

    • 认识到与怀疑虐待和报告儿童虐待或忽视相关的情绪。
    • 确定可以帮助您管理与儿童虐待和忽视在家和计划中相关的压力的保护区因素。
    • 确定与促进自己的健康和建筑弹性的每个保护因素相关的策略。






    • “I was so nervous I was making a mistake. I just thought this couldn’t be possible. I knew the man I was reporting and had always thought he was a nice guy.”

    • “我担心我会伤害家庭的感受,并在我们之间放一个墙壁。我知道他们需要帮助,但我只是不知道这是正确的事情。“

    • “如果我报道,我害怕孩子会受到更糟的伤害......她会在家里遇到麻烦。”

    • “I was confident I was doing the right thing. I was so angry that such a thing could happen to the child.”

    • “我害怕人们不会相信我。”

    • “我对这种情况真的很失望。我知道妈妈可能会失去她的工作,而那些是高赌注的考虑。“


    • “我很高兴承认我所看到的。”

    • “我担心家人如何回应。”

    • “我真的需要知道我是否正确。我感到沮丧,我无法回答我关于报告的问题。“

    当您怀疑并报告您自己的计划发生的虐待或忽视时,情绪可能更加复杂。你可能怀疑你的一位同事或朋友。您可能怀疑一个长期以来一直与该计划或有更多权威的人。您可能是邻居或参加同样的社区活动。您可能担心您将因报告而被判断或社会排除。您可能会因您知道或喜欢的人而感到被迫“覆盖”。您可能还会感到压力以保护您的计划声誉。所有这些情绪都很自然,但你必须记住你保护孩子免受伤害的法律义务。如果孩子受到伤害或迫在眉睫的伤害风险,您必须提出报告. Remember, you are in the right. It is not OK for anyone to pressure you not to report a clear suspicion of abuse or neglect. Do not ignore your instincts. A child’s life may depend on it.

    这种事件的压力是巨大的。当你增加自己的真实生活压力源 - 债务,关系,继续你的教育等时,它可以感到压倒性。重要的是你照顾好自己。您必须尽力而为有助于帮助孩子学习的重要工作。当您感到平静,舒适和自信时,您可以更好地建立与儿童和家庭的关系。与家庭应对挑战的相同保护区因素适用于美国所有人的成年人。让我们探索每个保护因素以及它们如何适应您的工作。该材料已从预防的儿童虐待和促进福祉方面调整:美国卫生和人类服务部的行动网络资源指南。


    1. 成人弹性


    2. Knowledge of Child Development


    3. 社交联系

      Social connections: Research suggests that strong social connections promote health, wellness, and longevity. By creating or strengthening social relationships in your own life, you will be better able to do your job well.

    4. 混凝土支撑

      Concrete supports: We all need tools to help us do our jobs. It is OK—and important—to ask for help when you need it. Talk to yourMIL教练或者导师about ways you can get new ideas, resources, or support in the program. Also remember that it’s OK to ask for help if you have stress at home. Seek out and use community resources, whether it’s assistance with filing taxes, finding quality health care, or getting a new apartment.

    5. 儿童的社会和情感能力






    Consider the following strategies adapted from Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well-Being: A Network for Action 2013 Resource Guide by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


    • 与您服务的家庭建立信任关系,以及您每天看到的同事。花点时间了解这些人。通过对话和庆祝活动投资关系的时间可以帮助您更多地享受您的工作,并更好地做到这一点。
    • Talk regularly with your T&Cs or manager. This person is there to support you in your work and can help you when we need it. They can be a valuable professional resource for you.
    • 了解课程中的心理健康支持资源MIL或在您的安装中. Mental health professionals should be part of your team. Talk to them whenever you feel the need, and make sure families can access their services.MIL了解非医疗咨询是否是帮助您通过短期压力源的选择。探索http://www.milaritonesource.mil/nonmedical-counseling.想要查询更多的信息。
    • 观察家庭和学龄儿童压力的早期迹象。通过提供鼓励,支持和帮助解决问题的提高。
    • Seek out professional development on strategies that reduce stress: goal setting, anticipating difficulties, problem-solving, communication, and self-care.
    • 记住,心理健康和身体health are interrelated. Take the time to exercise, eat well, and seek out opportunities for relaxation, meditation, or prayer.

    Knowledge of Child Development

    • 完成虚拟实验室学校的课程。这些课程将帮助您了解5和12岁之间的社会,认知和体育发展。它还可以帮助您在学龄儿童工作中学习和使用有效的实践。
    • Seek out resources in your community and online. There are a variety of tools available from reputable agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC has compiled easily accessible information about development through childhood and the teen years. You can also find information at educational resource centersMIL或者来自您的教练.
    • 利用专业发展机会。参加会议和研讨会。参与教练或指导机会。


    • 使用(或与管理层交谈创建)在您的计划中进行放松的空间,您可以休息一下。
    • Attend social events, like movie nights or sporting events, at your program. Talk to families and co-workers.
    • 开发一个新的爱好或扩展旧爱好。在一个兴趣你的话题上课程。社区院校,当地零售商和社区娱乐部门提供廉价的课程,如烹饪,技术,外语,运动和针织等各种主题。
    • 建立或留住与您的邻居,敬拜地点或其他社区机构的强大联系。


    • 当您需要帮助时承认。如果您正在努力努力,关系问题或其他个人关注,请不要让自己变得不堪重负。成为您服务的家庭的榜样,并获得所需的帮助。
    • Look for signs of stress in yourself and talk to someone who can help. If you have a history of trauma yourself, you may be especially vulnerable to stress.


    • 与你交谈MIL教练或者导师about the programs or strategies you should use to promote social and emotional competence.
    • 在学龄年龄年度期间,确定关键的社交技能儿童需要。确保您的计划有助于学龄儿童开发和使用这些技能。
    • Remember you can be a safe and stable influence in a child’s life.



    You have learned a lot in the past few lessons about the Miller family. Take some time to reflect on the stories you have read. View and complete the反思虐待和忽视案例研究活动。反思问题并与培训师,管理员或教练分享您的回复。然后,审查建议的响应以获得额外的思考。



    Take some time to think about how to handle your own stress. Take a look at the压力尖端. Reflect upon the areas of your own life that could be strengthened or supported. This tip sheet is reproduced from the American Psychological Association. For more information and links to the original tip sheet, please visit:http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/stress-tips.aspx..

    In addition to the Stress Tip Sheet attachment below, refer to the following websites for:


    学期 描述
    保护因素 attributes of individuals, families, communities, or society that decrease or eliminate risk and increase the health and well-being of children and families
    Stressor 导致压力的经验或事件
    弹力 解决问题的能力并从生活的挑战中反弹




    Which of the following is not a way you could build your own resilience?


    真的or false? Once you have taken a class on adolescent development, there is never anything more you need to learn.


    Your co-worker, Theresa, feels like your program isn’t a very social place to work. You two decide to form a social committee. What might you do to help build social connections between staff members?


    What concrete supports are available in your workplace or community?




    Center for the Study of Social Policy. (2018). Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework. Retrieved fromhttps://cssp.org/our-work/projects/protective-factors-framework/

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Violence Prevention. Retrieved fromhttp://www.cdc.gov/violienceprevention/
