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    • 陈述为什么社会和情感能力是一种防止滥用和忽视的保护因素。
    • Identify strategies to promote social and emotional competence in school-age children.
    • 使用促进所有学龄儿童社会和情感能力的策略。


    As a school-age staff member, supporting social and emotional competence is a major part of your job. Appropriately, we spend the bulk of our time with children promoting positive interactions, helping solve problems, and responding to intense emotions. We are promoting positive social and emotional skills in every interaction we have with a child. Recent reviews of research suggest that focusing on social and emotional competence in school-age programs (i.e., out-of-school time) increases children’s self-perceptions, positive social behaviors, and academic achievement. It also results in a significant reduction in problem behavior. Researchers at the Center for the Study of Social Policy found an additional benefit of such an emphasis on social and emotional competence: It decreased the amount of child abuse and neglect in families. Parents with children in exemplary programs reported that the skills their children learned related to anger management and violence prevention directly affected the way parents and children interacted. When children expressed their emotions appropriately, parents began to see their children differently.


    Social and emotional competence is the ability to interact with others, regulate one’s own emotions and behavior, solve problems, and communicate effectively. Children who are socially and emotionally competent have (Center for the Study of Social Policy, 2013):

    • 健康自尊
    • Self-confidence
    • 自我效能
    • Self-control
    • Personal agency
    • Patience
    • Persistence
    • 解决冲突技能
    • 沟通技巧
    • 共情
    • 社交技能
    • 道德



    • The 6 year old who is “tattling” on another child is saying, “We need your help.”
    • 9岁的谁告诉你关于他最喜欢的视频游戏的长篇故事说,“请注意我。”
    • The 11 year old who throws a soccer ball over the fence after missing a goal is saying, “I’m frustrated.”



    • 教学识别和处理情绪
    • 教学认识和解决社会问题
    • 支持孩子,因为他们制作并保持朋友


    Emotional Literacy

    Emotional literacy is the ability to recognize emotions in yourself and others. It’s also the ability to express and regulate emotions. Programs that promote emotional literacy use natural opportunities to talk about emotions throughout the program day, every day. Adults label their own emotions and children’s emotions. They help children recognize emotions in themselves and others. Adults also provide concrete strategies to help children address and express their emotions appropriately. For example, programs may teach children to “stop and think” when they get angry instead of lashing out.


    • “克拉伦斯,我可以告诉你真的沮丧,即所有的计算机都被拍摄了。你能做什么,直到一个有空?“
    • “如果有人对你说,我想知道它是如何觉得......”
    • “I’m really excited about going bowling with you guys tomorrow.”
    • “当我生气时,我走了一些深呼吸。”




    1. 定义问题(我的问题是什么?)
    2. 生成替代解决方案(我可以尝试什么?)
    3. 选择最佳解决方案,制定计划,并执行它(我该怎么办?它是公平吗?它解决了问题吗?)
    4. 评估结果(是我解决的问题?)

    Helping school-age children learn to solve problems is a critical skill for life. It helps build resilience and mental flexibility. Make sure you model these skills yourself during your daily interactions with co-workers and families.


    学ing how to make and keep friends is a lifelong skill. By the school-age years, most children have several close friends, and their social networks can be quite sophisticated. This does not mean that our work is done, though. During the school-age years, we can continue promoting friendships by:

    • Creating positive social norms: Social norms are the habits or ways of interacting that develop amongst a group of people. You can create positive social norms through your mission statement, expectations, and reactions to everyday events.
    • Ensuring children have opportunities to belong: This means school-age children feel respected. They have opportunities for leadership roles and have a voice in the program. They are able to continue developing their own identity in the program.
    • Providing supportive relationships: School-age children need to feel a connection with staff members and with their peers.


    • 谈论欺凌。They define what it is and what to do if you see it.
    • 模型如何与尊重和善意互动。孩子们做他们看到成年人所做的事情。
    • Encourage children to do what they love. Children feel reassured that they can explore their interests without fear of being bullied. If children love art, drama, music, building, or any other hobby, they are free to explore it safely.
    • Talk to children about their day: Who did you sit with on the bus? What was lunch like? What are you good at? Opening up lines of communication can help children feel safe.
    • Set clear policies and rules. Programs make sure there is a clear code of conduct and that all children and youth have the right to be safe and treated with respect. There are clear policies about what adults should do if bullying is suspected.


    What do you think happens when children do not have the skills described above? If you’re not sure, imagine a child who does not know how to handle anger. What does that child do instead? If you guessed act out, you are probably correct. That child might yell at others, destroy property, or become aggressive. Alternatively, a child who does not know how to handle anger might become withdrawn. This means he might become quiet or keep his anger inside. This can cause a great deal of tension and stress for the child. The next lesson focuses on responding to behavior that challenges, but for now know that you will need to help develop individualized supports for children who need them. YourMIL培训和课程专家上市supervisor程序团队将帮助您(a)知道这些孩子是谁,(b)如何支持它们。以下是您可以在这些情况下使用的一些策略:

    • 社会技能组:你可能会与一个小工作group of children who have difficulties handling anger, for example. You might teach these children specific strategies to calm down, express their feelings appropriately, and think of next steps. These groups can be developed around a variety of social skills. For example, you might have a group that is working on positive ways to solve conflicts with peers or appropriate ways to get peers’ attention.
    • 办理登机手续/退房手续:您可以每天与您联系和留出您的孩子。通常,该儿童有程序的期望列表(例如,尊重,完成您的作业等)。成人审查这些期望与儿童,并监控每天都有期望。这旨在成为儿童和成年人之间的积极互动。
    • Book Clubs: You might have children in the program who are interested in forming a book club that incorporates social-emotional issues. Most pre-teen literature involves social problems and emotional scenarios. You can help facilitate conversations about the plot and whether the characters used appropriate social and emotional skills.

    You will learn more in the Social and Guidance courses.



    Facilitating Social Development for School-Age Children



    • Encourage and reinforce children for talking about their feelings.
    • 注意孩子的感受,为儿童提供了一个描述它们的感受。
    • 标记自己的感受。
    • 通过帮助孩子们通知彼此的感受来促进同理心。

    To promote problem-solving you can:

    • 专门教导解决问题的步骤。
    • 聘请儿童为共同挑战产生解决方案。
    • 关于解决问题的视觉提醒。
    • Recognize and give specific feedback to children who have solved problems.
    • Help children reflect on their own problem-solving skills.
    • 改变你的方法,以满足个体儿童的需求。


    • Provide a program in which school-age children have many opportunities to make choices about what they do and who they interact with.
    • 制定明确的规则和期望的人际关系行为。强调尊重和安全。
    • 谈论欺凌。帮助孩子理解为什么它发生了,他们可以做些什么来阻止它。
    • 始终如一地响应儿童问题。
    • 制定向计划和同行引入新儿童的系统。
    • 对竞技体育和游戏进行体贴。为合作运动和游戏提供许多机会。
    • Build a strong relationship with each child.



    In the next lesson, you will learn about responding to challenging behavior. In this activity, you will begin thinking about challenging behavior in terms of social and emotional competence. Challenging behaviors are often signs that a child could use support around social and emotional competence. View and complete theWhat Do I Say Now activity。当您阅读方案时,请考虑如何鼓励孩子使用社交技能。完成后,与您的培训师,主管或教练分享您的答案。然后将您的答案与建议的回复进行比较。



    有多种工具可帮助您应用您所学到的内容。查看并完成Social Teaching Checklist.用它来确保您尽量促进课堂或计划中的社会和情感能力。


    学期 描述
    沟通技巧 The ability to share information with others and receive information from others
    解决冲突技能 和平解决争端的能力
    共情 The ability to understand and share the feelings of others
    健康自尊 自己骄傲的感觉
    道德 The ability to distinguish between right and wrong
    Patience 在不沮丧的情况下接受或容忍延迟或麻烦的能力
    Persistence 尽管有困难,但仍在行动中继续
    Personal agency 个人认为他们可以控制影响它们的事件的程度
    Self-confidence Belief in yourself and your abilities
    Self-control 规范自己的情绪,欲望或行动
    自我效能 相信你的成功或适当表现的能力
    社交技能 使其更容易与他人互动和沟通的技能






    Malone and Jacob both want to work on the same model airplane, but it is designed to be used alone. Which of the following responses from their teacher best promotes social and emotional competence?


    Why is social and emotional competence important? Choose the best answer.






    Center for the Study of Social Policy. (2018). Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework. Retrieved fromhttps://cssp.org/our-work/projects/protective-factors-framework/



    Crosson-Tower, C. (2003). Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect. Washington, DC: Office on Child Abuse and Neglect, Children's Bureau.

