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    • Describe and follow internal and external reporting procedures for your workplace.
    • 时应提供的信息列表making a report of suspected child abuse or neglect.
    • 为遵循儿童虐待或忽视的报告的情感和活动做好准备。





    By the end of this lesson, we hope you will answer “yes” to all these questions. The specific procedures and policies for reporting suspected child abuse and neglect varies across states米尔, services, and installations。This lesson will provide an overview of reporting procedures, but you will be responsible for identifying your specific reporting procedures in the Apply section of this lesson.

    Department of Defense Requirements for Reporting

    If you suspect child abuse, making a call to your installation's Family Advocacy Program, your Reporting Point of contact (RPOC) in Army programs,or civilian Child Protective Services is a moral and legal obligation. Department of Defense policy and, in many cases, federal and state laws require you to report suspected child abuse. Ideally, a report will prompt early intervention before a child is hurt. The following information will help you take that important step to contact FAP or CPS and understand how those calls are assessed.


    If you witness violence or know someone is in immediate danger, call 911 or the military police if you are on an installation.

    If you suspect child abuse or neglect, callyour Reporting Point of Contact (RPOC) in Army programs,the installation FAP, or the local civilian CPS. You can also call your state's child abuse reporting hotline or contactChildhelpat 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453).

    Each installation that supports military families has a FAP point of contact to receive calls concerning the safety and welfare of children. The number to call is publicized throughout the military community. You can also call your installation's Family Support Center or visit the Military Installation’s website for information.

    Assessing reports of child abuse

    In most States, child abuse calls can be made anonymously either to CPS or your installation FAP. When suspected abuse is reported, a team will assess the safety and welfare of the child. Child Protective Services team members will contact the installation FAP if the call involves a military family.


    Civilian CPS also responds to calls concerning the safety and welfare of children. They will most likely visit the identified child (they might go to the child's school or home), and they will also interview the child's parents. If they determine there is no evidence of abuse, the case will likely be closed. In some cases, FAP or CPS may refer the family for counseling if they feel the family's life circumstances place them at risk for abuse or neglect.


    如果当地平民的执法机构volved and its investigation finds that abuse occurred, misdemeanor or felony criminal charges may be brought. If a service member is convicted of a criminal offense in civilian court, the military may still decide to proceed with a court-martial hearing or other disciplinary action, including separation from the service.

    Child abuse at a DoD-sponsored facility or activity

    国防部力求ensure the safety and well-being of children involved in Defense facilities such as schools, child development centers, or Department of Defense-sponsored activities, such as youth sports or recreation programs. This includes conducting thorough background checks and training all staff and volunteers involved with these facilities and programs.

    If there is a report of child sexual abuse within a Department of Defense-sponsored activity, the Family Advocacy Command Assistance Team may be assigned to provide an immediate response. This team helps the local installation team assess the situation, develop an investigation strategy, gather evidence for possible prosecution, address the needs of victims and their families and restore public confidence in the facility or activity.

    家庭和游客可以通过在1-877-790-1197致电国防部儿童虐待和安全热线呼吁在国防部赞助活动中暂停虐待儿童虐待或忽视。如果您工作OCONUS,您的主管或FAP将拥有最近的联系信息,家庭或访客可以使用。国防部儿童虐待和安全热线是在常规营业时间内的OSD FAP中央管理线,以便涉及涉及虐待儿童虐待的报告。热线是载人的,0730至1630,M-FEST。

    Your program has worked with the installation Family Advocacy Program manager to establish procedures for reporting suspected child abuse and neglect. These procedures state whom you report to, what information to provide, and what to do after reporting. Make sure you are familiar with the procedures on your installation. In most cases, you will first report your suspicions to management personnel in your program. Management will notify regulatory authorities (fire, health, safety, FAP). Child and Youth Services personnel report by calling the reporting point of contact (RPOC) and providing the following information:

    您的服务有具体的程序,描述您向谁报告,提供哪些信息,以及报告后该做什么。确保您熟悉安装过程中的程序。在“应用”部分中,您将有机会记录您的计划的具体程序。In U.S. Air Force programs, you are required to report all suspected child abuse and neglect both by telephone and in writing to the Family Advocacy Officer. Be prepared to share:



    Call the reporting number relevant to your state and provide the following information:

    • Name of victim
    • Name and contact information for parents or guardians
    • Reasons for suspected abuse or neglect
    • 描述和受害者的身体inju的位置ries (if applicable)
    • Information freely disclosed by victim
    • 当前受害者的位置
    • Known information regarding incident or chronology of events

    After the Call


    In most states, your report will be evaluated by Child Protective Services. If there is enough evidence to warrant an investigation, a caseworker will initiate the investigation. Children, families, teachers, and others who know the child well may be contacted and interviewed. CPS will determine whether the claim is substantiated and whether the child is safe in the home. If the report of abuse involves alleged criminal acts, law enforcement will be contacted and the investigation will be conducted jointly.


    After a report has been received, FAP must report immediately and directly to the appropriate civilian agency in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the installation and local authorities as required by State or host nation laws. In most communities in the United States, Child Protective Services (CPS) is the agency designated to receive reports of child maltreatment. Overseas, the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with a host nation defines how investigation and prosecution of crimes committed on installations will be handled.


    When a report of suspected sexual abuse involves multiple victims in an out-of-home care setting at an installation in the United States or overseas, the DoD may deploy a Family Advocacy Command Assistance Team (FACAT). Under the Commander’s supervision, the FACAT assists in investigation, assessment, and case management.


    • 如果尚未通知,通知军警。
    • 通知总监SWS / CRC主席,因此可以对指挥官和分配的案例经理进行及时报告。
    • 通知当地检察机构将军办公室,涉及普通人,促进上校和高级执行服务平民的指控。
    • Notify the Child and Youth Services coordinator when a report involves child abuse alleged to have occurred in a Child and Youth Services quarter or facility-based operation or involved a Child and Youth Services employee.
    • Notify the Family Advocacy Program manager who is responsible for notifying the chain of command.
    • 根据本地备忘录与东道国,当地儿童保护服务和地方执法,RPOC可能有额外的通知要求。

    Regardless of where you live or where you work, it is unlikely you will ever hear the results of your report. Confidentiality laws protect the families’ privacy. Also know that it is not uncommon for families to withdraw their child from the program after an allegation of abuse. It is also not uncommon for school-age children to feel embarrassed and be nervous about returning to the program. The report you made may be the last piece of information you have about a child’s situation, but you should feel confident that you fulfilled your responsibilities. If the child and the family remain in your program, your team can continue to help and support the family by focusing on enhancing protective factors in the family and community.

    Sometimes staff members worry that they could be sued or punished for making a report. This is not the case. You are protected by law as a mandated reporter. A family cannot sue you for making a report in good faith. Likewise, you cannot be retaliated against for making a report in good faith about a suspected incident in your program.


    1。We live in a small community. Will my report ruin the parent’s career?

    School-age program staff members sometimes worry that reporting suspected child abuse or neglect might impact aService member’scareer or get the individual “fired.” This can make staff members hesitant to make a report, but you should know that FAP and command want to keep victims of abuse safe. But they also want to help families work through their parenting issues so service members can develop healthier relationships and stay in the military services whenever possible. Thinking about what happens to the military career of a family member has no legal bearing on the requirement to report suspected child abuse or neglect

    When an allegation of child abuse meets criteria for the Department of Defense definition of abuse or neglect, the FAP assesses the needs of the child and family and recommends a treatment plan. Commanders have sole discretion in determining any administrative or disciplinary action taken against active duty abusers. The commander will consider advice from legal counsel and evidence presented by law enforcement before making a decision. Although the military prefers to help families and retain service members, in some cases a service member will be separated due to the severity of the abuse, results of military or civilian court proceedings, or the service member's failure to comply with treatment recommendations and orders from command.

    2。I don’t want to “turn in” my co-worker


    How reporting abuse or neglect might affect you



    Learn about recognizing and dealing with the emotions of a report

    Watch this video to learn more about reporting procedures from the Family Advocacy Program.

    Family Advocacy Program: Reporting Procedures

    Watch this video to learn more about reporting procedures from the Family Advocacy Program.

    Now learn about what to expect after the call.

    Family Advocacy Program: What to Expect After the Report

    Watch this video to learn more about what happens after you make a report


    As you learned in Lesson One, you have a responsibility to report a suspected case of abuse or neglect. It is not your job to identify the abuser. If you suspect abuse, all you need to do is make a report and allow investigators to do their jobs.

    • Observe children for signs of abuse or neglect.
    • Be familiar with reporting procedures for your state米尔,主机国家或安装
    • 发布报告程序或知道他们在您的计划中发布的位置。
    • 为这个电话做好准备。确保您拥有儿童的法律名称的正确拼写,儿童父母或监护人的地址以及本教训前面概述的所有细节。
    • 如果您怀疑滥用或忽视,您可以在1-800-4-a-child(1-800-422-4453)上致电儿童Help国家虐待热线。这条线每周7天24小时开放,可以帮助您找到紧急资源。
    • 在本学习部分结束时,为在附件中提出虐待儿童滥用或忽视的报告,找到特定的服务指导。



    查看并完成Reflecting on Abuse and Neglectcase study activity. Reread these scenarios in which individuals suspected abuse was occurring in the Miller house. Be sure to notice the additional information about what the adults in each situation did. Then answer the reflection questions and share your responses with a trainer, coach, or administrator. Review the suggested responses for additional reflection.



    由于报告要求和程序差异很大,因此您必须知道在您的工作场所中提交报告的具体程序。完成报告涉嫌儿童虐待或忽视案件:我的计划中的程序activity. Talk to your administrator, trainer, or coach and complete each section. Store or post the document in an accessible area of your room.



    Term Description
    FAP family Advocacy Program. This office is responsible for responding to reports of child abuse and neglect on military installations
    IDC/CRC 事件确定委员会或案例审查委员会。该委员会评估信息并确定是否发生了虐待儿童和忽视
    CPS 儿童保护服务。在大多数州,CPS收到并调查儿童虐待和忽视的报告
    Mandated reporter Professionals who are legally required to report suspicions of child abuse and neglect. You are a mandated reporter
    Reporting point of contact 军队计划使用的术语。您联系的人或代理商报告您的虐待或忽视的怀疑。每个安装都有一个报告点联系人(RPOC)




    对或错?After making a report of child abuse or neglect, you will always receive the results of the investigation.




    对或错?Reports of suspected child abuse and neglect can be made anonymously.




    珍妮,你的朋友和同事,叫你在星期六哭泣。她说她看到了你的计划中的一个父亲PUBLIC店铺米尔commissary。He was in the parking lot screaming at his children. He pulled the 7-year-old behind the car and hit him hard with a closed fist. She knows other people saw, but she does not know if anyone did anything. What do you think Janine should do?

    References & Resources

    Center for the Study of Social Policy. (2020). Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Violence Prevention.
