
Secondary tabs

    • 描述5-12岁儿童的典型发育。
    • Identify developmentally appropriate expectations for behavior.
    • Identify risk factors that make children or youth more likely to experience abuse or neglect.







    • 当玛蒂问她在学校过得怎么样时,她向她妈妈翻了翻眼睛。
    • 詹姆斯在房间里闷闷不乐。当被问到怎么了,他说:“没什么。”
    • 现在是时候上学了,但泰勒还在吃早餐,慢慢地移动。
    • 两组男孩为谁该在他们的篮球比赛中犯规而争吵。
    • 克莱尔不断地从背包里取出她在学校得到的糖果,尽管她已经多次被要求把它收起来。
    • 所罗门在节目中偷偷地放了一个iPod,孩子们围着他听歌词清晰的音乐。

    根据你所看到的,听到的,或者有经验的in the program or community, do these scenarios ring true? Have you seen them happen? Have you experienced them? If you have spent time in programs, you have likely seen some or all of these behaviors. They are reflections of typical child and youth development. We all go through stages as we grow, and certain behaviors can be expected at certain stages. This does not mean that all behaviors are easy for us as adults to deal with. It does mean that we can be prepared to recognize behaviors as reflections of growth and help children develop and mature. You will learn more about this in the Cognitive course.

    Let’s take look at how children typically develop from the ages of 5 to 12 years. The information on this table is compiled from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002017.htm).您可以在“应用”部分中的易于使用信息表中找到相同的信息。


    • 想要取悦朋友
    • 想成为朋友
    • 更可能同意规则
    • 喜欢唱歌,舞蹈和行动
    • 意识到性别
    • 能分辨什么是真什么是假
    • 表现出更多的独立性(例如,可能会去玩)
    • Is sometimes demanding and sometimes very cooperative
    • 说得很清楚
    • 用完整的句子讲一个简单的故事
    • 使用未来时态;例如,“奶奶将在这里”
    • 说姓名和地址
    • 数到10或更多
    • Can draw a person with at least six body parts
    • Can print some letters or numbers
    • Copies a triangle and other geometric shapes
    • 知道s about things used every day, like money and food
    • 单脚站立10秒或更长时间
    • Hops; may be able to skip
    • 我能翻筋斗
    • 用叉子和勺子,有时用餐刀
    • Can use the toilet on her or his own
    • 摇摆和攀爬
    • 表现出更多的独立于父母和家庭
    • Starts to think about the future
    • 更了解他或她在世界上的地位
    • 更注重友谊和团队合作
    • 想要被朋友喜欢和接受
    • 友谊往往是和同性的孩子在一起;可能会把异性说成“粗俗”或“怪异”
    • 使用简单,完整的句子,平均为五到七个单词
    • Can follow a series of three directions in a row
    • 可以将注意力集中在任务至少15分钟
    • 强大的运动技能,但平衡和耐力可能有所不同
    • 身体意象感开始发展
    • Starts to form stronger, more complex friendships and peer relationships
    • 经历更多的同龄人压力
    • 同伴接纳非常重要;可能参与某些行为成为“群体”的一部分
    • 对异性的负面影响变小了
    • May experiment with lying, cheating, or stealing
    • 可以连续五个方向
    • 关于寻求帮助可能很紧张
    • 可以将注意力集中在一项任务上大约一个小时
    • Faces more academic challenges at school
    • 变得更加独立于家庭
    • Begins to see the point of view of others more clearly
    • 随着青春期的临近,他或她的身体会变得更加清楚;身体形象和饮食问题有时会开始出现
    • 形成第二性征,如乳房和体毛



    Remember, the characteristics in the tables above tell us what children typically do at certain ages. They are not hard and fast rules. Individual children will vary a great deal in when and how they develop. If you have a concern about a child’s development, talk to yourMILTraining and Curriculum Specialist orsupervisor.

    Understanding Temperament, Personality, and Individual Differences


    “A person's disposition or nature. The intensity and range of a person's emotions are influenced by temperament. A person's temperament will define his or her activity level, regularity of bodily functions, and response to new situations or things. Temperament is also linked to a person's adaptability, quality of mood, attention span, and persistence. Individual differences in temperament are present from birth. They are thought to be hereditary, and they remain relatively consistent over time. However, individual experiences and development can affect temperament.”


    Extreme 特质 Extreme






    Lucas likes his routines. He gets up at the exact same time every morning and eats the same things for breakfast every day.

    Micah moves from activity to activity. It is easy to shift his attention to a new idea or project.












    Summer is often described as "being in her own little world."

    Threshold of Responsiveness

    Calvin gets upset if you give him a direction or correct him. He seems very sensitive.

    Liv tends to worry about things and seems serious most of the time.

    Quality of Mood

    Talia is generally happy and cheerful.




    Take a minute to reflect on your own temperament. How do you define your temperament traits? How does understanding temperament help you understand your own behaviors and the behaviors of children?


    • 适应性:
    • Feisty:
    • Cautious:

    Now take a minute to think about your own temperament type. Which of the three do you relate the most to? How do you think your own temperament can influence your work with children? For example, if you have a feisty temperament, you might feel most comfortable when the schedule changes often and people respond quickly to you. You might ask lots of questions and make frequent changes. You might love lots of fast-paced conversations and loud interactions. This might overwhelm a cautious child and lead them to disengage. If you have a cautious temperament, you might crave order and quiet. You might prefer a space that remains consistent from day to day, and you might plan long-term projects. A child with a feisty temperament might seem bored and act out.

    How can you use an understanding of temperament in your work to prevent child abuse and neglect? First, understanding temperament helps you remain calm and see frustrating situations as potential personality differences. Second, you can use your understanding of a child’s temperament to come up with solutions to problems that work for them. Here are a few ways you can use temperament in your work:


    • 记住,当发生重大变化时(比如开始一个新的项目或人事变动),性格谨慎的孩子最有可能感到压力或紧张
    • 请检查您的程序,看看是否可以提前发送介绍,让孩子知道该程序中的期望。
    • 参加一个公开的房子或欢迎夜晚,孩子们可以满足工作人员。
    • 第一天一定要带着孩子四处走走,这样他就知道洗手间在哪里,东西放在哪里等。
    • 把孩子和一个伙伴配对,让他们感到舒服。
    • 在计划发生变化时提供提醒。
    • 为家庭作业等提供一致的空间。

    患有Feisty Lifementes的儿童提示:

    • 与孩子们谈论过去对他们造成麻烦的情况(例如,当她与另一个孩子争论的时间)造成麻烦。头脑风暴方式来应对压力情况。
    • 与孩子交谈关于触发问题的事件。确定防止问题的方法。
    • 给你频繁的活动和休息的机会。
    • 使用积极方向来帮助孩子学习期望(“请使用和内部声音。”)


    There are two categories of school-age children more at-risk for child abuse and neglect: children with disabilities and children with challenging behavior. Why do you think these children are at an increased risk? Generally, these children might have a difficult time communicating, controlling their emotions, following directions, or getting along with others. The adults around them might get frustrated easily or not know how to help the child. This can put the child in a dangerous situation. We must be careful to remember this does not mean that the child causes the abuse and neglect. The child is never to blame.它并不意味着只有这些类别的儿童被滥用或被忽视。相反,我们必须记得为孩子们满足这些特征的家庭提供额外的支持。


    Children with severe and persistent challenging behavior are also at a greater risk for abuse or neglect. When children demonstrate severe and persistent challenging behavior, adults often feel personally challenged. It’s not unusual to feel like a child is “pushing your buttons.” Adults may not know what to do and in a moment of crisis might resort to unacceptable punishment practices.





    Read the following statements from staff members. On the left, you see unrealistic expectations. On the right you see realistic expectations. Which programs do you think feel like better places to be for children? Which staff members do you think feel less stressed at the end of the day?



    • 我们究竟告诉孩子们每一分钟所需的地方。
    • 我们知道孩子需要多么独立,所以他们每天选择他们的活动。
    • 玛西娅和卡西迪不停地谈笑。我们需要把这两个分开。
    • 玛西亚和卡西迪的友谊对他们来说真的很重要。
    • Caldwell lied to me about washing his hands. He is completely dishonest.
    • 考德威尔正在测试边界。我们要确保我们对他公平公正。
    • Decklen有一个圆腹,所以我称他为我们的小佛。他太年轻了,不能得到它。
    • Kids this age are so self-conscious. We focus on fitness and a healthy lifestyle, but we don’t single anyone out.

    How Can You Make Sure Your Expectations of School-Age Children Are Appropriate?

    • Continue to learn all you can about positive youth development throughout your career. The Virtual Lab School has courses that will help you learn more about cognitive, physical, and social development. You will also learn about how to develop communication skills and a healthy sense of self. You can also visit the Military REACH Families website to explore modules about the foundations of positive youth development (https://reachfamilies.umn.edu/).
    • 与家庭分享有关儿童和青年发展的信息。应用部分中疾病控制和预防中心的讲义是一个很好的开始,但您的程序或课程可能有您可以分享的其他资源。
    • 作为一名新员工,花时间观察你工作的项目中的孩子。这将帮助你开始了解什么是典型的年龄范围。也可以参观教室或为年龄较大或较小的儿童开设的课程。这将有助于你从长远的角度看待发展。如果你期望5岁的孩子和11岁的孩子表现得一样,那你就是在给自己设置挫折感。
    • Remember what you have learned here when you get frustrated. It can be frustrating when an 11-year-old rolls his eyes and mutters, but these are all a part of growing up. Many of the behaviors that challenge adults are very typical parts of development. If you have a concern about a child’s behavior, talk to your trainer, supervisor, or coach. He or she can help give you perspective on whether the behaviors are typical.
    • Ask for help when you need it. We all need new ideas and support. When you are feeling frustrated or unsure about what to do for a school-age child, ask a supervisor,MIL培训与课程专家,或同事的想法。这是一个建立你自己的社会关系和专业知识的好方法。



    Tkae a look at the重新制作活动。阅读表格中的情景。指出您认为情景是代表对个人行为的现实期望还是不切实际的期望。然后写下你认为员工应该说的反映现实期望的话。



    找到能帮助你理解儿童发展的资源是很重要的。疾病控制和预防中心制定了优秀的指南。这些都是与家人分享的好资源,但它们也是一个很好的工具,你可以在你的程序中保持和定期参考。查看并完成里程碑清单for the age group of children with whom you work.


    术语 说明
    适合发展 基于儿童如何发展和学习的知识和实践,关于一个孩子的知识和实践,以及什么在文化上是重要的
    发展里程碑 孩子们通常在一定年龄左右发展起来的一种技能或行为














    Center for the Study of Social Policy. (2018). Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework. Retrieved fromhttps://cssp.org/our-work/projects/protective-factors-framework/



    儿童福利信息门户。(2013). 防止虐待和忽视儿童概况。检索自https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubpdfs/preventingcan.pdf

    Council on Accreditation (2013). Temperament. Available fromhttp://coanet.org/trainings-resources/glossary/?tx\u idglossary\u pi1[letter]=T&cHash=e79524c68eac91434e364a043b1639a8

    军事上的一个来源。(无日期)。军人家庭Advocacy Programs. Retrieved fromhttp://www.milelateonesource.mil/abuse/service-providers.

    National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth. (2013). CHILDHOOD SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT. Retrieved fromhttp://www.ncsby.org/content/children-sex-development

    全国儿童创伤压力网络与全国青少年性行为中心合作。(2009). 儿童的性发育和行为。检索自http://www.ncsby.org/sites/default/files/NCTSN%20NCSBY%20sexualdevelopmentandbehavior%202009.pdf

    National Institutes of Health. (2013). Medline Plus: School-Age Development. Available fromhttp://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002017.htm

    University of Minnesota REACH. (2020). Supporting Families through Research and Outreach.https://reachfamilies.umn.edu/

    Thomas, Chess & Birch. (1968). Temperament and Behavior Disorders in Children. New York, New York University Press.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2012). Child Maltreatment 2011.