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    • Identify protective factors that prevent child abuse and neglect.
    • Describe the stress factors related to family trauma.
    • 在你的项目和社区中确定支持家庭的资源。
    • 描述如何与家庭合作,以确定和防止虐待和忽视儿童。




    Think about these three words: Safety, Stability, and Nurture. What do they mean? Think about a relationship in your own life that was represented by these three words. What did others in the relationship do that made it feel safe, stable, and nurturing? What impact did that relationship have on your life? Whether you recognize it or not, relationships like these likely shaped your outlook on the world and your ability to succeed. Let’s take a look at a few relationships that could be considered safe, stable, and nurturing.

    Chandra is just 6 weeks old. After a high-risk pregnancy and complicated delivery, Chandra’s mom, Jayne, is nervous about going back to work. As a single mom, she knows it is something she has to do. Jayne is happy that Chandra has a space in the Child Development Center. Several of her friends and co-workers have infants in the program, too. She makes an appointment to meet Chandra’s teachers and tour the child development center that Chandra will enter next week. Jayne brings her own mother with her on the tour. Jayne’s mother has been a big help since the baby was born. Jayne knows she can count on her to help whenever she can. Chandra sleeps peacefully in Jayne’s arms throughout the tour. When she wakes and begins to fuss, Jayne sings and soothes her. Grandma smiles and offers to hold the baby while Jayne completes paperwork. Jayne and her mother chat happily with the caregivers about Chandra’s routines, preferences, and temperament.


    Ravi waits patiently for his father to pick him up from the school-age program. His mom is coming home tonight from a 6-month deployment. He can hardly wait. He quickly glances out the window and sees his dad’s car pull into the parking lot. He carefully picks up the artwork he created for his mom. It’s so precious to him that he won’t even put it in his book bag. As dad comes in, Ravi rushes over, hugs him while carefully protecting the artwork, and asks, “Is it time?” They drive together to the welcome site and chat about Ravi’s day, the preparations they made for mom, and the things they’ll do together over the next few days.

    Like all families, Chandra’s, Charlotte’s, and Ravi’s families have experienced some stress. Whether faced with single parenting, relocation, separation, financial or job-related stress, strong families are resilient and bounce back. No matter what, they make sure their children have safe, stable, and nurturing relationships. Chandra’s mom has extended family support, close friends, and a strong bond with her infant. She is beginning to build a strong relationship with the caregiver at the child development center. Charlotte’s parents understand her emotional needs. They help her maintain connections with old friends and build new friendships. Ravi’s family communicates with one another, celebrates one another, and spends time connecting and reconnecting.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consider safe, stable, and nurturing relationships like these one of the “essentials of childhood.” Let’s explore how the Centers for Disease Control define these three words.

    • Safety: Safety is “the extent to which a child is free from fear and secure from physical or psychological harm.” This means that adults protect child from harm. Adults regulate their own emotions and monitor children’s development.
    • 稳定性: Stability is “the degree of predictability and consistency in a child’s environment.” This means the child comes to learn that the world is a manageable place. Consistent family routines are one way stability is provided for children.
    • Nurture: Nurture is “the extent to which a parent or caregiver is available and able to sensitively respond to and meet the needs of their child.”




    Many families who are involved in allegations of child abuse or neglect have experienced some kind of trauma. This might mean they experienced abuse or neglect themselves as children. There may also be domestic violence toward adults in the home. They may experience family or community violence.

    Trauma can influence how a family interacts with you. Look for these characteristics (Preventing Child Maltreatment, 2013):

    Families that have experienced trauma may find it difficult to build trusting relationships with you. It might not be easy for them to trust anyone.


    • 他们可能滥用药物或酒精。
    • 他们可能很难控制自己的情绪。
    • They may seem numb or “shut down.”


    Families that have Experienced Trauma



    The following list of strategies is from the Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well-Being: A Network for Action 2013 Resource Guide. Consider ways you can use these strategies to support families who have experienced trauma:

    • Talk to yourMILT&Cs orsupervisor for support any time you have a concern about a family.
    • Understand that parents’ reactions (including anger, resentment, or avoidance) may be reactions to trauma. Do not take them personally.
    • Remember that parents who have experienced trauma are not “bad.” Blaming or judging them is likely to make the situation worse.
    • Recognize that all parents want their children to be safe and healthy. Compliment parents’ good decisions and healthy choices when you see them.
    • Stay calm, and keep your voice as neutral and non-threatening as possible. Model direct and honest communication.
    • 保持一致。当你做出承诺时,坚持到底。
    • Be aware that you could experience secondary traumatic stress, which can occur when you see or hear about trauma to others. Take care of yourself and take time to address your own reactions when you feel you are getting overwhelmed.

    你应该意识到你所在社区的家庭可以利用的资源MILor on your installation:

    • The military Family Advocacy Program, victim advocacy, and transitional compensation exist to address family abuse through prevention, intervention, treatment and victim assistance. Visit更多信息。
    • 家庭准备系统(FRS)是由计划、服务、人员和机构以及它们之间的协作组成的网络,旨在提高服务人员及其家庭的准备状态和生活质量。通过家庭准备系统提供的服务可以帮助家庭在军事生活的每个阶段发展新技能和应对生活挑战。服务因设施而异,但可能包括:流动和部署援助、搬迁援助、个人财务管理、配偶教育和职业服务、家庭生活教育、紧急家庭援助、家庭虐待预防和应对服务、虐待儿童预防和应对服务、新父母支持,特殊的家庭成员支持、非医疗个人和家庭咨询、过渡援助、士气、福利和娱乐、信息和转诊。
    • Non-medical counseling is available to all Service members and their families at no cost. Non-medical counseling programs provide confidential, short term counseling to active duty members, National Guard and reserve service members and their families. Counselors possess a master’s or doctorate degree in a mental health field and are licensed or certified in a state, territory or the District of Columbia to practice independently. Non-medical counseling is designed to address issues such as improving relationships at home and work, stress management, adjustment issues (for example, returning from a deployment), marital problems, parenting, and grief and loss issues. These personal sessions are available face-to-face, by phone, and online. Non-medical counseling is not designed to address long-term issues such as child abuse or neglect, domestic violence, suicidal ideation and mental health issues, but it can be an option for families that are facing short-term stressors. For more information, visit

    Just like this lesson opened with examples of children in safe, stable, and nurturing relationships, let’s end this lesson with an example of ways you can reduce stress in a family that has experienced trauma. Consider Kyle and his mother:

    Kyle had experienced neglect in his home, and his mother is currently receiving help in the community after the report and investigation. You have noticed Kyle is acting out much more than usual. At the end of the day when Kyle’s mom comes to pick him up, you see your coworker run up to her and say, “You need to sign this incident report. Kyle hit 4 other children today. If this keeps up, we may have to recommend another placement for him.”

    Kyle’s mother breaks down in tears and says, “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’ve taken off so much time from work trying to be a better mom. If I lose this after-school space, I’m afraid I’ll be fired. What am I going to do?” She pulls a crying Kyle out the door.

    The next day when Kyle’s mom comes in, you rush up and say, “Good news! We had a few issues, but Kyle did much better today. We are making progress!” A smile comes across both Kyle’s and his mother’s face. You feel good knowing that just putting things in perspective can help reduce stress in the family.



    Based on what you learned in this lesson and throughout this course, write a different ending for the Miller family. At each critical time point in Braden and Bethany’s story, think about what could have happened to change the family’s trajectory. View and complete the反思虐待和忽视case study activity. Describe the resources, supports, or conversations that might have made a difference for the siblings and their foster family. Share your responses with a coach, trainer, or administrator. Then review the suggested responses for additional reflection.



    TheKeeping Your Family Strongtip sheet below from Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well-Being: A Network for Action 2013 Resource Guide is designed to be distributed to parents and caregivers to address a particular parenting concern or question. The information is easy to read and focuses on concrete strategies parents and caregivers can use to take care of their children and strengthen their families. Each tip sheet is available in English and Spanish.

    Download and print theKeeping Your Family Strong提示单,并与您的培训师讨论如何与家人分享信息。

    Download and print theKeeping Your Family Strongtip sheet and share them with families.

    花点时间思考一下如何加强家庭。查看并完成Strengthening Families: Protective Factors Self-Assessmentadapted from the Center for the Study of Social Policy's Strengthening Families Program Self-Assessment. Use it to reflect on your interactions and relationships with families. The full tool is available in the Management and TCS courses and at


    Term 说明
    Maltreatment treating a child in a hurtful or abusive way
    Trauma 严重伤害或休克(物理或情感)to the body
    Secondary traumatic stress an emotional and physical reaction to the traumatic experiences of others. For example, you might feel a great deal of stress on behalf of a child who is injured or in danger




    Which of the following thoughts might get in the way of having a positive relationship with a family affected by child abuse or neglect?


    You suspected Destin’s mom of child abuse and made a report. Several days later, Destin’s dad came into the program and he was furious. He withdrew Destin from the program. You didn’t see him, but you learned later that he called you hurtful names. What is the healthiest way for you to respond?


    You have just made a report of suspected child abuse after months of observing Austin and noting minor concerns. Something happened this week that made you feel sick to your stomach. You made the report, but you still can’t stop thinking about it. You can’t sleep at night. You have no appetite, and you feel nervous all the time. What might be happening?




    是的or False? By the time children reach school-age, they don’t need safe, stable, and nurturing relationships. They are resilient enough to bounce back from anything.


    Felitti,Vince J.等人(1998年)儿童期虐待和家庭功能障碍与成人许多主要死亡原因的关系。American Journal of Preventive Medicine.14, p 245-258. doi:10.1016/S0749-3797(98)00017-8Retrieved from

    Harris, Nadine Burke. (2014, September) Nadine Burke Harris: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime [Video file]. Retrieved from\u burke\u harris\u童年创伤如何影响一生的健康

    U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). Strategic Direction for Child Maltreatment Prevention: Preventing Child Maltreatment Through the Promotion of Safe, Stable, and Nurturing Relationships Between Children and Caregivers.

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2013). Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well-Being: A Network for Action 2013 Resource Guide.