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- Reflect on what it means to be a responsive preschool teacher.
- Reflect on what it means to be a socially-emotionally competent preschool teacher.
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How do you nurture and sustain your social-emotional health in your personal life? Are there rituals or activities you engage in that make you feel more connected to yourself or to others? Are there individuals who nurture and inspire you to be and feel your best?
What about in your professional life? How do you foster your social-emotional health at work? What elements of your work environment sustain your social-emotional health? Is it relationships with coworkers or supervisors? Is it the freedom to work independently to plan experiences and use materials? Is it guidance and constructive feedback from colleagues? Is it sharing concerns, ideas and brainstorming solutions when situations arise? Is it relationships with children and families?
Throughout this course, you have been learning about the importance of being a responsive caregiver for children’s social-emotional development and that caring, responsive, and attentive adults can foster children’s social-emotional competence and growth. So what does it mean to be a responsive adult?Responsiveness是当一个成年人改变他或她intera如何cts with a child to match the child’s needs. The adult supports the child, responds immediately, and reacts with positive affect that matches the child’s needs and development.
What Does It Mean To Be A Responsive Preschool Teacher?
Kassow研究员卡尔·邓斯特和丹尼尔(2008)have identified key characteristics of sensitivity and responsiveness in caregiver-child relationships. Although Dunst and Kassow’s (2008) research focused on defining sensitive caregiving for infants or toddlers, below we outline the responsive characteristics that are most important for preschooler teachers. In the Explore section of this lesson, you will have an opportunity to reflect on these elements as they relate to your own experiences in preschool.
Dunst and Kassow’s 6 Characteristics of Responsiveness
Positive attitude:
老师经常微笑,嘲笑并为孩子提供积极的陈述。例如,当早上到来时,一位老师可能会对孩子微笑并说:“今天早上很高兴见到你!”或者老师可能会对孩子们讲笑话的回应来微笑和笑。研究表明,教师应为每个指令或负面陈述提供五个肯定陈述。Negative or directive statements include demands (e.g., “Stop running on the playground”), nags (e.g., “I keep telling you to stop dripping water on the floor”), criticism (“Julian, you are not listening or doing what you are supposed to do”), or avoidance of a particular child (e.g., the teacher may see a child struggling with an activity and avoid the opportunity to help). Teachers should avoid and limit negative and directive statements. Positive statements can be verbal or nonverbal. Nonverbal positive statements can include following the child’s lead in play, hugs, smiles, specific praise and encouragement, listening to a child tell a story or talk about an experience, or giving positive comments to a child’s mom and dad upon arrival or departure.
The teacher is available and helps each child develop. For example, many preschool children are learning to share toys and take turns with peers. The teacher arranges multiple opportunities each day for children to practice taking turns during different classroom activities, such as circle, center and snack time or outdoor play. The teacher supports children in taking turns and sharing by modeling turn taking, physically supporting children, and providing encouragement and specific praise for sharing and taking turns.
Response quality:
The adult and child frequently share attention to objects, events and people in the environment and discuss them. For example, while playing on the playground, the teacher and child both observe a bird flying over their heads, or during snack time, a teacher and children may look and talk about a new poster on the wall.
Social-emotional growth and development is a crucial part of the human experience; it helps us learn things about ourselves, establish and maintain relationships with others, and allows for meaningful learning experiences. In your daily interactions with preschool-age children, it is your responsibility to build relationships with them and foster relationships among children by designing supportive environments and by being responsive. Building relationships is an essential, primary component of good teaching.
In your work, you are responsible for creating meaningful experiences that incorporate opportunities for the practice of social-emotional skills throughout the day. Being a socially and emotionally competent teacher can be expressed in a number of different ways:
- 花时间努力建立和维护与儿童和同事的关系,在您的课堂和计划中
- 试图解决挑战的解决方案
- Demonstrating flexibility
- Allowing yourself to make mistakes
- Being nurturing and responsive
- 尝试新事物
- Asking for help or support when facing difficulties
- Helping others in need
- 愿意接受新的或不同的观点
- Embracing diversity
- open
- Sharing your own emotions and thoughts
What are some of your own views about being a socially-emotionally competent preschool teacher? Pause for a few moments and think about this. .
Social-emotional competence helps you become part of a workplace community that feels welcoming, supportive, friendly, energetic, and nurturing. It helps you engage children, families, and colleagues in a range of meaningful ways. Consider the following when engaging with children, families, and colleagues in your program.
- 在与孩子合作时展示同理心和同情心。通过自己展示这些属性,激励孩子们才能善于同情。
- 证明positive social skills with children throughout the day, encourage children to do the same, and positively reinforce them when doing so.
- Use children’s backgrounds, experiences, and interests as inspiration for ideas about experiences and activities in your classroom.
- Cultivate a climate of respect and appreciation of individual differences in your classroom. Invite children to share their views and experiences with you.
- 证明respect for children’s values and opinions. Your example will be setting the tone for how children view themselves and for how they treat others.
Engaging with families
- Families can be your program’s window into culturally responsive experiences. Invite families to share meaningful experiences.
- 为您的课堂和计划中儿童的家庭提供机会,以满足并相互了解。
- 邀请家庭观察和参加您的一些课堂活动。
- Send home books with the children about emotions and social-emotional skills.
- Encourage families to nurture social-emotional skills at home by extending some of your classroom and school experiences in the home environment.
Engaging with colleagues
- Connect with your colleagues. Share your interests and experiences with colleagues during staff meetings, lunch breaks, or in-service days. Explain how these interests drive some of the experiences you create for children in your classroom. Get to know the people you work with on a personal level.
- Exchange ideas with colleagues about experiences that foster social-emotional growth. Invite a colleague to come to your room, observe your activities, and give you feedback. Offer to do the same for your colleagues.
- Ask a trainer, coach, or supervisor to observe your classroom so they can offer feedback about your use of materials and experiences to promote children’s social-emotional growth.
- 承认正在做出伟大事物的同事,为您提供指导和建设性的反馈,并激励您争取卓越,并成为团队参与者。
In the Learn section of this lesson, you will find information about the Top Ten Practices to Promote Social-Emotional Literacy in preschool classrooms.

下载并打印Thinking About My Own Resilience那响应主义老师清单那and响应主义老师清单Self-Reflection handouts. Take a few minutes to read and respond to the questions in each of these handouts. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.

下载并打印handout,学ing More About Resilience那which contains links to additional resources you can use to better understand and explore adult resilience and social-emotional well-being. After accessing and reviewing the video clips and information, share and discuss your experiences with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.
Berk, L. E. (2013).儿童发展(9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
Carter, M., Cividances, W., Curtis, D., & Lebo, D. (2010). Becoming a Reflective Teacher.Teaching Young Children那3.(4), 18-20.
Colker, L. J. (2010). Teaching Preschoolers to Think Optimistically.Teaching Young Children那4.(1), 20-23.
Joseph, G. E., & Strain, P. S. (2004). Building Positive Relationships with Young Children.Young Exceptional Children7, 21-29.
Joseph, G. E. & Strain, P. S. (2003).You’ve Got to Have Friends. Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning: Training Materials.
Reivich, K. & Shatté, A. (2002).The Resilience Factor. New York, NY: Broadway Books.
Schickeadanz, J. A., Hansen, K., & Forsyth, P. D. (2000).Understanding Children. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.
Schneider,S.(2001)。寻找现实的乐观主义。美国心理学家5.6 (3), 250–261.
Seligman, M. E. P., Reivich, K., Jaycox, L., & Gillham, J. (1995).The Optimistic Child. New York, NY: Harper Perennial.
Trawick-Smith, J. W. (2014).幼儿发展:多元文化视角那(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.