困难的难题
Social-Emotional Growth and Young Children’s Development
- 狗万app怎么下载学习阅读涉及到调节人的情绪和activity levels and requires the child to sit and attend to a task
- 学ing to walk, swim, run or ride a bike involves regulating activity level, attending to adult directions, focusing on muscle control, and controlling impulses.
- 狗万app怎么下载学习沟通涉及使用社会适当的互动策略。
- 学ing self-help skills involves following directions, controlling emotions to complete challenging tasks, and knowing when and how to ask for help.
- Being successful in school involves understanding classroom expectations and participating in large- and small-group activities with peers.
Social-Emotional Development: An Introduction
As a preschool teacher, it is your responsibility to provide developmentally appropriate experiences and activities that meet each child’s needs. As you plan and implement your program, you must remember you are setting the foundation for children’s growth and success. When fostering young children’s healthy social-emotional development, consider the following:
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Plan meaningful, fun experiences for the children in your care while acknowledging their individual differences and backgrounds. |
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Embed opportunities for social-emotional learning throughout your school day and provide children with multiple opportunities to express themselves in various ways. |
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Acknowledge, validate and respond to children’s needs, emotions and concerns. |
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对儿童的独特生活环境敏感,可能影响他们的社交情绪发展。 |
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Arrange your environment in ways that promote children’s social interactions and relationship building with peers and adults in the room. |
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Use natural classroom events and relationships and interactions with peers and adults as opportunities to talk with children about emotions. |
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Acknowledge that, like in any other area of development, individual differences exist in children’s social-emotional development. |
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Reach out to the families of children in your program and learn about their preferred methods of interaction with their children. |
For more information on what to expect in this course, the Social & Emotional Development能力反思以及在整个课程中提供的随附的学习,探索和应用资源和活动列表,参观学龄前的社会和情感发展万博体育全站appCourse Guide。
Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.

How do你define social emotional development? What are your views about your own abilities to build relationships? Download and print the思考社会情感发展handout. Take a few minutes to read and respond to these questions. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.
Berk, L. E. (2013).儿童发展(9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
Boyd, J., Barnett, W. S., Bodrova, E., Leong, D. J., & Gomby, D. (2005).Promoting children’s social and emotional development through preschool education。NIEER Preschool Policy Brief, March 2005, 1-20.
Denham,S. A.,&Brown,C。(2010)。“与他人很好”:社会情感学习和学术成功。狗万app怎么下载早期教育和发展,21, 652-680.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (2012). Early Childhood Generalist Standards for teachers of ages 3-8 (3rd.ed.). Arlington, VA: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Raver (2002).Emotions matter: making the case for the role of young children’s emotional development for early school readiness。SRCD Social Policy Report,16(3)。安娜堡,MI:儿童发展研究室。
Sandall, S., Hemmeter, M. L., Smith, B. S., & McLean, M. (2005).DEC recommended practices: A comprehensive guide.Longmont, CO: Sopris West.
Trawick-Smith, J. W. (2014).幼儿发展:多元文化视角(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc