- Reflect on what it means to be a responsive preschool teacher.
- 反思是成为一个社会情感主管的学龄前老师意味着什么。万博体育全站app
- 头脑风暴如何在学龄前教室和计划中培养和培养社会情感能力。万博体育全站app
How do you nurture and sustain your social-emotional health in your personal life? Are there rituals or activities you engage in that make you feel more connected to yourself or to others? Are there individuals who nurture and inspire you to be and feel your best?
Throughout this course, you have been learning about the importance of being a responsive caregiver for children’s social-emotional development and that caring, responsive, and attentive adults can foster children’s social-emotional competence and growth. So what does it mean to be a responsive adult?Responsivenessis seen when an adult changes how he or she interacts with a child to match the child’s needs. The adult supports the child, responds immediately, and reacts with positive affect that matches the child’s needs and development.
What Does It Mean To Be A Responsive Preschool Teacher?
研究人员Carl Dunst和Danielle Kassow(2008)已经确定了照顾者 - 儿童关系中敏感性和响应性的关键特征。虽然Dunst和Kassow的(2008)的研究侧重于为婴儿或幼儿定义敏感的护理,但下面我们概述了学龄前儿童教师最重要的响应特征。万博体育全站app在本课程的探索部分中,您将有机会反思这些元素,因为他们与您在学前班的经验相关。万博体育全站app
老师经常微笑,嘲笑并为孩子提供积极的陈述。例如,当早上到来时,一位老师可能会对孩子微笑并说:“今天早上很高兴见到你!”或者老师可能会对孩子们讲笑话的回应来微笑和笑。研究表明,教师应为每个指令或负面陈述提供五个肯定陈述。Negative or directive statements include demands (e.g., “Stop running on the playground”), nags (e.g., “I keep telling you to stop dripping water on the floor”), criticism (“Julian, you are not listening or doing what you are supposed to do”), or avoidance of a particular child (e.g., the teacher may see a child struggling with an activity and avoid the opportunity to help). Teachers should avoid and limit negative and directive statements. Positive statements can be verbal or nonverbal. Nonverbal positive statements can include following the child’s lead in play, hugs, smiles, specific praise and encouragement, listening to a child tell a story or talk about an experience, or giving positive comments to a child’s mom and dad upon arrival or departure.
In your work, you are responsible for creating meaningful experiences that incorporate opportunities for the practice of social-emotional skills throughout the day. Being a socially and emotionally competent teacher can be expressed in a number of different ways:
- 花时间努力建立和维护与儿童和同事的关系,在您的课堂和计划中
- 试图解决挑战的解决方案
- Demonstrating flexibility
- Allowing yourself to make mistakes
- 培养和响应
- 尝试新事物
- Asking for help or support when facing difficulties
- Helping others in need
- 愿意接受新的或不同的观点
- 拥抱多样性
- open
- Sharing your own emotions and thoughts
What are some of your own views about being a socially-emotionally competent preschool teacher? Pause for a few moments and think about this. .
- 在与孩子合作时展示同理心和同情心。通过自己展示这些属性,激励孩子们才能善于同情。
- 演示positive social skills with children throughout the day, encourage children to do the same, and positively reinforce them when doing so.
- 使用儿童的背景,经验和兴趣作为关于您教室中经验和活动的想法的灵感。
- Cultivate a climate of respect and appreciation of individual differences in your classroom. Invite children to share their views and experiences with you.
- 演示respect for children’s values and opinions. Your example will be setting the tone for how children view themselves and for how they treat others.
Engaging with families
- Families can be your program’s window into culturally responsive experiences. Invite families to share meaningful experiences.
- 为您的课堂和计划中儿童的家庭提供机会,以满足并相互了解。
- 邀请家庭观察和参加您的一些课堂活动。
- 向孩子们送家庭书籍有关情感和社交情感技能。
- Encourage families to nurture social-emotional skills at home by extending some of your classroom and school experiences in the home environment.
Engaging with colleagues
- Connect with your colleagues. Share your interests and experiences with colleagues during staff meetings, lunch breaks, or in-service days. Explain how these interests drive some of the experiences you create for children in your classroom. Get to know the people you work with on a personal level.
- 与同事交流思想,了解促进社会情绪增长的经验。邀请一位同事来到你的房间,观察你的活动,并给你反馈。为您的同事做同样的要求。
- Ask a trainer, coach, or supervisor to observe your classroom so they can offer feedback about your use of materials and experiences to promote children’s social-emotional growth.
- 承认正在做出伟大事物的同事,为您提供指导和建设性的反馈,并激励您争取卓越,并成为团队参与者。
下载并打印思考自己的恢复力那响应主义老师清单,和响应主义老师清单Self-Reflection handouts。需要几分钟才能阅读并回复每个讲义中的问题。然后,与培训师,教练或主管分享并讨论您的回复。
下载并打印handout,狗万app怎么下载了解更多关于弹性的信息那which contains links to additional resources you can use to better understand and explore adult resilience and social-emotional well-being. After accessing and reviewing the video clips and information, share and discuss your experiences with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.
Berk, L. E. (2013).儿童发展(9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
Carter, M., Cividances, W., Curtis, D., & Lebo, D. (2010). Becoming a Reflective Teacher.教育幼儿那3.(4), 18-20.
Colker, L. J. (2010). Teaching Preschoolers to Think Optimistically.教育幼儿,4(1),20-23。
Joseph,G. E.,&Strut,P. S.(2004)。与幼儿建立正面关系。年轻的特殊孩子7,21-29。
Joseph, G. E. & Strain, P. S. (2003).You’ve Got to Have Friends。Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning: Training Materials.
Reivich,K.&Shatté,A.(2002)。The Resilience Factor。New York, NY: Broadway Books.
Schickeadanz, J. A., Hansen, K., & Forsyth, P. D. (2000).Understanding Children。山景,加利福尼亚州:梅菲尔德出版公司。
Seligman, M. E. P., Reivich, K., Jaycox, L., & Gillham, J. (1995).The Optimistic Child。纽约,纽约:哈珀多年生。
Trawick-Smith, J. W. (2014).幼儿发展:多元文化视角,(第6届)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司