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    • 为您的工作场所描述和遵循内部和外部报告程序。
    • 列出应当在提交涉嫌儿童虐待或忽视时应提供的信息。
    • Prepare yourself for the emotions and events that follow a report of child abuse or neglect.


    Think about Braden and Bethany, whom you met in the Explore section of the previous lessons. Think about the day Max heard Caleb threaten Braden and call him a liar. Think about the day Bethany told Sasha about her experiences with Jonah. If these were children in your program, would you know what to do to help? Would you know exactly who to call and what to say? Would you take action like the staff members in the stories did?




    How to report child abuse






    当家庭倡导程序人员得到call concerning the safety and welfare of a child, they ensure that everyone who is capable of protecting the safety and well-being of the child (the active duty member's commander, law enforcement, the medical treatment facility and CPS) is aware of the risk and protective factors that are affecting the family. These community members often work as a team to ensure that children are protected, the parents receive appropriate intervention and the family receives the services they need to be able to form more healthy relationships. FAP and CPS will not share the identity of the individual who made the report with the family.


    If Child Protective Services determines that abuse or neglect did occur, the civilian family court system will become involved. Sometimes, the judge will appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the child's interests. This attorney will review all available information and evidence from law enforcement, FAP and CPS and make recommendations to the court based on what he or she believes is in the child's best interest.



    The Department of Defense makes every effort to ensure the safety and well-being of children involved in Defense facilities such as schools, child development centers, or Department of Defense-sponsored activities, such as youth sports or recreation programs. This includes conducting thorough background checks and training all staff and volunteers involved with these facilities and programs.


    Families and visitors may report a suspicion of child abuse or neglect in a DoD sponsored activity by calling the DoD Child Abuse and Safety Hotline at 1-877-790-1197. If you work OCONUS, your supervisor or FAP will have the most recent contact information families or visitors can use. The DoD Child Abuse and Safety Hotline is a centrally managed line at OSD FAP during regular business hours to take reports involving suspicions of child abuse in DoD-sanctioned activities. The hotline is manned, 0730 to 1630, M-F, EST.



    您的服务有具体的程序,描述您向谁报告,提供哪些信息,以及报告后该做什么。确保您熟悉安装过程中的程序。在“应用”部分中,您将有机会记录您的计划的具体程序。In Marine Corps programs, the Component Commander/Commander Supporting Establishment has developed a plan of action for forwarding all reports of child abuse or neglect to Commandant of the Marine Corps (MR). Follow your installation’s reporting procedures. Be prepared to share:

    If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, you must make a report to local Child Protective Services or law enforcement. You can find out where to call by visiting the Child Welfare Information Gateway’s state reporting numbers website:https://www.childwelfare.gov/organizations/?cwigfunctionsaction=rols:main.dsplist&rolype=custom&rs_id=5


    • 受害者的名字
    • 父母或监护人的姓名和联系信息
    • 怀疑虐待或忽视的原因
    • 受害者身体伤害的描述和位置(如适用)
    • 受害者自由披露的信息
    • Current location of victim
    • 关于事件发生或年表的已知信息

    After the Call

    Reporting suspected child abuse or neglect can be a stressful event. It is important to mentally prepare yourself for what happens after the call.


    On military installations, the following will occur after a report has been made:


    FAP.will complete a social work assessment of the incident and will present the information to the installation Incident Determination Committee (formerly known as the Case Review Committee). The IDC is composed of installation legal, law enforcement, and social work staff, and the command representative for the agency or sponsor. The installation medical staff and civilian CPS agencies and their counterparts in host countries may participate as well to provide information on incidents that involve their response. This committee is responsible for making a determination of whether the incident meets the DoD definition of child abuse or neglect. If the incident meets the criteria (substantiated), FAP develops a treatment plan for the child and family as appropriate. FAP coordinates with law enforcement authorities to assess the referral. FAP is an important team member of the coordinated response to suspected child abuse and neglect. At the same time, FAP in coordination with CPS takes steps to protect the child and provide the family with counseling or other assistance.


    When a report of suspected abuse involves a staff member, the alleged offender will be reassigned to a position without child contact until a determination is made if the referral meets or does not meet the criteria or definition of child abuse or neglect. Once you have made a report to your RPOC, you have fulfilled your legal reporting requirements. After a report, your RPOC will:

    • Notify the Military Police if they have not already been notified.
    • Notify the Chief, SWS/CRC chairperson, so a timely report can be made to the commander and a case manager assigned.
    • Notify the local Inspector General’s office in allegations involving general officers, promotable colonels, and Senior Executive Services civilians.
    • 当报告涉及儿童和青年服务季度或基于设施的行动或涉及儿童和青年服务员工时,涉及儿童滥用行为时通知儿童和青年服务协调员。
    • 通知家庭宣传计划经理,该计划经理负责通知命令链。
    • Based on local memorandums of agreement with a host nation, local child protective services, and local law enforcement, the RPOC may have additional notification requirements.



    Common Concerns that Prevent School-Age Staff Members from Making Reports:



    When an allegation of child abuse meets criteria for the Department of Defense definition of abuse or neglect, the FAP assesses the needs of the child and family and recommends a treatment plan. Commanders have sole discretion in determining any administrative or disciplinary action taken against active duty abusers. The commander will consider advice from legal counsel and evidence presented by law enforcement before making a decision. Although the military prefers to help families and retain service members, in some cases a service member will be separated due to the severity of the abuse, results of military or civilian court proceedings, or the service member's failure to comply with treatment recommendations and orders from command.


    When you suspect a co-worker or program partner of child abuse or neglect, you might find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. You might feel like you are “turning in” your co-worker, and this is hard. Remember, though, that it is your job to keep children safe. You are a mandated reporter and must report your suspicions. Failure to do so can have devastating consequences for children and for yourself. Remember, you cannot be retaliated against in the workplace for your report. Talk to someone you trust if you need support.


    You will feel a range of emotions after making a report: frustrated, angry, disappointed, nervous, relieved. All of these emotions are expected. Make sure you talk to someone to help you deal with the emotions you are feeling. The following video helps explain what you might experience after a report and how you can get help.

    After the Report: Emotions



    Watch this video to learn more about reporting procedures from the Family Advocacy Program.


    Watch this video to learn more about reporting procedures from the Family Advocacy Program.





    • 观察儿童滥用或忽视的迹象。
    • 熟悉您所在国家的报告程序MIL, host nation, or installation
    • Post reporting procedures or know where they are posted in your program.
    • Prepare yourself for the call. Be sure you have the correct spelling of the child’s legal name, the address of the child’s parents or guardians, and all the details outlined earlier in this lesson.
    • If you suspect abuse or neglect, you can call the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453). This line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can help you find emergency resources.
    • Find Service-specific guidance for making a report of child abuse or neglect in the attachments at the end of this Learn section.



    View and complete the反思虐待和忽视案例研究活动。重读这些情景,其中在米勒屋中发生了涉嫌滥用的个人。一定要注意到每种情况下成年人所做的其他信息。然后回答反思问题并与培训师,教练或管理员分享您的回复。审查建议的额外反思响应。



    Because reporting requirements and procedures vary widely, you must know the specific procedures for making a report in your workplace. Complete theReporting Suspected Cases of Child Abuse or Neglect: Procedures in my Program活动。与您的管理员,培训师或教练交谈并完成每个部分。在您的房间的可访问区域存储或邮寄文档。

    Then make sure you have the most up-to-date Department of Defense Hotline reporting poster. You can download and print it to post in your classroom or program.


    学期 描述
    FAP. 家庭倡导计划。该办公室负责响应儿童滥用和忽视军队的报告
    IDC / CRC. Incident Determination Committee or Case Review Committee. This committee evaluates the information and determines whether child abuse and neglect occurred
    CPS. Child Protective Services. In most states, CPS receives and investigates reports of child abuse and neglect
    授权记者 合法要求的专业人士报告虐待儿童和忽视的怀疑。你是一个授权的记者
    报告联系点 A term used by Army programs. The person or agency you contact to report your suspicions of abuse or neglect. Each installation has a reporting point of contact (RPOC)






    If you witness violence or know someone is in immediate danger, whom should you call first?




    对或错?If you make a report of child abuse or neglect, you are protected as a mandated reporter.


    Janine, your friend and co-worker, calls you crying on a Saturday. She says she saw one of the fathers from your program at the上市storeMILcommissary。他在他的孩子们尖叫着停车场。他把7岁的车拉在车后面,并用一个封闭的拳头击中他。她知道别人看到了,但她不知道有人做了什么。你认为珍妮应该做什么?




    Military One Source. (n.d.). Military Family Advocacy Programs.http://www.milelateonesource.mil/abuse/service-providers.