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    • 描述支持儿童认知发展的学龄儿环境。
    • Discuss how children and youth explore their world and the opportunities for problem solving that are presented through new discoveries .
    • 准备一份材料清单,以引发课程中的学龄儿童认知发展。



    As you learned in Lesson 1, cognitive development is all about learning. When children discover something new, they usually look for an explanation to make sense of the new idea. Your job is not to provide children with all of the answers to life's questions. Rather, you should guide children to develop their own ideas and opinions about the world around them (Satterlee, Cormons, & Cormons, 2013).



    How you facilitate and nurture this kind of learning is extremely important. In other words, the way you structure and organize your environments and materials for children and youth can make a huge difference in their development. Your school-age environment should be organized in a way that it enables children to engage in meaningful learning. For example, when a child in your classroom enters a purposefully designed area, they know what materials they can find there, the type of activity (loud, quiet, social, or solitary) that might happen there, the expectations for how to behave, and ways in which they can explore, learn, and have fun there.

    As highlighted in Lesson 1, learning is both individual and social and it takes place within social and cultural contexts. Therefore you need to make sure your learning environment provides opportunities for children and youth to engage in individual work, as well as meaningful interactions with peers and adults in your program throughout the day. Are there interesting materials for children to manipulate, explore, and learn from? When thinking about interactions with peers, how are you setting the environment for these interactions to take place? For example, do you offer group projects to encourage children to work with their peers, share, and learn from each other? When disagreements arise among children, do you encourage them to talk to each other and try to solve a situation on their own while making yourself available in case they cannot figure out how to do it?

    促进探索和发现in your School-Age Program

    Exploration and discovery happen all the time when children pursue interesting ideas. As a school-age staff member, you can help children become explorers by honing your ability to ask meaningful questions. The best questions to spark scientific discovery are open-ended questions. Questions like, "Why do you think that happened?" and "What do you think will happen next?" start conversations that lead children and youth to think more deeply about their ideas. There are additional ways you can promote exploration and problem solving. School-age children need a balance of child-guided and adult-guided experiences. First, and perhaps most important, as a school-age staff member, you should have a general attitude of exploration (Dodge, Colker, & Heroman, 2002). You can model the creativity, thoughtfulness, and curiosity necessary for exploration. By showing your own interests in materials and experiences, you can teach children about the value of exploration and learning.


    好奇心是一种基本的人性特征。学龄儿童被自然现象所吸引。外面的简单散步揭示了探索的无穷可能性:飞过天空的飞机,植物的颜色,蝉的嗡嗡声,或改变季节在学龄儿童中提出了问题。您的学龄计划可以通过允许他们遵循他们的奇券并发展科学的询问,从而引导儿童和青年成为关键的思想家。科学探究是制定问题并领导调查以获取信息的过程。通过科学的查询,儿童深入了解一个主题和实验,以思想发展结论。孩子们应该拥有自己的询问。您作为学龄工作人员的角色是通过提供建议并提出开放式问题来指导儿童。达成最终结论不一定是科学探究的重要组成部分。调查一个想法和发展计划的过程是主要目标。 Forming and testing hypotheses, or guesses, enable children to practice valuable critical thinking and problem solving skills (Dyasi, 2000).

    The Steps of Scientific Inquiry

    Develop a Question, Plan and conduct an investigation, gather information and data, form an explanation, discuss conclusions and findings



    Universal Design for Learning (UDL; CAST, 2011) is one strategy you can use. UDL helps all people learn and be successful in their environments. There are examples of universal design all around us: audio books, curb cutouts for strollers and wheelchairs, keyless entry on cars, and electric can openers. Many of these tools were developed for people with dis/abilities, but they make life easier for all of us. Using the concept of UDL, some examples of what you can do in your learning environment to support school-age children with special learning needs are: providing agendas (with or without pictures) of the activities that students will participate in, providing multiple ways for students to learn information (e.g., reading a book, watching a video, using the internet to research a topic), using materials in a different language, or sharing vocabulary words with school-age children before reading them a story. You can find additional examples demonstrating the use of UDL in the next lesson in this course.

    The Figure below shows three strategies for using UDL and offers examples of each.



    • Use objects, pictures, text
    • 变化字体大小,卷,颜色
    • 提供触觉,音乐或物理变异


    How children respond and show what they know

    • Choice of text, speech, drawing, music, sculpture, dance
    • Help with goal setting
    • Provide Checklists and planning tools
    • Use social media


    How children become interested and motivated to learn

    • Use child preferences
    • Offer choices
    • 不同程度的新奇,风险和感官刺激
    • 鼓励同行学习狗万app怎么下载
    • 提供个人反馈

    Including ALL School-Age Children in Learning Activities

    One of the best things that you can do is actively include all school-age children in all activities. Children with special learning needs or those learning English may have a hard time joining classroom activities because they may be unsure about what to do. Consider some of these ideas to help include all children:

    • 当他们在小组中工作时,观看学龄儿童,并确保儿童不被排除在活动之外。
    • 在一项活动之前,想想学龄儿童可能难以努力,例如使用剪刀,并准备帮助孩子完成活动。
    • 使用课程预期作为教学学龄儿童在内的课程。
    • 显示学龄儿童如何在协作学习活动期间包括其他人。狗万app怎么下载
    • 当他们试图包括其他人时,为学龄儿童提供特定的表现。
    • Select books school-age children can read independently.
    • Provide school-age children with different options for completing a task or activity. For example, children could paint pictures, put on a play, create a computer presentation, or write a report.

    回答许多教育工作者的问题是重要的:是对班上其他学龄儿童的一个孩子的变化和支持吗?当您对支持您的角色时,公平性的问题变得越来越担心all学龄儿童。当他或她需要时,你给每个孩子他或她需要什么。每个孩子一次都会获得额外的帮助和支持。作为教师或工作人员,您应该了解的优势和需求allchildren and know how to help每个孩子。

    Another way to support school-age children and youth with special learning needs is differentiation. Differentiation allows school-age children with dis/abilities to participate in different activities based on their skills and abilities. Differentiation works well with UDL. When differentiating activities, you can differentiate the content, product, or process. See the table below for suggestions of differentiating in your program.






    • 有声读物
    • Videos
    • 不同阅读水平的书籍
    • 图文小说


    How the school-age child learns content.

    • Work with individual students or small groups
    • Include centers during the program
    • 实践材料或操纵
    • Peer activities


    How the school-age child demonstrates the content or skills were learned.

    • 画一张图
    • 写报告
    • Develop a computer presentation
    • Act out a scene


    重要的是要识别您在学龄计划中发送的信息。有时偏见潜入我们的环境,材料或相互作用。对自己的偏见的认识是支持发展的第一步。Think about which of the following biases might be in your own program:

    • Biased language。语言可以发送陈规定型的性别消息。成年人可能会叫孩子“女婴,”“大男孩”或“可爱”而不是他们给出的名字。工作人员可能会鼓励女孩们“小心”,同时说“男孩将成为男孩”。要抗击这种偏见,您可以鼓励和平解决方案all孩子们(避免不打击女孩或不击中戴眼镜的孩子)。务必对年轻人的外表和成就同样评论。咨询Creating Gender Safe Spacescourse in the Virtual Lab School to learn how to support all children’s healthy gender identity and development.
    • 陈规定型的活动。经常鼓励青年人参与与特定性别有关的活动(例如,女孩参与针织和男孩学会编码)。确保青少年获得平等的访问和鼓励所有活动,例如木工,音乐,科学,戏剧,舞蹈等。
    • 偏见材料。有时,该计划的海报和材料存在陈规定型图像(例如,“战争涂料”,“一位全男性建筑机组人员”)。确保程序中的图像在各种职业中同样地显示男性和女性。确保有DIS /能力的人的图纸或照片是尊重的图像。包括显示不同种族背景,社会阶层和家庭结构的书籍。


    • Classroom props or materials:包括来自各种文化的道具。书籍,戏剧性的戏衣服或其他道具,家具和乐器都可以反映来自世界各地的经验。艺术材料应包括一系列材料,用于代表肤色和各种艺术风格,各种模式的织物,以及世界各地的艺术书籍。
    • 公告板和显示器:This space can be used to reflect and respect family traditions. Ask families to bring in pictures or other items for the board. Children and youth can spend time researching their own or another culture and documenting what they have learned.
    • Class books or biographies:关于班上儿童的书籍记录儿童和家庭的真正体验。鼓励儿童和青年创建图片,图纸和关于他们的生命,想法和家庭的文本。
    • 家庭故事:提供带有材料和创建家庭书的说明的家庭。家庭和儿童可以共同努力谈谈并记录他们的家庭历史和日常生活。这可能是互相引入儿童和家庭的好方法。
    • 评书:Encourage grandparents or community elders related to children in your program to share stories of their childhoods with your program. These can be audio-recorded or transcribed to create keepsake books for the program.
    • 来自家庭的消息:使用录音机,鼓励家庭成员在他们的家庭语言中录制简短的消息。当他或她心烦意乱或家庭时,这可以为孩子播放这一点。
    • 音乐:Include music tapes or CDs and songs from different cultures during music time.
    • 实地考察:参观社区文化地标。去看舞蹈团,播放或音乐表现,将拓宽儿童的文化视角。
    • 合作工作:鼓励孩子分组一起工作。这可以最大限度地减少学习英语的孩子的压力。狗万app怎么下载它还使儿童暴露于各种想法并鼓励创造力。
    • 小吃和饭菜:邀请家庭分享与孩子们的传统餐或小吃。


    Watch school-age children engage in exploration and discovery.


    • Provide thought-provoking materials and challenging games for school-age children to complete if or when they have some downtime.
    • Provide snacks or other healthy food to ensure children are ready to learn.
    • Provide a clean and safe space where children feel productive.
    • 为学龄儿童提供各种发育合适和文化多样化的书籍。
    • Model the values of caring, respect, honesty, and responsibility.
    • 确保空间是文化敏感的,并且没有不同的性别,种族或种族的负面描绘。
    • 邮政规则和期望。
    • 确保空间反映了学龄儿童的需求和利益。
    • Provide spaces where school-age children can cool down or de-stress.
    • Allow the school-age children to design or personalize part of the space.
    • 儿童和青少年可以实现活动use their strengths and abilities.



    所有种族的人,文化,种族,年龄,genders, and abilities should be represented equally and appropriately in your program materials. Take some time to look through the books, toys, and materials that are in your program space or classroom to ensure that children and families from diverse backgrounds are represented. Take a look at the文化和学龄儿童文学活动。使用此活动来查看儿童书籍,以获得常见的刻板印象和广泛的概括。使用您的教练,培训师或管理员分享您的结果。



    There are many resources to help you address the needs of all learners in your school-age program. In theResources for Your School-Age Programyou can find ideas offered by organizations and in journal articles about being culturally competent. Share some of these interesting resources and ideas with your administrator, trainer, or coach.



    学期 Description
    适应 Changes to instruction provided to a child based on his or her needs.
    实验 导致发现的测试。他们让孩子们发现理论是否正确或探索他们行为的结果。
    Investigations Long-term projects that allow children to research and learn about topics that interest them.
    Problem solving 在没有明显的解决方案存在时朝向目标的过程。
    科学探究 基于观察的自然界研究自然界和发展假设。








    Which of the following questions is NOT likely to spark curiosity and exploration?

    References & Resources


    Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010).对幼儿和自己的反偏见教育。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children

    Diem,K。G.(2004)。逐步实现生活技能发展的方法。New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Cooperative Research & Extension.


    Dyasi, H. (2000).What children gain bylearning through inquiry。Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation. Retrieved

    Purdue University. (2002).经验学习。狗万app怎么下载从...获得
