
    • Detail examples of how you can embed opportunities for social-emotional learning and development in preschool classrooms.
    • Discuss how you can support the social-emotional skills of all children in your classroom.
    • 了解如何在教室中的所有孩子中促进友谊。





    After you have gathered information about children’s interactions or self-expression in your classroom, you should use it to decide what experiences you want to provide or strategies you want to use. In doing so, consider the social-emotional needs of the children in your classroom and the daily routines, experiences, and activities taking place in your classroom. For example, you can plan when and how to use developmentally appropriate language to facilitate children’s interactions with peers or what questions to ask to engage children in conversations about thoughts or emotions. In the Learn section of this lesson, you will find examples of planning and embedding opportunities for social-emotional development in daily preschool routines. With careful planning, you can arrange your classroom experiences and routines to ensure that you provide opportunities for social-emotional learning and growth throughout your day.

    Children playing with cups and water一旦您评估和计划嵌入社交情绪学习的机会,下一步正在实施您的计划。狗万app怎么下载这样做,建立在教室里的孩子已经订婚的经验。例如,在零食期间,您可以让孩子们转向坐在他们旁边的人并询问他们的感受。您还可以为他们提供图片或标记卡,并让孩子们与他们的桌子上的同龄人谈论他们的情绪。在圈子时间期间,您可以围绕集团询问孩子们的感受,然后制作那天描绘课堂情绪的图表或图表。您还可以在圆形时间区域周围放置情感的照片,并要求孩子们“找到”情感。








    同行介导的干预涉及策略,其中教师有目的地对有与正在努力制定这些技能的儿童进行高级社会情感技能的儿童。这些策略确保儿童在日常惯例和活动期间有多种练习社交技能的机会。例如,您可以将孩子们支持练习和学习技能,例如与朋友共享玩具,与朋友读书,在游戏或活动期间轮流,或回应朋友的播放要求。狗万app怎么下载还记得在考虑使用这些策略时,您应该选择社会能力的同行,具有良好的语言和戏剧技能,符合成人要求,被其他儿童充分利用,并喜欢与同龄人的“教师”角色(拉力和奥多姆,1986年)。You can teach these children to lead their peers who are practicing and learning social skills by: responding to a peer’s request to play, helping a peer play with a game or activity, suggesting an idea for pretend play, prompting a peer to share a toy, prompting a peer to select a game or activity, or prompting a peer to take turns with an activity or toy.

    玩木块的男孩Some children with autism or developmental disabilities will be able to engage in play and other social interactions that have verbal prompts and directions, but others will need visual supports, such as a visual schedule, to make activities, routines, or instructions understandable and meaningful.


    Other children in your care may face challenging life circumstances such as poverty, caregiver substance abuse, caregiver separation, illness, exposure to violence, abuse, neglect, or caregiver deployment. These children may require unique types of social and emotional supports that will address their particular needs and help them build resilience in dealing with these stressful events.




    While it’s important to provide many opportunities for children to develop their social-emotional skills, also consider that not all children learn social-emotional skills in the same way. See the following video as you think about how you might provide systematic opportunities for all children to grow and develop these important skills. The last video in this lesson discusses ways to promote friendships among all children.

    Addressing the Social-Emotional Needs of All Children




    • 包括促进兴趣区的社会互动的大量玩具和材料(例如,梳妆衣服,块,球,木偶,汽车和卡车)。
    • Arrange your classroom so there is enough space for two or more children to play side-by-side with similar toys.
    • 阅读关于朋友,合作,互相帮助的书籍,情感和同理心。读书的男孩
    • Practice sharing and taking turns, with adult support, during snack time, circle time and other daily routines.
    • Model and ask children to help or compliment each other throughout the day.
    • Make positive comments and praise children who are playing together, sharing toys, or taking turns.
    • 包括课堂兴趣区中儿童的共同利益,并帮助孩子们轮流并一起玩。
    • 模特谈论自己的情绪和支持正在谈论自己情绪的孩子。女孩玩街区
    • 向小组儿童提出关于游戏主题或他们在比赛中可以做的事情的建议。
    • Include playground equipment and toys that involves children working together (e.g., tricycles for two children, large dump trucks or cars, wagons, sand toys).
    • 在每个中心或活动中至少两个大多数玩具,鼓励孩子们在相似的玩具旁边玩。

    研究表明,有特殊需要的孩子s are less likely to develop friendships than their peers who are developing normally. Many young children with special needs have difficulty with peer interactions (Brown, Odom, McConnell, & Rathel, 2008). If these children are not supported in social and friendship skills when they are young, they are at risk for social isolation, rejection, further social-emotional delays, and academic failure. As early childhood classrooms become increasingly inclusive, it is critical to create supportive environments that promote acceptance and tolerance for all children and their families. In the Apply section of this lesson, you will find a list of children’s books that promote acceptance and positive attitudes about children with special needs. Consider including some of these books in your classroom and school library. You should also consider the following strategies and adaptations to address the needs of children with special learning needs in your classroom and program:

    • 如果一个孩子在完成任务或活动的困难时期,请询问另一个完成任务的孩子提供帮助。
    • 为儿童提供多种机会,使用社交技能练习,并根据需要提供儿童支持。
    • 通常,具有社交情绪困难的儿童也有困难的戏剧技能。如果一个孩子的难度比他或她的同龄人在玩玩具或材料的比赛中,需要时间来教孩子如何与玩具或材料一起玩。
    • 使用Visual Props,大图片或正在致力于社会技能发展的儿童的其他材料。
    • Set up “buddy” activities, and prearrange so that two children are paired up and go to an activity or center together. Pair a more socially competent peer with a peer who is working on social skills or pair two children who are developing a friendship.
    • Use “buddies” for children who may have a hard time with transitions or self-care routines (e.g., hand washing, getting dressed).
    • 将孩子的利益或偏好融入社交游戏或活动,并支持孩子轮流,分享和与其他孩子交谈。适当的时候,将孩子的兴趣用作游戏的加强(例如,“球是两个孩子玩耍的。让朋友们和你一起玩!”)。
    • Give children frequent praise and encouragement for using appropriate social skills throughout the day.
    • 给予涉及社交互动的儿童课堂工作或角色(例如,在圈间期间通过道具,在餐时送出小吃或器具,在抵达期间传出名称标签或在出发时收集它们)。
    • 如果孩子使用每日视觉计划,请通过在诸如“要求对等体会播放”的时间表中拥有一个项目并支持孩子才能播放来嵌入社交交互。
    • Some children may need specific verbal cues (e.g., “Ask Thomas for the red truck”) or suggestions for play (e.g., “Ella, you can be the baby’s mommy and Maia, you can be the doctor”).
    • 鼓励家庭成员安排与其他孩子的游戏日期。
    • 邀请家庭成员进入您的课堂或组织特殊家庭活动,以支持并鼓励家庭之间的友谊。


    Watch this video to learn about fostering friendships among all children in preschool.


    As highlighted in Lesson Three (Promoting Social-Emotional Development: High Quality Environments), families are central to their children’s social-emotional development and growth. In your daily work, make it a habit to reach out to families, work at establishing relationships, and engage in ongoing communication with families. Above all, respect their preferences and be sensitive to their unique needs and circumstances. In the Apply section of this lesson, you will find resources for families regarding children’s social-emotional development. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with these resources and consider sharing them with families of children in your classroom and program. In the Apply section of this lesson you will find resources for promoting family involvement in children’s social-emotional development.


    • 响应儿童使用社交技能或表达情绪的尝试。建立在他们在说或做的事情上。
    • Provide frequent, developmentally appropriate models through daily activities and routines.
    • Follow children’s cues and preferences.
    • 将情绪的活动嵌入日常惯例中。例如,在中心时间,让孩子们用排序,匹配或与朋友或同行识别情感发挥活动。
    • Ask children questions about their feelings, actions, interests, or life events. Reinforce them for using emotion words, appropriately sharing emotions, or demonstrating appropriate social skills. Consider creating a reinforcement system where children can earn stickers, tokens, or points for labeling their own emotions.
    • 提供木偶或填充动物,以采取措施或事件,孩子们在哪些孩子遇到大情绪(例如,感到疯狂,悲伤或兴奋)。问孩子们如何认为木偶或毛绒动物是感觉。谈论这些情绪,并要求孩子们全天使用这些情绪。
    • 确定儿童或儿童群体的一天似乎正在经历大情绪。使用适当的感觉单词和响应,在一天中的这些时间创建小书或简单的故事。全天阅读书籍或故事,并提醒他们在一天中的这一天使用适当的情绪词汇。
    • 告诉家庭关于您在课堂上使用的一些活动,经验或策略,以帮助儿童在家里练习社交技能。



    1. Read books with themes that include sharing, compromising and listening to provide children with concrete knowledge about what it means to be a friend.


    3. Develop some positive guidance guidelines to help children know how friends behave; for example, “hands are for building, not hitting.”


    Concentrate on Feelings












    Use the resources in this section to learn more about supporting the social-emotional development of children in your classroom and program. For more resources and practical strategies you can also visit the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/resources/strategies.html


    学期 描述
    发展延误 当孩子没有在预期时期达到发展里程碑时;任何开发领域都可能发生延误
    Peer-mediated interventions Strategies in which teachers pair children who have advanced social skills with peers who are learning social skills
    社交故事或脚本 Short stories that describe social activities and behaviors used to support children in learning and using appropriate social skills




    Finish this statement: The first step in embedding opportunities for social-emotional development in preschool is…






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